Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 348 Don't Let Me Down Next Time

Guo Qixi looked at Ye Anan differently. Before that, he hadn't learned what Ye Anan's acting skills were like. He only knew that Ye Anan was a newcomer with a lot of scandal. "That's right. No wonder you are drawn to Director Dai Chu. Those who can be attracted by him must have certain skills."

Ye Anan scratched her hair in embarrassment. "Thank you for your compliment. I enjoyed the scene just now."

Guo Qixi smiled, and his attitude towards Ye Anan was obviously much better than before. "There will be plenty of chances to play against each other in the future, so don't let me down next time." Guo Qixi patted Ye Anan on the shoulder and walked off the stage.

From now on, only Lou Yuena will be in the role. Ye Anan sits on the chair and cheers her up. Knowing that she is really a newcomer, this is her first attempt at acting, and it is all because of her love for the original work. Only then did I have the courage to join the crew.

Ye An'an was watching Lou Yuena's performance from below. From her perspective, she could also see some shortcomings, but when she saw it, she didn't look down on her because of this, but reflected on herself through her performance Is there such a deficiency in my body?

The overall filming went smoothly, there was only a few pauses at Lou Yuena's place, and everyone else passed it in one go.When people say such things, others will think they are talking big. Dai Chu is obviously in a good mood, picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: "Okay, today's filming can end here, let's go to have a hot pot How about celebrating?
Standing beside Ye Anan, Lin Qiran saw Ye Anan's hesitation, put his arm on Ye Anan's shoulder and said, "Go, it won't hurt to get to know your crew more, and you can also expand your network. I'll tell you, don't worry."

Before joining the crew, Lin Qiran discovered that something was wrong with the relationship between Ye Anan and Li Jinyi, but he was not a gossip person either, so he didn't ask any more questions, as long as he knew it wouldn't affect Ye Anan's schedule. It's okay, he doesn't have so much leisure time to worry about the two of them.

"An'an, don't you want to eat hot pot? We all raised our hands." Lou Yuena ran to Ye Anan's side, shook Ye Anan's arm and asked, looking at Ye Anan expectantly.

"Go, of course I'm going. I was just thinking about something and forgot to raise my hand." Seeing Lin Qiran's affirmative look, Ye An'an nodded. The shooting ended so early today, so it's okay to go back It is inevitable that we will run into Li Jinyi, so it is safer to stay outside for a while.

The group dressed up in disguise, didn't meet any reporters, and arrived at a relatively remote hot pot restaurant smoothly. The staff booked a box for themselves, and several leading actors took a box. There were not many people in the restaurant, and they The individual was well armed and did not cause a stir by being recognized.

When the boxes were closed, Lou Yuena couldn't wait to untie her mask, exhaled heavily, and slumped on the chair without bones, complaining: "Being a star is so troublesome, come out and eat something There is no way to stop the meal, do you usually eat like this?"

Ye Anan sat next to Lou Yuena, and it was funny to hear her complaining so innocently. Among the people present, Lou Yuena was the only one who hadn't been entangled by the media. Others should have been used to traveling like this for a long time Yes, but before she could respond to Lou Yuena's words, Zhang Zhang had already spoken first.

"You've just debuted, so you don't know what will happen if the media catches us having a meal. When Mi Mi finishes filming this show, you'll know that you're just having a meal, and the media can write an appointment for you. Zhang Zhang said with a smile, and handed the menu brought in by the waiter to the director.

Dai Chu didn't take the menu, but closed the window and drew the curtains, then took off his mask and sat down, "Why are you attacking them? Isn't it normal for newcomers who have just debuted to have some longing for the entertainment industry? If They are all like you, who would dare to enter the entertainment circle."

"Yes, yes, we must maintain the beautiful fantasy of the newcomers in the entertainment industry." Guo Qixi said. "But our dear director, can we order food? I'm almost starving."

After a day of getting along, Guo Qixi's nature was exposed, and he was not as cold as when he first met. After getting acquainted, he was quite easy-going. Ye Anan sighed in his heart, knowing that when we first met, these people's faces It's some disguise of myself, and this appearance is the most real appearance.

"Who won't let me order Flammulina velutipes, I'm in a hurry." An Ran looked around with those chopsticks, and everyone who stared at them waved their hands and shook their heads. "Just a little bit, I'll order a pot of Flammulina velutipes for you, and see if you can finish it." Guo Qixi muttered softly.

"What did you say? Do you think I can't hear you?" An Ran directly bypassed the director beside him, ran to Guo Qixi's side, and said, grabbing Guo Qixi's ear.

"Hey, my sister An Ran, can you maintain your temperament, there are two little sisters here, save some face for yourself, and save some face for me, otherwise how can I call myself in front of them? It's Big Brother." Guo Qixi begged for mercy in a low voice.

Ye Anan watched the interaction between the two with great interest. If the time had been moved earlier, she would have no way of imagining that An Ran, who was serious and irritable on the surface, was a grumpy sister and a bit silly in private, and Guo Qixi was also like that. Well, in the morning, she was putting on airs, but now she is not just begging for mercy after being bullied by An Ran.

"Okay, Sister An Ran, you'd better let Brother Qi Xi go, let's continue to order, my stomach really can't stand it anymore." Zhang Cheng said with a gentle smile.

Seeing that everyone present was staring at her, An Ran coughed lightly, sat on the seat, and glared at Zhang Zhang. "It's just you who talk a lot, hurry up, don't be long-winded."

The atmosphere in the box was a lot more relaxed after An Ran and Guo Qixi made such a fuss. Maybe everyone knew that among these people, more or less had the same experience as me, and their acceptance was also unlimited. Tolerant, without too many guards in my heart, I quickly became friends.

This was the only group of people Ye Anan met who were friendly to her after she entered the entertainment circle, and she felt a little more grateful to Dai Chu in her heart.

Hot pot is really a convenient food. After placing the order, the waiter has already put everything on the table within a short wait. "Come, come, eat, you don't have to be polite, anyway, you don't pay for this meal, the sponsor will pay for it, right, Yuena."

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