Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 391 Inviting You to the First Dance

After Quan Tingmo came out of the restaurant, he followed Ye Anan all the time, like a personal flower protector. Ye Anan couldn't drive him away, so he had to let Quan Tingmo follow him. It wasn't a big deal anyway. Just follow along.

Ye Anan picked up her skirt and found a quiet place to sit down. She had no intention of going to the ball to dance, but Quan Tingmo would not just let Ye Anan sit in the corner so leisurely, in the prince's place. When she was about to start dancing, she immediately got up and walked to Ye Anan.

"An'an, shall we go dancing? You didn't even dance with me."

There were some complaints in Quan Tingmo's tone, but Ye An'an really didn't have that plan to go dancing, he waved his hands and said without wavering: "Mr. Quan should go to Miss Gu, don't talk about my dancing posture If it doesn't work, it will only embarrass you, just say that Miss Gu is already looking forward to it, and Mr. Quan can't make the beauty sad."

"Naturally, there will be someone dancing with her on Yuxi's side. Don't change the subject, An'an. I'm inviting you now. You asked me to dance with other women. It breaks my heart to say that." Quan Ting Although Mo Hua said so, the joke on his face did not show any sadness at all.

Ye Anan raised her forehead, she could already imagine how angry Gu Yuxi would be when she saw their situation here. "But before she could speak, the prince's voice was heard." This beautiful lady, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to dance this first dance? "

Prince Charlie stretched out his hand to Ye Anan in a gentlemanly manner, and looked at Ye Anan with a smile. Ye Anan was a little dazed, what's going on?Since when did you get so familiar with Prince Charlie?

The eyes of all the ladies in the audience followed Prince Charlie all the time when he was looking for a dance partner, imagining that he was the lucky one that the prince fell in love with, but now the prince actually invited a little-known little girl actor?This made the fire of jealousy in their hearts burn.

As long as the prince invites any famous lady around them, they will not have such a big emotion. How can I say that these famous ladies are all of equal status, but when an ordinary person like Ye Anan is chosen by the prince, they will not be so emotional. There is a gap, and it's not just the prince alone, there is also Quan Tingmo in front of Ye Anan who also maintains an inviting posture.

The scene of two people vying for one person made them even more dissatisfied. Among the people in the audience, only Lu Chimo maintained a clear mind. Seeing Ye Anan's troubled look, he took out The phone secretly took a photo and sent it to Li Jinchen.

There is a time difference of nearly eight hours between Li Jinyi's side and Gubao Country, and it's still early in the morning, and he hasn't seen the news of Lu Chimode.

Ye An'an, who was at the center of the matter, naturally felt the resentful eyes of the ladies around him, as if she was about to eat herself, Ye An'an shivered unconsciously with aversion to the cold, and looked at her face Of the two men who held out their hands, she actually didn't want to choose either.

Originally sitting in this corner was to stay away from this matter. If only Quan Tingmo was alone, she could still fool it, but now there is an extra Prince Charlie who is the focus of the crowd. His arrival will change this remote corner forever. It became the busiest place in the whole dance hall.

She was forced to make a choice. If she refused the prince, she could temporarily escape the hustle and bustle. Will be eaten alive by these women.

Ye An'an was really in trouble. At this moment, Quan Tingmo suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth. "An'an, this is a good opportunity. You have promised to pay me back a favor before."

Quan Tingmo's words captured Ye An'an's attention very powerfully. Anyway, he is dead anyway, so it is better to ask for more benefits. He put his hand on Quan Tingmo's without hesitation. Quan Tingmo Taking advantage of the situation, he held Ye Anan's hand, and gave Prince Charlie a look proudly.

Charlie watched Quan Tingmo take Ye Anan away, and smiled at their backs. It was really interesting to see Quan Tingmo's childish appearance. He didn't intend to dance with Ye Anan at first, but he never When he got off the stage, he happened to see Quan Tingmo and Ye An'an.

He wanted to tease Quan Tingmo, so he invited Ye An'an. This was a rare opportunity to provoke Quan Tingmo.

"Let's talk about it first. I really don't know how to dance. If I guess you later, don't blame me." When Ye Anan put Quan Tingmo on the shoulder, he explained a few words meaningfully.

Quan Tingmo didn't care about Ye Anan's words at all. It's not that he hasn't seen Ye Anan dance, and he still knows that she has a little foundation, but she doesn't know those skills. It doesn't matter if she doesn't, he can teach her.

When the music played, Quan Tingmo still cooperated with Ye Anan in the most basic dance steps in a regular manner. When he jumped to the middle, he stuck to Ye Anan's ear and said a few words, then let go of Ye Anan's waist With the upper arm, Ye Anan was thrown out with force.

Ye An'an was a little dazed, and didn't understand what Quan Tingmo meant when he told him to hold his hand tightly. If he didn't pay attention, he fell to the ground, but Quan Tingmo had no intention of letting Ye Anan fall.

Quickly pulled Ye An'an back, Ye An'an subconsciously grabbed Quan Tingmo's shoulder with the other hand, and after slowing down, he glared at Quan Tingmo viciously, and deliberately stepped on the wrong foot, firmly He stepped on Quan Tingmo's foot.

Quan Tingmo flinched in pain, but his face was still full of smiles. The feeling that Ye Anan was holding on to him because of nervousness just now made him feel happy for a while. Even Ye Anan lost his temper and stepped on his foot. He didn't feel angry at all.

After dancing without any risk, Ye Anan's cheeks were covered with sweat, and he walked to the edge of a table panting, took a glass of water from the servant's plate and drank it in two sips .

Quan Tingmo stood beside her and said with a smile: "Your physical strength is too weak, isn't it just a dance?"

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