Ye An'an was still a little uncomfortable with the staff's attitude, but he couldn't change anything, so he could only let them go, nodded and agreed, put down the script in his hand and walked to the set.

After Guo Qixi also took his position in front of the camera, Dai Chu started shooting directly, Ye Anan also quickly entered the plot, without a moment's procrastination, Guo Qixi's time to enter the scene was not much slower than Ye Anan.

Guo Qixi stared blankly at the scene in front of him, while Ye An'an stared at the grass for a while. If there was post-production at this time, Ye An'an should have been on the grass, but there was nothing on the set For Ye Anan's simulation, Ye Anan leaned forward with his whole body half-suspended.

In fact, this action was not in the script, it was just added by Ye Anan's temporary thought, and Dai Chu didn't stop Ye Anan's little idea.

"Brother Yongxing, why are you staying here alone? It's so cold here. I'll take you home? Where's my sister? Why didn't you stay with my sister?" Bai Meng looked at the sitting girl in surprise. Xue Yongxing on the ground.

Xue Yongxing didn't answer Bai Meng's words, and stared at Bai Meng with blurred eyes. After repeated confirmation, he patted Bai Meng's shoulder and smiled warmly: "Why are you here, Xiaomeng? This is not you, a girl. The place where the child should come, it's so late, you go back quickly, I have nothing to do, just sit here for a while."

"You still said it's okay, look at you now, you are still the brother Yongxing I usually know, what's wrong with you? Did you quarrel with my sister? Why are you arguing?" Bai Meng sat down with concern. By Xue Yongxing's side, his shoulders were draped, and almost his whole body was hung on his body.

Xue Yongxing also didn't notice that the gesture between the two was too intimate, he shook his head and raised the wine bottle in his hand, and drank directly.

Bai Meng grabbed Xue Yongxing's hand, pulled the wine bottle from his hand and put it beside her. "Okay, okay, it's alright if I don't mention this matter. Brother Yongxing, don't be unhappy. Didn't you tell me last time that you want to teach me how to dance? I think today's opportunity is very good."

"Dancing? Now? Another day." Xue Yongxing pointed at the moonlight above his head and shook his head.

It's a pity that Bai Meng is not the kind of person who changes his mind just because of his words, he grabbed Xue Yongxing's arm with both hands and shook it coquettishly: "Brother Yongxing, you see that you want to play tricks again, you did the same last time, agree You wanted to teach me how to dance, but in the end, you ran off to do the work yourself, I haven't seen you for a long time, and this time I won't let you just escape like this."

Xue Yongxing was amused by her words: "You child, I know that I promised you this matter, I must teach you, but it's this time today, shall we teach you next time?"

Bai Meng shook off Xue Yongxing's hand, pretending to be angry and said: "Hmph, you said that again, how many times have you declined this matter? Every time you say next time, I don't care, you are tonight If you don't teach me how to dance, I won't talk to you anymore, you always say nothing."

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what you say, I'll teach you today, get up, I'll teach you." Xue Yongxing stood up and staggered a few times. After finally standing still, he stretched out his hand towards Baimeng, inviting her.

The expression on Bai Meng's face turned cloudy, and he laughed, and took Xue Yongxing's arm. Xue Yongxing consciously put Bai Meng's hand on his shoulder, but according to the requirements of the dance, his hands should be hugged He held Bai Meng's waist, but he only held it virtual, and did not touch Bai Meng's waist.

"Brother Yongxing, what are you doing? You promised to teach me how to dance, but you didn't even position your hands properly." Bai Meng pointed to Xue Yongxing's hand holding his waist, and with a force, he His hand pressed tightly on his waist, not letting him move.

Xue Yongxing still struggled a few times at first, but after thinking about it later, he felt that Bai Meng's words made sense. Anyway, he now has a clear conscience and is just teaching Bai Meng to dance, so he naturally put his hand on it. It's just that the distance between Bai Meng and Xue Yongxing is getting closer and closer under Bai Meng's intention.

"Brother Yongxing, look at your hair is all loose, I'll tidy it up for you." Bai Meng was able to reach the tip of Xue Yongxing's hair with his hand, and tidied Xue Yongxing's hair carefully and attentively, but this hand touched it intentionally or unintentionally. Xue Yongxing's cochlea, Xue Yongxing's ears were a little itchy and moved, but he didn't care.

After Bai Meng finished tidying Xue Yongxing's hair, he honestly put his hands on Xue Yongxing's shoulders, and seemed to be learning that dance step seriously. "Oh, brother Yongxing, I stepped on you again." Bai Meng moved away the leg that was on Xue Yongxing's foot, and scratched her head in embarrassment.

Xue Yongxing didn't care about such a small problem as Bai Meng, and continued to teach Bai Meng to dance, but after Bai Meng stepped on Xue Yongxing's foot, he stirred up again, put his arms around Xue Yongxing's neck, and hung on Xue Yongxing's body. "Almost fell, the ground is too slippery."

However, she also defended herself in a timely manner, without making Xue Yongxing suspicious, but the hand hanging on Xue Yongxing's neck did not let go, and she kept dancing with Xue Yongxing in this posture, and her crisp shoulders were also exposed because of this posture. When he came out, the clothes with suspenders slipped off.

Xue Yongxing also slowly discovered that the distance between himself and Baimeng was getting closer and closer, and aware of Baimeng's intention, his reason was telling him to let go of Baimeng, but looking at Baimeng's smiling face, it was a strange coincidence. did not let go of her waist.

The effect of alcohol is also activated, making Xue Yongxing's brain consciousness gradually blurred, Bai Meng's face in front of her also overlaps with Bai Wei's face, giving her the illusion that she is dancing with Bai Wei now, and she is in a daze In the meantime, he also lost his consciousness and called out Bai Wei's name.

Bai Meng looked up and saw Xue Yongxing's unfocused eyes. Using this posture, he leaned his head on Xue Yongxing's shoulder, hugging Xue Yongxing like a koala, muttering something, then got up and put Xue Yongxing pulled his head down and tiptoed to kiss it.

But at this time, Guo Qixi dodged Ye Anan's approaching kiss, and Ye Anan also looked at Guo Qixi in astonishment. Dai Chu, who was behind the monitor, saw the expressions of the two of them, and called out in time.

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