Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 440 What to Do in Danger

When walking to the small path in the monitoring system, Guo Qixi suddenly raised his hand and said, "If you go further ahead from this place, isn't it the forest? The forest that Yuena said before is very dangerous and should not be approached." Walking here, He just remembered where this place is.

When they searched with An Ran just now, they passed from the other side, and when they reached this alley, they stopped and did not go in, so they have never searched for this place. If you know that the two of them The individual is missing here, and they will definitely come and take a look.

"Yes, in front is the hunting ground that we abandoned, that is, the forest you are talking about. For various reasons, that hunting ground has not been used, but it has not been used for a long time, and the wild beasts in it are also wanton. Long, we don’t have the time to deal with the animals inside, and we don’t want to waste that time and manpower, we just divide this place into a dangerous area and don’t let everyone in.”

Mr. Chen paused for a moment, and continued: "From the surveillance, it is at this place that Yuena and Ms. Ye separated. It seems that the direction where Ms. Ye was taken away after being knocked out by that man should be the forest, but we may We are going to separate here. I have to go to the other side to find Yue Na's whereabouts. I can't accompany you to Miss Ye. I will also send half of my staff to you. We will split up and the efficiency will be higher. "

Li Jinzhen also knew Mr. Chen's worry about Lou Yuena, so he didn't reject Mr. Chen's words. After the personnel were assigned, he took the crew and half of the crew to the forest without any hesitation. Walk.

Walking to the front of the forest fence, looking at the towering trees, and then referring to what Mr. Chen said just now, everyone felt that this place must be a very dangerous place, or that there were many dangers.

"Daddy! Look, does that bracelet over there look like Mommy's?" Just as Li Jinzun was lost in thought, Xiao Baozi suddenly pushed Li Jinzun's arm, and ran to the edge of the fence excitedly , pointing to the bracelet on an open space not far from the fence.

He squatted on the ground and tried his best to reach forward, trying to get the bracelet, but he was still young, his arm was not long enough, so he couldn't get the bracelet, so he could only look at the fact that it was one palm away from his own. distance.

Li Jinyi also looked over, her eyes fixed. If Xiao Baozi just doubted whether this bracelet belonged to Ye Anan, she was completely sure that the bracelet was the one she gave to Ye Anan. He was quite impressed with the things that went out, and it was not an ordinary bracelet, the texture and color on it were unique.

"You don't need to go get it, that's Ye Anan's bracelet." Li Jinzun pulled up the little bun who was still lying on the ground and said in a deep voice.

Li Jinyi's affirmative answer also dispelled the idea that Ye Anan might be taken to another place, and it was a joy to confirm Ye Anan's whereabouts, but Ye Anan was Being brought to such a dangerous place, everyone fell into silence for a moment.

It's just that during the time they were silent, Li Jinyi had turned over and got inside the railing.

"Mr. Li, it's dangerous inside. We should go back and figure out a way before we come back. Something may have happened to An'an, so you can't take him in too." An Ran was the first person who discovered that Li Jinzhang had turned inside. , hurriedly persuading her in a sharp voice, she was worried that Ye Anan was not wrong, but her reason clearly told her to think of a countermeasure before going in to find Ye Anan.

This hunting ground was clearly a dangerous place. If they were not careful, they might also encounter danger. They had to come up with a complete measure.

"That's right, Mr. Li, you go in alone like this, without even a weapon for defense. What if you encounter any danger? We have to go back first, let's arm ourselves before going in to save An'an." Dai Chu looked When Li Jinyi rolled over and went in like that, he was also surprised.

Li Jinyi didn't respond to their words, walked to the edge of the bracelet and bent down to pick it up, handed it to the little bun outside the railing, and rubbed his head: "Haoxuan put this thing away, wait for Ye Anan to pick it up." When it comes out, you hand it over to her yourself."

Little Baozi knew what Li Jinzhen meant, although he was eager to save people, he didn't want his father to have an accident, but Xiao Baozi didn't stop Li Jinzhen, he was still full of trust in Li Jinzhen. "Then Daddy, you have to bring Mommy back safely, and I will bring someone over to find you."

Li Jinyi didn't speak, and walked straight into the hunting ground.

"Now time is precious. If we waste a minute here, the people inside will be more dangerous. I know you are all my mommy's crew colleagues, and you are also worried about my mommy, but we are standing here waiting It doesn’t help anything.” After Li Jinzheng left, Xiao Baozi turned around and said to the large group of people behind him with a cold face, that his appearance was very different from his usual appearance, and he didn’t look like him at all. A child seemed to be another Li Jinyi standing here.

"Then what should we do now? It's not a good idea for everyone to go in together, and it may not be possible to rescue, and it may cause trouble." An Ran was the first to respond to Xiao Baozi, based on Xiao Baozi's current situation. With this aura, no one treats him as a child, and she is really worried about the two people inside.

The little bun gave An Ran an appreciative look, but now he lacks someone to cooperate with him. "Go back to the main castle and ask the butler for some self-defense weapons and equipment. This was a hunting ground before, and these things should still be equipped."

"We still need some medical personnel. We can't say for sure what's going on inside. We have to prepare everything that needs to be prepared. If Li Zong and An'an are injured when we find them, we can still take care of them as soon as possible." Healing." Dai Chu, as the director of the crew, naturally wanted to speak. Seeing such a responsible child who was raised at a young age, he felt that this kind of big family is really cruel. There is nothing else to say. Standing on Xiao Baozi's side.

In fact, even if there were no words from these two people, if Xiao Baozi's aura spoke out, no one would say anything else, and would only act according to Xiao Baozi's words.

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