Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 160 My Angel

Ye Anan didn't want to dampen Lin Ran's high enthusiasm, so he poured cold water on her, so he had to pretend to be helpless: "But, it's a pity, I didn't leave my contact information for Louis, I guess they will find it now even if they want to. Not to me."

"That's not necessarily the case." Lin Ran was not persuaded by Ye Anan's words, his face was full of complacency, and he pointed at Ye Anan's cell phone and said swearingly. "Just watch, there will definitely be a call from your mobile phone later."

Before Ye Anan opened his mouth to refute her words, he really felt a vibration in his hand, and then the phone rang, a strange call.

Ye Anan looked at Lin Ran in surprise, and slid to the answer button. "Hi, hello, I'm Ye An'an, may I ask who you are?" I don't know who called, but Ye An'an's attitude was very polite, maybe someone saw the resume she submitted before.

"Secretly, ohMyangel, Ifinally found you." (I finally found you, my angel.)
Broken Mandarin, mixed with English and this familiar voice.Ye Anan unconsciously raised her eyes to look at Lin Ran.

Sensing her gaze, Lin Ran nodded triumphantly, and readily admitted that he had given Ye Anan's phone number to Louis.

The thing is like this, for the past few days, she followed Su Ruxin to the production crew every day to gain favorability, and happened to see Luis squatting in a corner with his head dejected, and couldn't help but went up and asked Luis what was going on.Louis said that he couldn't find his angel, and when she thought about it, she felt that this was Ye Anan's chance, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and copied Ye Anan's phone number to Louis.

"Ihaven't see you these days, my heart is empty and I don'thave any idea to make a movie. Please come backquickly. AnAngel." (I haven't seen you these days, my heart is empty, I don't have the mind to film, you can come back soon, I I don’t want to use that Su as my heroine. Only you can be my heroine. Except you, no one can make the feeling I want. Have you seen the comments on you on Weibo? They are all in Said you were an angel.)
Louis told Ye Anan everything he could say, and tried his best to persuade Ye Anan to return to the crew.Ye An'an, on the other hand, was very dazed, calmed down his complicated mood, and coughed very solemnly.

"I'm sorry, Louis, I can't accept your request to be your heroine." (Sorry, Louis, I can't accept your request to be your heroine.)
"Why? Noonecanbecompetentforthisroleexceptyou.ThisisaroletailoredtoJustforYou.Isitbecausethebrandsidedoesnotagree?Itdoesn'tmatter,Icanhelpoutocommunicate. inionofyou." (Why? No one but you is qualified for this role. This is a role tailor-made for you. I'm afraid of the brand Does Fang disagree? It’s okay, I can help you to communicate, now that your popularity is so high, they must be willing to use you as the heroine, and those people on the Internet also speak highly of you. .)
When Louis heard Ye Anan's refusal, he persuaded him incoherently. If he was in front of Ye Anan now, he would definitely grab her hand, his face full of grievances.

Ye Anan knew that Louis's regard and love for her came from the bottom of her heart, so she couldn't bear to refuse his request, but even if she agreed, the brand would definitely not agree to it under the pressure of Li Jinyi of.Rather than let him have a spark of hope and then be extinguished, it is better to let him not have a spark of hope.

"Louis, youlistentome, Idon'twanttogobacktobeyourheroine, it'snotabrandproblem, it'snotanyotherproblem, it'ssimplythatIdon'twanttomakeamovie, Idon'twanttobeanactor. PerhapsIamreallynotsuitableforthisjob, soyoudon'thavetoperssuademeanymore.I'mreallysor ry." (Louis, listen to me, I'm not going back to be Your heroine is not a problem with the brand, nor is it any other problem. I simply don’t want to be a filmmaker. I don’t want to be an actor. Maybe it’s because I’m really not suitable for this line of work, so you don’t have to Stop trying to persuade me. I’m really sorry.)
This time, Ye Anan didn't wait for Louis to speak, and hung up the phone first, and then listened, she couldn't guarantee whether she still had the determination to reject him.

When Ye Anan answered the phone, Lin Ran kept listening, but the more she listened, the more she felt that something was wrong. She didn't speak when Ye Anan was still on the phone. Seeing that Ye Anan hung up the phone, she was busy. He leaned forward, took her hand, and asked anxiously: "What's going on? Are you really not going to shoot this commercial? Your expressive ability is so good, you are born to eat the rice in the entertainment industry." .”

"I'm sorry, Ran, I haven't told you before. I really don't have the heart to be an actor now, and have unrealistic star dreams. I just want to live a peaceful life. So you don't want to be an actor anymore. Tell me about shooting commercials." Ye Anan said firmly, but there was no light in his eyes.

Lin Ran opened her mouth to say something more, but she didn't say anything yet.

Ye An'an shook her head to signal that she didn't need to persuade her anymore, she put aside her hand, walked to the computer, and read the information on the computer intently.

Lin Ran looked at Ye An'an, as if she was really not interested in acting, but she couldn't ignore the lonely atmosphere around her, and shook her head helplessly.

Maybe there is something unspeakable, after all, living in this world is not easy for anyone.

But I also feel that it's a pity that Ye An'an just gave up acting like this. He is obviously a person in front of the camera with shining eyes, and he is very serious about acting.Compared with her family's artiste Su Ruxin who is unwilling to improve her acting skills and is obsessed with her current brilliance, compared with the resources given to her by the Li family, she is simply a model in the entertainment industry.

Just like what her idol once said, no matter who she is, as long as she works hard on her own and with external help, she will definitely become the most shining star.

She thinks that Ye An'an is that star, but she hasn't bloomed her own light yet, as long as someone can appear by her side, polish her, and send her back to the sky, she will be able to shine on everyone, Let everyone be fascinated by her.

But now that Ye An'an has given up such an opportunity, no one can help her.So the submersion of one star made her feel really very pity, but Ye Anan's attitude was so firm, she couldn't say anything else.

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