Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 273 Very Annoyed

Lin Ran felt that her head was getting bigger, but she didn't mean to blame Ye An'an, but simply felt that the assistant's workload was too much.

Ye An'an thought that what happened in the custom shop this afternoon could be explained. Just as Lin Ran met his puzzled eyes and wanted to explain to himself, he noticed Li Jinzhen's cold gaze and suddenly dared not He opened his mouth again, closed his mouth tightly, and sat obediently on the sofa, like a wronged child who made a mistake. Lin Ran didn't dare to ask any more questions, and sat on the sofa like Ye Anan.

Gong Ming felt that the atmosphere was a bit too rigid, so he explained knowingly: "Let's talk about everything after Manager Lin comes over. None of us here are as professional as he is, and we might be fine if we just blindly discuss here for a few hours. Nothing from Manager Lin's words was as useful.

Lin Ran nodded in agreement. She believed in Lin Qiran's professional ability unconditionally. The four of them just waited for Lin Qiran's arrival in silence. The sound of the electric bell was like a signal, which made Ye An'an feel relieved. The child hangs to the highest point.

Lin Qiran is still the same, criticize this person with hair that almost covers his eyes, wearing a pair of trousers, drooping slippers, and an ordinary T-shirt on top, if no one says that this person is the famous Lin Qiran, go On the road, no one would look at him more often, and some would even go a little further to avoid contact with him.

"What's going on, call me over while I'm still sleeping, you'd better tell me something urgent.

"Lin Qiran irritatedly rubbed her already messy hair, kicked off the slippers on her feet and stepped on the floor directly, walked a few steps quickly and fell on the sofa, hugging the pillow, as if if you don't speak, I will She looks like she's asleep.

Lin Ran volunteered to raise his hand to speak, and Gong Ming also wanted to talk about it. He turned his head and looked at Li Jinzun, and seeing Li Jinzun nodding, he pushed back a step to let Lin Ran speak. He actually didn't want to say anything, but was just worried. Lin Ran's nonsense will only waste time.

"Senior, it's like this, I think you should have seen a little ups and downs on the Internet about the incident in front of the supermarket.

"Lin Ran thought that before talking about the matter, he should first explain the development of the matter clearly, otherwise Lin Qiran might not be able to understand it.

Lin Qiran recalled it in his mind. After knowing that Ye Anan was his artist, he paid more attention on the Internet, so he also saw what Lin Ran said. People misunderstood that it was a thief who stole things and bullied others, but didn't some netizens stand up and clarify for Ye Anan later?So he didn't pay much attention to this matter, and it wasn't too much trouble at the time.

After seeing Lin Qiran nodding, Lin Ran continued, "Because the incident wasn't a big deal on the Internet at that time, and the security guard had already been sent to the police station by us, and the supermarket security job had already been lost, so we don't care about this matter. I didn't pay attention to it anymore, but the matter fermented secretly until today it broke out completely.

"Lin Ran was a little emotional. When she saw this incident on the Internet, she couldn't calm down. Now that she had to repeat it, her mood was even more ups and downs.

"After the security guard was dismissed, I don't know whether it was because of this criminal record or someone's instigation. Anyway, no one is willing to take in the security guard, so he completely lost his source of income. At this time, the security guard's mother also Suffering from a disease, because of lack of money, the hospital was reluctant to perform the operation for a long time, so he could only rely on the medicine until his mother's life was suspended, but this was just a delaying measure, because his mother did not receive timely treatment. died.

Lin Ran paused, calmed down and continued.

"During the period of treatment for my mother, the security guard found a lot of banks, including some improper loan companies, and borrowed a large amount of money. Without financial resources, he was simply unable to repay the debt. After the date when the security guard repaid the money, these people began to press for debts. Fortunately, the bank said something and took legitimate legal channels, while those loan companies were not easy to mess with. You also know the debt collection method on the table, and it is as desperate as a loan company to collect debts.

"Ye An'an can probably understand why Li Jinzhen gave herself a worried look when she heard this. It's hard to deal with such a thing if it falls on anyone's head. She thought that the matter would end here, but she didn't expect Lin Ran to drink it. After drooling, he started talking again.

"These are just things that happened to the security guard. Remember that little boy, the boy who hit An An and stuffed things in An An's bag. Since the incident in the supermarket was exposed, some students in the boy's class have I saw that the boy was being pushed out overtly and secretly. Although the boy had done something wrong, he was still just a little kid after all. Being so isolated would inevitably make him feel uncomfortable.

"Lin Ran's most distressed thing in this whole thing is this child.

"The next development, I think you should be clear about it. The security guard has no job, and he has a criminal record in the police station. His reputation is not very good, and he can't find a job. This leads to him not being paid. If the money is not paid, the loan company will have to press again, and my child will be excluded in school because of myself. Such pressures add up, and no one can bear it, so the security guard committed suicide directly in one night. , leaving only one child in the world.

"Ye Anan sighed, as if someone had grabbed a piece of her heart, it hurt so much, she felt guilty for the security guard, but also felt pity for the innocent child, she could still think of the child and laughed How pretty she looks, but now she has become like this because of her.

"Where's the child's mother? Why didn't the child's mother stand up to protect her child?" After listening to the whole story told by Lin Ran, Gong Ming keenly grasped what was wrong, even though he saw that article on the Internet. The article, but the article only briefly said about it, most of the words were reprimanding Ye Anan, the description of the security guard's family was not as detailed as Lin Ran said, it seems that Lin Ran saw this matter After that, I did my homework.

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