Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 453 The Hunting Ground

But the crocodile just turned his head and looked at her again, then spit out the half of his trouser legs in his mouth, and returned to the bottom of the pond one by one, and the pond slowly returned to calm, as if nothing had happened Calm, only Ye An'an, who has experienced it personally, knows that this pond is not as relaxing as it seems.

After the crocodile returned to the pond, Ye Anan still maintained the posture of preparing to escape for about 10 minutes. After confirming that the crocodile would not come back, he completely relaxed. Without any strength, he let the dagger fall by his side.

After she relaxed, she felt a slight pain in her leg. After stretching her leg up to her eyes, she saw a long scratch on her leg, and blood kept coming out. Come on, if there was such a wound in normal times, Ye An'an might not care too much about it and deal with it casually.

But this is in the forest, and the smell of blood is likely to attract some carnivorous animals, so that she will be attacked by those animals. The more Ye Anan thinks about it, the more frightened she is, seeing the wound that is still bleeding , somewhat at a loss, glanced at the grass around him, trying to find something that could stop the bleeding.

Ye Anan used to read about Chinese herbal medicine in the boring time when she was in school, so she still has some basic understanding of Chinese herbal medicine, at least she knows the kind of grass that can stop bleeding. She is very fortunate now When she was bored, she still had the habit of reading books, which expanded her knowledge.

The grass in the hunting ground has not been treated for a long time, so some things will really grow without anyone planting it. For example, the grass that stops bleeding that Ye Anan is looking for, she doesn't need to stand up to look for it , Just sitting on the spot like this, you can see a grass that stops bleeding beside the tree.

Ye Anan happily tore the grass down, without uprooting it and cutting off its vitality. "I didn't expect this hemostatic grass to exist." Ye Anan stroked the grass in his hand with emotion, brushed off the dust on it, and then put it in his mouth to chew the grass, but just bit out a little juice from the grass, Ye Anan The whole face is wrinkled.

He spit out the grass with a bah. "This is too bitter. The book only said that this grass can stop bleeding, but it didn't say that this grass would be so bitter." After muttering, Ye Anan applied the grass that was spit on his hand to the wound. , The expression on his face was distorted in pain.

Tear off a corner of the jacket, and bandage the wound in a simple way. In fact, it is just to prevent the herbs from falling off. She does not dare to tie it too tightly, for fear that it will affect the blood circulation and be harmful to the wound. After healed, he supported the tree and stood up after the treatment.

Trying to take two steps, I could feel the friction of the herbal medicine on my leg, and the medicine juice seeped into my wound bit by bit. The pain made Ye An'an feel a little bit sober when he was in a trance. He came over, gritted his teeth and moved forward step by step.

She can't stay in this place forever, although those crocodiles have returned to the bottom of the river, but who knows if they will rush out under the stimulation of this bloody smell, she can't even resist now She has no strength at all, so to be on the safe side, she should go to see if there is any place to avoid.

After meeting those deer, Li Jinzun did not encounter any danger in the forest for a long time, but the scope of this hunting ground was beyond his imagination, and he kept walking in one direction all the time, why? After such a long time, I should have seen the edge of the hunting ground.

But now why does he feel that he has just arrived in the middle of this hunting ground, and he doesn't seem to be reaching the edge at all, and the leaves on his head are only getting thicker and thicker, and there is no intention to bring him less light, He has been walking like this, but he is fine, and has no other thoughts.

But he didn't know if Ye An'an was as safe as he is now.When he was thinking this way, he heard a running sound not far away. It sounded like the sound of some animal chasing another animal. It was obviously two different running frequencies.

Li Jinyi had no intention of getting involved in this matter. After thinking for a while, he climbed up the tree, planning to return to the ground after the chase was over.

Not long after climbing up the tree, Li Jinzhen saw the deer he had seen before, but this time it was not a group of deer but a small deer that had been alone all the time. Before he could figure out why the deer would be alone, he I saw a wolf chasing after a deer.

With bared teeth, as soon as the deer tends to slow down, it will slap it with its palms, trying to catch the deer.Although Li Jinyi could tell that the deer's physical strength was a bit overdrawn, the running pace was slowing down bit by bit, and the distance between him and the wolf was constantly shortening.

If there is no unexpected situation at this time, this deer will not be able to escape the fate of being eaten. Although Li Jinyi has some sympathy for this deer, but in nature, the weak and the strong are like this. The deer did it once, but he definitely couldn't save him a second time.

The biggest problem for this deer is to be separated from its own herd. If there is a herd of deer, this wolf will not act rashly. The deer must pay the price for his stupidity, even the price of his life. He has not changed this rule.

But it is not for him to decide whether to stand by and watch. Sometimes this fate is so interesting. Just after being slapped by a wolf, the deer loses strength and falls under the tree where Li Jinzhen is. A heavy impact against a tree, Li Jinyi fell from the tree again because of a deer.

If there is a next time, when he goes up the tree, he will definitely use a rope to trap himself in the tree, so as not to have something to shake him down from the tree.

Li Jinjiu complained angrily, met the wolf's longing eyes, and glanced at his arm that was scratched by the tree trunk, a little blood oozed out, the successful wolf's attention shifted from the deer to himself The deer also realized that the wolf's eyes were not on him at the first time.

Immediately he cheered up and ran in another direction, dodging the wolf's slap.

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