Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 291 Reminder 1 Mr. Chi

"Oh Mommy, don't be nervous, there will definitely be a lot of positive comments, don't worry.

"The little bun calmed Ye Anan's emotions.

When Ye Anan took a deep breath and wanted to say that she was not nervous, the advertisement suddenly appeared, and she immediately held her breath, opened her eyes wide and looked at the big screen, and only dared to take a big breath when the advertisement was over. , On the day when the commercial was edited, she was supposed to go and watch it, but she was delayed by something, so this was the first time she saw the finished film of her own commercial.

"It's so pretty too, sister, she really looks like a fairy descended from the sky.

"Xiao Qi praised Ye An'an while holding Ye An'an's arm, as if there were stars in his eyes.

At the moment, Ye Anan's advertisement is being evaluated on the Internet. Most people are conquered by Ye Anan's fairy appearance and appearance. There are rainbow farts under Ye Anan's Weibo, and only a few A few people were still stubbornly brainwashed by Ye Anan's black material before, thinking that Ye Anan was not a good person, but just pretended to be good.

Just a commercial can set off such a wave on the Internet, which is enough to show how well-known Ye Anan is now.

Ember's movie also took advantage of this wave of discussions and officially announced the list of starring roles and posters, which created a wave of enthusiasm.

Some people went to see the cast because of the director, Ember, and some people already knew that Su Ruxin had played the role of the female lead, and went to cheer, but no matter what the reason was, those who went to Ember's Weibo , were shocked by Ember Aite's people.

Are they right?The first girl is Su Ruxin, and the second girl is Ye Anan?Can these two people get together to film together?Why don't you overthrow the crew?Everyone knows the entanglements between Ye An'an and Su Ruxin. Before Ye An'an snatched Su Ruxin's commercials, how could Su Ruxin live in face.

But no matter how suspicious they are, Ye An'an and Su Ruxin are already set to stay in the same crew. The marketing account sees that things between the two are so hot, and it just so happens that the commercial that the two are entangled with has just been released, so don't care Whether he is cooking cold rice or not, they launched analysis posts one after another, trying to figure out the entanglement between Ye An'an and Su Ruxin.

Seeing the heated discussion on the Internet, the production team also specially posted a Weibo saying that the relationship between the two is very friendly, Ye An'an can join their production team, and there are many Su Ruxin's friends in it. Credit it.

But the crew's explanation gave people a feeling that they were trying to cover up.

However, this kind of discussion made the popularity of this show unprecedentedly high. Yu Jin also saw those things on the Internet and knew that his show was already popular before it aired, but he didn't know if it was a good thing or not. During this period of time, he watched the clip of Ye Anan's audition several times, and she always felt that Ye Anan was like a pearl that had not been discovered by the world.

If Ye An'an is really allowed to perform this drama, then Su Ruxin is obviously a heroine next to her, but she looks like a shining pearl, making Ye An'an's acting skills even more attractive, making people unable to take their eyes off her , This kind of cognition made him hesitate, wondering if it was a wrong decision for him to agree to Su Ruxin to let Ye Anan participate in his play.

Regardless of whether Ember is still thinking about it or not, Ye Anan's advertisement is good anyway, and it was soon put on the LED board of Yucheng Shopping Center to show it repeatedly. Eye.

"Father, father, this elder sister is so beautiful, if only we could meet this elder sister.

" said a boy, pulling his father's hand beside him.

The man crouched in front of the boy, rubbing his hair and smiling.

"Xiao Nan likes this sister? As long as Xiao Nan likes it, Dad will do it for Xiao Nan. We will definitely meet this sister, and maybe we can get you an autograph.

"The man's words are a bit arrogant. According to Ye An'an's current popularity, it may be difficult to meet people. Those who pass by and hear the man's words can't help but glance at him, and after seeing the child in front of him, They all laughed, thinking that he was coaxing the children, and didn't take it seriously.

When Xiao Nan heard this, he didn't suspect that his words were false. He knew that his father was sober now. As long as it was a request from him, his father would do it, and what his father promised to himself would definitely be done. , but this is only possible when his father is awake.

When his father was drunk, he was still very scary. He would beat himself from time to time to vent his anger. He knew it was because his mother ran away with other uncles. When his father saw him, he would think of his mother, so he would be angry and beat himself. No, he wasn't mad at Dad, he was just a little scared.

"But before signing the autograph, let's find a dessert shop and buy a cake that Xiao Nan likes, okay?" Walking to the dessert shop across the road, I saw someone who had just arrived in Yucheng.

After the man walked to the dessert shop, he asked for a compartment and ordered a black forest and two cups of milk tea. After waiting for a long time, everything came up. The man took out a tablet that looked old and put it in front of Xiaonan. Touching Xiao Nan's head, Xiao Nan consciously took out the earphones from his pocket and played the cartoon again.

Dad said, you can't let your voice out in public places, it will disturb others.

Xiao Nan smiled at the man thinking about it, and the man rubbed Xiao Nan's head as if responding, and when Xiao Nan's cartoon started to play, she looked around to make sure there was no one nearby, then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Mr. Chi, I don't know if you still remember me? Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't remember, I just want to ask you if you are happy with the 1000 million?" The man leaned on the back of the chair, crossing his legs carelessly, Stir the milk tea in front of you.

As soon as Chi Nan heard this person's words, he knew who it was, and his heart skipped a beat. He finally sent away the doctor who knew what happened back then, but another one came. "What are you doing back?" Chi Nan said in a bad tone. Questioning the man, if he stood in front of the man, he would definitely grab his collar and say this sentence.

The man chuckled, "It's nothing, I just want to remind Mr. Chi of the deal we made before.


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