Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 287 Is Really Too Partial

Click on the recycle bin and see that there are no screenshots that should not be deleted. I remembered that when I wanted to delete after reading it that day, I was suddenly called by Mrs. Su, and I forgot about it afterwards. I was so annoyed His face turned cold.

"Who is that mouse you're talking about?" Su Ruxin said in a deep voice, in fact, she already had a candidate in her heart, and besides Yu Lina, she couldn't think of anyone else who would do such a thing.

The person on the other side of the microphone smiled and said, "That's the person you want.

"How far has Jin Zhen dealt with it now? Has that man confessed to me?" "After Su Ruxin cursed a few words secretly, she forced herself to calm down, knowing that now is not the time to complain, and the most important thing is Li Jinzhen.

"That man has something in my hands, so naturally he won't confess to you, but I don't know if Li Jinzun will follow this man to investigate. Although I asked myself that my hands and feet are clean, the Li family's information network But never a fish slipped through the net.

"Su Ruxin responded lightly, expressing that she already knew, hung up the phone, did not give the other party a chance to speak, and looked at the gradually brighter sky and meditated.

"Lin Ran, the reporters you contacted before can inform them of the time. We will hold this press conference in two hours.

"After Lin Qiran walked out of the police station, he got in the car and said to Lin Ran that everything has been clarified now, and he is waiting to clarify the black material on Ye An'an. After all, this is their most important thing." Purpose.

Ye An'an sat in the back seat and looked around, feeling a little tired. Li Jinzhen then looked at the other people in the car, his face was more or less tired, after all, after a whole night of tossing around.

"Let's squint for a while, there are still two hours.

"I couldn't help but opened my mouth to persuade.

Lin Qiran shook his head, knowing that Ye Anan was worried about them, but in this line of work, it's common for black and white to be upside down, so he didn't react too much, he was used to it.

"Yeah, I'm too tired, An'an, you have to cook us a good meal and reward us.

"However, he still used a more relaxed tone to ease the pressure in Ye Anan's heart.

"No problem, just report what you want to eat.

"Ye Anxin nodded thinking it was true, rolled up his sleeves, and had the idea of ​​doing something big.

"I want to eat braised pork, stir-fried asparagus, and stewed pork ribs with corn.

"Lin Ran was the first to raise his hand in response, and swallowed as he spoke, Ye Anan couldn't help laughing.

"Chestnut roast chicken, green pepper potato shreds.

"Lin Qiran also opened his mouth and said after Lin Ran.

"Sweet and sour pork, I want sweet and sour pork.

"Gong Ming also raised his hand impatiently and said.

Ye An'an remembered them one by one and nodded, then turned her gaze to Li Jinzun.

"Steamed eggs, braised taro.

"Li Jinzhen was watched by everyone, and he also silently reported the name of the dish.

The atmosphere in the car became relaxed after being so noisy, and Ye Anan went to the subsequent press conference with such a relaxed mood. Although the reporter raised some sharp questions, Ye Anan received After Li Jinzhen's soothing eyes, he was able to answer one by one.

There is also a live broadcast of the reception on the Internet. From the group ridicule at the beginning to the surprise when Ye Anan presented the evidence one by one later, some netizens even started to apologize under Ye Anan's Weibo.

Su Ruxin was also watching the live broadcast on the Internet. Although she was not reconciled to Ye An'an being washed clean like this, what she was most worried about now was Li Jinzhen's attitude. After seeing that Li Jinzhen did not mention her name until the end , knowing that Li Jinzhen did not continue to investigate further, he was relieved.

Thinking that he still had to meet with Li Jinchen, Tantan Li Jinhou's attitude could be completely relieved, he turned off the computer, tidied himself up briefly, and was ready to go out. Before going out, he ran into Yu Lina, viciously She glared at her, sooner or later she would give this creepy thing a good look.

"Sir, Miss Su has been waiting inside for a long time.

"Gong Ming pointed at the car after Li Jinzhen came out from the backstage.

Li Jinzhen nodded, walked to the edge of the car window and knocked on it, and after getting in the car, Su Ruxin asked with a worried face: "Jinzhen, Miss Ye is fine now, I'm only now after Miss Ye Being hacked so badly on the Internet, if I saw it earlier, I would definitely stand up and prove it for her.

"It's all right."

" Li Jinzhen nodded perfunctorily.

"Jinzhen, you don't think I did this, do you? This decision is impossible. You know that I have a good relationship with Ms. Ye. How could I do such a thing? Someone must be framed I, said bad things about me in front of you, so that you would dislike me, then she can take this opportunity to take the position.

Seeing Li Jinzun's indifferent attitude, Su Ruxin cut to the point, pouted aggrievedly.

The words were alluding to his innocence, and it was Yu Lina who framed him.

But Li Jinzhen's attitude was a little vague, he nodded and said: "I see." He neither pointed out the problems in Su Ruxin's words nor agreed with Su Ruxin's words, so Su Ruxin was a little uneasy.

"I knew that Jin Chen would definitely not doubt me just because someone said something casually.

"Su Ruxin choked up and said, with a hint of probing, rolling his eyes at Li Jinzhen thinking that no one saw it.

Little did they know that Li Jinzhen had noticed all her small movements, and nodded without denying her words. Although Li Jinzhen did not comfort her emotions, Su Ruxin's mood improved because of Li Jinzhen's nodding.

"Is there something else for Jinzhen later? Why don't we go have breakfast together?" Su Ruxin asked timidly, and was about to signal the driver to come up and drive.

Li Jinzhang made a move and opened the car door.

"No, I still have something to do, go and eat by yourself.

"After finishing speaking, he quickly got out of the car and closed the door for her.

"How is it? What did the CEO say? Did you give Su Ruxin a hard reprimand?" Lin Ran approached Gong Ming and asked in a low voice.

"No..." Gong Ming didn't intend to respond to Lin Ran's words at first, but he suddenly thought of Ye An'an's position in Li Jinhou's heart, so he answered Lin Ran's words.

"Mister just told Miss Su not to mention this matter in the future.

""Ah... It's obvious that Su Ruxin has messed up all this. The CEO really exposed it lightly. It's really too biased. We, An'an, have suffered a lot of grievances because of this matter.

" Lin Ran muttered dissatisfied.

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