Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 279 Do I deserve to be like this now?

They felt that Ye Anan's attitude was too arrogant. There must be someone behind Ye Anan's support, or Ye Anan's courage was given by her benefactor, so who is the person behind her?For a while, countless scandals about Ye Anan emerged.

"I heard that Ye An'an is very close to a recent new actor. Does that new actor have some background?" "Don't get involved with our Xiaonan, he's just a new actor and doesn't have any resources yet." , just got the company's fancy, and then took the same scene with Ye An'an.

"Is it the movie king Lu?"Isn't it rumored that the actor Lu has already asked Ye Anan to see the ring? (The dog's head saves his life)" "I'll let you fart, don't have nothing to do, let us actor Lu speak out, isn't it just a commercial?Why are there so many rumors coming out! "Anyway, after this statement came out, there was chaos on the Internet, and they said everything, but these people all have a common goal, which is Heiye An'an.

The attitude given by Ye Anan is very clear, but whenever you see a Weibo that puts Ye Anan's black material, there will be a comment below Ye Anan's lawyer's letter. This attitude really makes some people who just want to Those who wanted to make troubles accepted their actions, but those who deliberately wanted Heiye An'an did not restrain themselves at all, but became more and more arrogant.

At this time, some different voices gradually appeared on the Internet. Some people who claimed to be victims began to stand up and explain some of the situations they encountered in front of the supermarket. It was Ye An'an who found the navy, but gradually the number of victims changed from one to two, and now there are more than a dozen people. Things are a little different.

When many people wanted to pick up these people to spray Ye An'an, after careful study, they found that their experiences at the entrance of the supermarket were very similar, and among these people, some of them disappeared because they were cheated of money by the security guards, and never stood up to expose the security guards. , Some don't want to suffer this boring loss, don't call the security guard this money, and then get wronged by the security guard loudly at the entrance of the supermarket just like Ye An'an.

And after these people were wronged for stealing from the supermarket, some of them were fired by the company because of their poor conduct, and because of this incident, they lost the family’s only source of income. The old mother was hospitalized and failed to pay. Missed the best time for medical treatment, lost loved ones, and some were wronged, and the husband of the family filed for divorce because of this, and was accused of bad morality. He never found a husband and lived with his daughter.

Aren't they pitiful?Doesn't it deserve sympathy?The person who took the lead in the incident asked indignantly at the back of his article: Why do you want to pay a silent tribute to the person who killed a thousand knives?Is it because he committed suicide, is it pitiful enough for him to die once and for all?what about me?My wife and family are broken up, do I deserve to be like this?Because of such accusations, the voices on the Internet gradually showed signs of loosening. Some people have already begun to shake their minds, thinking that Ye Anan's behavior was not wrong, and what happened afterwards was just a coincidence. Pushing it to Ye An'an, if Ye An'an hadn't exposed the security guard's true face, it is unknown how many families would have been destroyed because of the security guard's evil deeds.

But there are still some people who think that Ye Anan's statement is so unreasonable, maybe these people who stand up and speak out are just trolls that Ye Anan found out.

After a dispute arose over this matter, netizens began to find their own evidence and wanted to confirm their views. Among the netizens who felt that Ye Anan's behavior was not wrong, many of them were in the supermarket at the time. The witnesses at the scene rummaged through their mobile phones to find the video taken at the entrance of the supermarket, and posted it on the Internet.

This is a video of Ye Anan being wronged by the security guards at the entrance of the supermarket. There is no follow-up of the security guards being taken away. Ye An'an, but all kinds of people, who were loudly wronged by the security guards, and some who were supposed to settle down after giving money.

Wave after wave of real videos has changed the attitude of netizens. It used to be basically a hacker on the entire Internet. Now only a small number of people still maintain their disgust towards Ye Anan, while most people have begun to criticize Ye Anan. The one who thought of Su Xiao's family didn't think that if Su Xiao's father hadn't wronged others like he did before, he wouldn't be able to find a job after being exposed by Ye An'an after he came out of the police station. It's Ye Anan's body.

Some extreme people have even started to attack Su Xiao personally based on Su Xiao's video.

Ye An'an, Li Jinzhen and the others have been paying attention to the developments on the Internet since they issued the statement. From the anger of the netizens at the beginning to the later Gong Ming contacted the victims and asked them to speak on the Internet. The change of netizens' attitudes was all within Lin Qiran's expectations, and later netizens spontaneously found evidence for Ye Anan, which was an unexpected harvest. Ye Anan thought this matter was over, but he didn't expect netizens to Attack Su Xiao.

This made Ye An'an, who didn't want to involve the child in the first place, feel a little uncomfortable. He hesitated for a moment, looked up at Lin Qiran who was sitting opposite him and said, "Can I make another statement?" Lin Qiran asked Mei seemed to have guessed Ye Anan's plan.

"Tell me what you think.

"But he still gave Ye Anan a chance to speak. He didn't intend to kill Ye Anan's ideas. Although he was Ye Anan's manager, he didn't want to curb Ye Anan's growth and development.

"I think that although we are in public relations, we want to clarify that those things after that have nothing to do with me, so that netizens should not listen to rumors and push all things to me, but although we are now moving toward success A big step forward in the direction, but these remarks on the Internet have already involved that innocent child, which is not what I want to see.

"Ye Anan spoke her thoughts honestly, she felt that Lin Qiran would understand her thoughts and agree with what she was going to do next.

"Just do what you want, if something happens, I'm still there, oh no, your boss is still there.


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