Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 375 Looks like some kind of prince

"Impossible, my winery is on the edge of Andre's Castle, and I still have some understanding of the people and rules in Andre's Castle, how could they live in Andre's Castle, These few people must have been invited by them to fool us." Gu Yuxi said unconvinced when he saw the group of them walking outside with those gentlemen.

In fact, I still feel a little guilty in my heart. Although I live on the edge of Andre Castle, Andre's control is extremely strict, and they have no chance to understand, let alone meet the owner inside. The servants are rarely seen.It's just that she still doesn't believe that Dai Chu's crew can live in Andre's castle, so she said so.

Su Ruxin didn't respond to Gu Yuxi's words anymore. Now that Ye An'an and the others have already left, it doesn't make sense for her to cooperate with Gu Yuxi. She took a look at Gu Yuxi who was talking to herself, and took the lead to go outside the airport. Let's go, and the crew also followed. Seeing them like this, Gu Yuxi felt that she had lost face, but she could only keep up.

When they came out, they happened to see the last member of Dai Chu's crew getting into the car. Gu Yuxi carefully observed the sign on the car and was shocked. This... this car is really Andre Castle's car , the logo on the car is a unique logo of Castle Andre, there is no way to imitate it.

However, Gu Yuxi didn't say anything, and silently followed the crew and got into the car.

As for Ye Anan, after getting into the car, he also had the same question: "I just saw a sign on the car, which looks pretty good, does that sign have any special meaning?" An Ran looked at Lou Yue Na said.

Lin Ran replied: "I know! This logo is the family crest of the Andre family. I heard that only when the patriarch of the Andre family goes out, there will be a car with this family crest to pick him up, and Andre Basically, all the supplies of the Patriarch will have this family crest, which can be regarded as a sign of his status. Wait... so... our Mr. Chen is just..."

Following Lin Ran's explanation, all the eyes of the group turned to Mr. Chen, so Mr. Chen is actually the head of the Andre family!
"But, isn't it said on the Internet that the head of the Andre family is an old man in his 80s and [-]s, and there are several wives and children in the family, so they are about to start fighting for the family property?" Lin Ran Muttering timidly, she didn't do less homework before going out, even if Ye An'an might cause trouble in Andre's Castle, they didn't completely understand.

But there were only a few people in the car, and they were all silent. Lin Ran's voice could be heard clearly under such circumstances. Ye Anan coughed slightly with a strange expression, and covered Lin Ran He said awkwardly, "Sorry, sorry, my assistant is not very sensible, please don't be offended by Mr. Chen."

Mr. Chen waved his hand, not paying attention to what Lin Ran said. "Well, it doesn't matter. Castle Andre is strictly regulated, but it is also an important part of the castle country, so some people want to use this gimmick of Castle Andre to spread rumors, which is not reliable. The sexual ones are all made up."

A group of people nodded in understanding. It is indeed the same now. For the sake of popularity, they can say anything. They are all people in the entertainment circle, so they are very clear about this kind of thing.

"But Mr. Chen doesn't look like a man from the ancient castle. Shouldn't the head of the Andre family be from the ancient castle?" Lin Ran broke away from Ye Anan's hand covering her mouth, looked at Lou Yuena and said .

Lou Yuena turned her head to look at Mr. Chen and smiled. "Who said that the Andre family is from the ancient castle? Andre is originally a foreign family, our Chinese nobleman, but people don't know that Andre is so powerful in the ancient castle country, so he must be from the ancient castle. That's all."

"Oh, by the way, let me tell you in advance that we have a banquet that we need to attend tomorrow. It is my dear friend who said that I welcome us to the ancient castle country for filming. Everyone will give you a face and go to attend it. Give me a face .” Lou Yuena slapped her head, as if she suddenly remembered something important.

Mr. Chen's friend...should be someone with a high status, isn't it called flattery, they just want to worship him, okay?Several people looked at each other, and finally Zhang Zhang weakly raised his hand and asked: "Well, Yue Na, who is Mr. Chen's friend? Can you reveal it in advance so that we can prepare well and save ourselves from embarrassment."

Lou Yuena didn't care at all and said: "It seems to be a prince, I can't remember it, you just relax and be more casual, with my dear, no one will do anything to us, and This banquet is specially here to welcome us, there are no other outsiders, don't worry."

Prince... don't worry... now they know why Lou Yuena is so innocent, if they can also have such a background, they can also maintain their innocence.But they were just talking, and they didn't mean to be jealous of Lou Yuena.

For them, although their lives are not very good, they are still enjoyable, and they are just envious of Lou Yuena's simplicity.

"I remembered, tomorrow's banquet will be at the Kendia Palace." Lou Yuena added, not feeling how shocking what she said at all.

The Kendia Palace is where the royal family lives. People of their level are not qualified to enter the palace.A group of people consciously chose to shut up. They couldn't accept so much information at once, and some had indigestion.

As for Su Ruxin, she also received an invitation from the prince. "Kendia Palace is not something that anyone can go to if they want. The prince must have known that I brought friends back and came to entertain us." Gu Yuxi said proudly, letting out all the doubts and fears in her heart about Mr. Chen Forget it all.

"Brother Ember, shouldn't we contact domestic reporters and release this news? This has added a lot of light to our crew. If we say it, there will definitely be an upsurge of discussion in China. We The drama became popular before it aired."

Holding the gold-plated invitation letter, Su Ruxin was still a little excited. Although a big family like the Su family has seen all kinds of troubles, this is a good opportunity, and she is just waiting for this drama to make a comeback.Ember originally wanted to refuse, and he has always been repulsed by this kind of thing that relies on frivolous news to promote dramas.

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