Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 362 I am a woman from the slums

Ye Anan was a little hesitant, wondering if he should tell the story now, opened and closed his mouth several times, and put his hands behind his back awkwardly, making circles, like a student who was caught by the teacher and made a mistake.

Li Jinzhen put down his chopsticks, put his hands on the table and pressed his head, turned his head to look at Ye Anan and raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, after being tossed about by the people of the Su family, you are now enlightened, and you think you can get the moon first, see Taking this position of Mrs. Li, you want to come over in the middle of the night to deliver supper, and take the opportunity to secretly send glances?"

Ye Anan was thinking about how he should speak, but was interrupted by Li Jinchen, and was stunned. He looked at Li Jinchen in a daze, and after he realized it, he waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I don't have such a plan. I just saw that you didn't eat much at night, and I cooked another bowl of noodles for Haohao just now, so I thought I'd cook a bowl for you by the way."

"Don't worry about it, no matter whether you have such thoughts or not, I can't possibly have a crush on you. What do you think you are better than Su Ruxin? You need a figure but no figure, a background and no background." Li Jinzhen She satirized Ye An'an expressionlessly.

Ye An'an didn't care if he had something to talk to Li Jinchen, so he put his hips on his hips and said, "Yes, yes, I am a woman from a slum, how can I compare to the second lady of the Su family? It just so happens that I have never been right." If you have any thoughts, you can relax, and this noodle, if you don’t eat it, you can throw it down, don’t have to talk so much, just ask me to take it away.”

Li Jincheng sneered, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and stared at Ye An'an. "You are just a servant, how dare you get angry with me?"

Ye An'an ignored Li Jinzun's words, rolled his eyes, picked up the tray on the table, walked straight to the door, paused as if remembering something, folded it back and said, "I have something to report to you , I will go to a foreign country to film in two days."

After finishing speaking, she was about to go outside, but was stopped by Li Jin's voice: "Stop!" Ye An'an didn't know why she had to be obedient, anyway, by the time her brain came to her senses, she had already stood obediently in Li Jin's position. In front of Jin Zhen.

"You said you were going abroad to film a movie?" Li Jinzhen didn't show any emotional changes on his face, as if he was just asking casually.

Ye Anan tilted her head and thought for a while. "There is a need for the plot on the production team. The director doesn't want to use deduction pictures. For the sake of the integrity of the plot, I have to shoot on the spot. The location of the shooting has been negotiated, and we will go there. And I am the main character in the foreign shooting, so I have to go there, I should book a flight ticket tomorrow afternoon, and Lin Ran will go there with me then."

As far as he could think of, Ye An'an explained everything in detail.Seeing Ye An'an's honest and honest look, Li Jinzheng dissipated a lot of frustration in his heart, covered the corner of his mouth that was about to laugh, and said coldly: "Yes, you still know how to explain to me, it seems that you are right I still have a certain understanding of my identity. After leaving the country, follow the crew honestly and don't cause any trouble."

Ye An'an nodded again and again and said: "I know, I won't cause you any trouble. This time I'm just going out to film a movie, not to play. Don't worry if there is any trouble." On Jin's desk, without waiting for Li Jin's to speak, he trotted out of the room.

Li Jinchen looked at the noodles in front of him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and started to eat with a bowl. Not to mention, the taste was really good, and he really didn't eat much at the banquet, and it didn't take long. I ate up the noodles and drank half a bowl of soup. If Ye Anan saw this bowl, he would definitely laugh out loud.

After eating the noodles and drinking a few sips of water, he walked to the window, looked at the moon that was completely covered by dark clouds, took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Qiran's number.

"Hello? Who, it's the middle of the night so people can't sleep." Lin Qiran, who was woken up by the phone, naturally didn't have a good temper. He lay on the bed and picked up the phone that had been ringing without looking at the caller ID. , directly yelled in the past.

"I..." Li Jinyi responded, but Lin Qiran's voice suddenly fell silent.

Hearing Li Jinyu's voice, Lin Qiran shuddered, sat up abruptly from the bed, covered the receiver, rubbed his eyes with the other hand, and looked at the caller ID several times. After confirming that he read it correctly, his attitude changed, and he asked with a smile: "What's the matter? Boss, you don't need to sleep when you call me at such a late night?"

Li Jinyi ignored Lin Qiran's change of attitude after such a short effort, and directly stated his purpose: "Ye Anan is going to go abroad to film a movie recently? When? Who will be with you? How long will you be going?"

Lin Qiran heard Li Jinzhen's series of questions, and looked at the watch in front of the bed suspiciously. At one o'clock in the morning, what is wrong with Li Jinzhen?Come here at such a late night to ask about Ye Anan's whereabouts.

"Boss, although it is said that Ye An'an is Xinyao's artist, Ye An'an is not the only artist in Xinyao. If you care about everyone so much, will you keep making this call for a long time? And do you know now? What time is it, it doesn't matter what time you go to work as the CEO, I'm a part-time worker, so if I'm late, my salary will be deducted?" Lin Qiran wailed, and almost cried in front of Li Jinzheng.

Li Jinyi held the phone one meter away from herself, and waited for the sound from the phone to disappear before taking the phone back and sticking it to her ear. "No more nonsense, there will be no bonus this month."

Lin Qiran just eats money, even though he is not short of money, but no one thinks that he has little money.Immediately put away his wailing, and said solemnly: "Ye An'an will book a flight ticket to go abroad tomorrow afternoon. The news from the director is that it will take a week to shoot, but the specific situation depends on the shooting scene. If it goes well, I should be able to return to China in three or four days, and I will go out with the whole crew, and then I will ask Lin Ran to follow Ye Anan to ensure her safety."

"Okay, I see." Li Jinchen replied, just as he was about to hang up the phone, Lin Qiran's voice came out from the microphone again, making him hesitate to hang up the phone.

"Boss, if you're really worried, you can go there with Ye An'an. It's called an on-the-spot inspection of the company's artists' shooting situation. I think the director team will definitely not refuse." Lin Qiran said When gossiping, all the sleepiness disappeared, and he said with a smile.

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