Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 335 It's all Ye An'an's fault

"Let me go, let go" When Lin Huan put his hand on Ye Xinxin's chest, Ye Xinxin began to resist desperately, kicking with both hands and feet, trying to remove Lin Huan from her body.

It's just that this kind of action not only failed to achieve the purpose he wanted, but also angered Lin Huan. Lin Huan straightened up, looked at Ye Xinxin with a sullen face, and waved his hand like a slap without mercy. Ye Xinxin's face swelled instantly Get up a piece.

"Don't be pushy, don't you want to play against each other? Then give me a good show, what are you doing with so many tricks, and it's of no benefit to you if you annoy me. We have already signed the contract, which is justified." Lin Huan Get off the sofa, sit on the coffee table, and stare at Ye Xinxin.

Ye Xinxin didn't dare to say anything, seeing that Lin Huan had already got up, she quickly pulled up her clothes and huddled into a ball to hide in the corner of the sofa, timidly raised her head and glanced at Lin Huan who was completely different from before, If she hadn't experienced it herself, she wouldn't believe anyone who told her that Lin Huan was like this.

"Our contract is just a contract for filming. Your current behavior is to be strong, do you know if you are strong!" Ye Xinxin was already on the verge of breaking down emotionally. With her mobile phone in her hand, she was ready to call the police and let the police come to save her.

"Strong? Ye Xinxin, don't be shameless, show me this contract carefully." Lin Huan sneered, took the contract out of the bag, and threw it in front of Ye Xinxin.

Ye Xinxin glanced at Lin Huan suspiciously. Seeing his complacent look, her heart skipped a beat. She hurriedly picked up the contract and read it word by word. When she saw a certain word, she joined the contract with trembling hands. I can't hold it. "No, it's not like this. Didn't you tell me that we are filming a youth romance drama?"

"It's a youth romance drama. You play the student and I play the teacher. Isn't that enough youth love?" Lin Huan raised the corner of her mouth, lit a cigarette and walked in front of Ye Xinxin, and blew the smoke ring onto her face. "The two of us are legally trading now. Put away your mobile phone. Even if the police come, they can't do anything. They will only annoy me. This will not do you any good."

"It's not true. I was tricked here too. This contract doesn't count at all. I'm not afraid. I don't want to make a large-scale movie even if I die. I don't want it. Director, just do it, let me go." Ye Xinxin begged, she couldn't believe that her beautiful imagination when she was eating just now was so shattered.

Lin Huan shook off her hand, looked at the embarrassed Ye Xinxin, pondered for a while and said: "We are all in black and white. If you want to break the contract and not shoot my drama, it's okay. I see it for your pity." I agree with you, but if you break the contract, you have to pay liquidated damages. It is clearly written in the contract. If you break the contract, you will have to pay 1000 million liquidated damages. As long as you can afford the 1000 million, our contract will be fine. terminate the contract."

Ye Xinxin was startled by this number, 1000 million?She has lived for so long and has not seen such a large number, what should she do?Ye Xinxin looked at Lin Huan at a loss, suddenly his eyes sank, and taking advantage of Lin Huan's inattention, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked Lin Huan's important parts.

Lin Huan clutched his lifeblood in pain and fell on the sofa. Ye Xin panicked, stumbled and ran out of the room, rushed to the stairwell and hid in a corner, leaning against the wall and curling herself into a ball , staring blankly at the stairs.What should she do now?She didn't want to make a large-scale film, and she couldn't repay the 1000 million liquidated damages.

Who can come and save her?Ye Xinxin wrapped her legs around her and hugged herself tightly, looking at the phone helplessly, Sister Ruxin, Sister Ruxin can definitely help her!Ye Xinxin still believes in Su Ruxin unconditionally, and the first person who thinks of her is her.

"Hello, sister Ruxin." Ye Xinxin choked up and called out.

"What's the matter? Xinxin, did the interview go well? It's okay, let's just find another drama. There are so many dramas, there must be one that suits you." Su Ruxin comforted Ye Xinxin's emotions.

When Ye Xinxin heard Su Ruxin's words, she couldn't hold it anymore, and burst into tears: "No, no, sister Ruxin, the director Lin Huan I came to see today, he is not a good guy, he lied to me I signed a contract for a tertiary film, what should I do now."

"What! A tertiary film! Why would you sign such a contract? I should have asked Huahua to go with you to meet the director, alas. If I could have signed you under Xinyao yesterday, such a thing would not have happened. It's gone." Su Ruxin sighed, and she didn't know whether she intentionally or unintentionally brought up the signing of Xinyao.

Ye Xinxin's mood was originally wrong, and when Su Ruxin raised her mouth like this, she remembered that Ye Anan refused her visa to Xinyao yesterday. If it wasn't for Ye Anan, she wouldn't be in such a state today.Ye Xinxin blamed everything on Ye Anan.

"But don't worry, I will investigate and see how this matter should be handled. Don't worry, I have other matters here, so I will hang up first." Su Ruxin hung up the phone , a parabola threw the mobile phone on the bed, and said to the servant next to him who was holding the mask to continue, and then lay leisurely on the reclining chair, allowing the servant to fiddle with his face.

"Ye Anan...Ye Anan...It's all because of you!" Ye Xinxin said through gritted teeth.


Seeing Ye An'an sneezed, Lin Ran asked nervously. "Are you okay? Don't catch a cold at this time. After finally accepting an endorsement, the filming is about to start. If you catch a cold, the director may have an ugly face."

Ye Anan waved his hand and patted her on the shoulder. "Okay, I'm in good health, how can I catch a cold, go and see if Yu Qi has brought the clothes over?"

"Here it is, I asked the staff on the way when the filming started, and it was delayed for a while." Yu Qi walked into the dressing room with his clothes in his arms, and said panting. "Change this one first, the director said to shoot this shot first."

Ye An'an nodded, put down the script in his hand, took over the clothes that Yu Qi had brought over, and changed into it. As soon as he came out of the dressing room, he heard the staff yelling with a loudspeaker to urge people outside, and he didn't dare to waste time. After tidying up a little bit, he walked out quickly.

The attitude of the staff in this crew towards Ye An'an is quite good, at least much friendlier than that of the ember crew.

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