"According to Mr. Li's words, there is still a possibility to buy medicines with serial numbers. How could Mr. Li know that this possibility will not happen? The world is originally made up of so many coincidences." Butler Li responded to Li Bai's words with a half-hearted smile, and the hands holding his clothes behind his back turned a little white from the force.

Li Bai did not deny Butler Li's words, but nodded in agreement: "Indeed, this possibility also exists." Butler Li breathed a sigh of relief, and before he could breathe out, Li Bai continued.

"If I remember this medicine correctly, it is a special medicine. It is very effective against chestnut allergies. It seems that the Su family is still very precious to your grandson. You know how to prepare this medicine." Li Bai He turned to look at Mother Su.

Seeing that Li Bai turned the conversation around, Mother Su thought that he was being sensible. Knowing the little friendship between the two families, she had no intention of disturbing any more troubles. She also showed a smile on her face, nodded and said, "That's right. Naturally, Haoxuan is the precious grandson of our Su family, and the only child left behind by Rumeng, we must love him, what's the best thing is not to send it to Haoxuan."

"That's right, but does Mrs. Su know that although this medicine is a special medicine, what is its biggest shortcoming?" Li Bai said with a smile, but this smile made Su's mother feel that there was something wrong inside, but Su's mother There was no way to answer his question, and she really didn't know the mystery of it.

Li Bai pulled over the medical staff of the Su family who had been standing by the side, put the medicine bottle in front of him and said, "They don't know, but you should know, the biggest disadvantage of this special medicine is that if you can't If people with allergies take it within 3 minutes, the efficacy of the medicine will only be half effective, which means that if the medicine is taken within 3 minutes after the person is allergic, its efficacy may not be as good as that of ordinary allergy medicines. Am i right?"

The medical staff's foreheads were covered with cold sweat, and they didn't dare to answer Li Bai's words. After Li Bai urged him a second time, they nodded in agreement.Li Bai patted his shoulder, nodded and said.

"Very good. It seems that you are a qualified doctor. It's just that I said it again. Since the Su family has already cleared everything related to chestnuts, how can they prepare this medicine? And, I come in I was still curious when I was there, the medical staff are waiting in the hall today, do they know something will happen?"

Li Bai's words did not directly expose the matter, but anyone with a brain should know some strange things about this matter, and some things slowly surfaced following Li Bai's words.

Su's mother didn't expect that all the things that had been planned today would be ruined by this medicine, and she glared at the medical staff.The medical staff knew that it was their fault, so they didn't dare to speak, and stood there silently, but the timidity in his heart could be seen from his slightly trembling hands.

Li Jinyi snorted coldly: "It seems that the Li family really cares about Hao Xuan very well, but now Hao Xuan has not fully recovered, so we will leave first, and we will not affect everyone's mood here."

Seeing Li Jinjiu's cold face, Su Ruxin became anxious all of a sudden, trotted up to Li Jinjiu, grabbed Li Jinjiu's hand and said, "Jinjiu, there must be some misunderstanding here, Hao Xuan is the most beloved child in our family, how could something happen to him in the Su family, someone must have tampered with it, trying to destroy the relationship between our two families."

Li Jinzhen didn't even raise his eyelids, but he stopped in his footsteps. Seeing Li Jinzhen's appearance, Su Ruxin felt that there was some drama, and continued: "You know how we treated Haoxuan before, how did we treat Haoxuan? What will they do to Hao Xuan?"

Su Ruxin would never let Li Jinzhen leave the Su family now, let alone what the relationship between the two of them would be like if Li Jinzhen left the Su family, let's just talk about this matter. Once Jin Zhen left like this, wouldn't the matter be hammered down?What face do they have after the Su family.

And the most important thing is that today they were going to announce their marriage, and Li Jinyi, the male client, has left. How can she announce this when she is left alone? Isn't this a joke?After finally picking an opportunity to announce this matter in front of everyone, she does not allow anything to spoil it.

However, if this matter is to be resolved, someone must be pushed out to bear all the responsibility for this crime.Su Ruxin thought about it, and felt that there was only one person who could be connected with this matter. Within a few minutes, Su Ruxin had an accurate plan and a candidate for the blame in his mind.

Li Jinyi glanced at Su Ruxin and didn't speak, but the little bun who was being led by him said, "Then tell me, who wants to harm me." Be a little sympathetic.Usually, he still knows how to save some face for the Su family, but now, he doesn't have this thought at all.

Su Ruxin was taken aback by Xiao Baozi's straightforward question, and after realizing it, she replied: "Xuanxuan, you are still a child, and you don't understand many things. Some people seem to be nice to you on the surface. Actually that’s not the case.”

Ye Anan raised her head and glanced at Su Ruxin when she heard the words, "What does Miss Su mean by this? Miss Su still thinks that I did this?" Ye Anan's tone didn't fluctuate at all, just looking at Su Ruxin like this core.

Su Ruxin smiled lightly and shook her head: "I didn't mean that, Miss Ye thought too much, I'm just stating a fact like this, Xuanxuan should also know how to tell whether the people around him are loyal to him or not."

"Haohao is just a child, there is no need to be exposed to this concept so early, and Miss Su seems to have not answered Xuanxuan's question." Ye Anan didn't want to entangle Su Ruxin any longer, Li Bai's words were enough for her Cleared of the charges, he turned his head and gave Li Bai a grateful look.

If Li Bai hadn't stood up, she wouldn't be able to clear up her grievance today, and she might have to be sent to the police station in front of so many people. In fact, it doesn't matter after she enters the police station, she can use the police's means to clear this matter up. It is also good to deal with it clearly.It's just that she didn't want to disappoint Xiao Baozi, and didn't want him to suffer in this process.

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