Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 158 If You Don't Shoot Now, It's a Violation of Contract

No matter what kind of turmoil is going on here, Louis still wants Ye Anan to be the heroine of his commercial, and happily re-edits and customizes his advertising plan for Ye Anan, and takes a taxi non-stop. I went to the studio of the brand side and handed them the plan.

"Sorry, Louis, we can't pass this plan." (Sorry, Louis, we can't pass this plan.) The person in charge of the brand side glanced at the plan, saw the name of the heroine on it, and closed it and returned it. to Louis.

Louis glanced at the brand side in doubt, and then carefully looked at his own plan. After confirming that there was no problem, he asked: "Why can'tit be passed? I think the current plan is more beautiful and attractive than the previous one, isn'tit? Besides, youcanseemyangel'sactingskill. myplan." (Why can't it be passed? I think the current plan is more beautiful and attractive than the previous one, isn't it? And you can also see my angel's acting skills. She can definitely act like that, so I need a reason for you to reject my proposal.)
The brand side was a little hesitant. He admitted that if this plan could be implemented, there would indeed be great repercussions, but he had to comply with the requirements of the people above him. He organized his own needs and tried his best to let Louis understand what he didn't want. Reasons for agreeing to this proposal.

"I know your new plan is better, but Mr. Li has already informed that the leading lady in this advertisement must be misssuruxin.therefore, this not your plant that is not good, but you, the leading lady, who cannot do it." Miss Xin, so, it's not that your plan is bad, but that you, the heroine, are not good.)
Louis didn't expect to get such an answer. He is a director, not a businessman. He only cares about who can make his filming better, so he has no way to understand Li Jinzhen's approach.Frowning, his face was full of displeasure.

"Since you can't make the decision, then I'll go to Li's theory. Licertainly didn't see how good-looking the images presented by myangelin the video insideare." )
Seeing that Louis was so stubborn, the brand side had a headache and pulled Louis' wrist to stop him from going outside, and said helplessly: "Louis, you don't commit tom foolery, Shirley always since made this decision, will not be easily changed, andhedidn'thave the time to listen to you you say these words" , since Mr. Li has made this decision, he won’t change it easily, and he doesn’t have the time to listen to what you say)

"Then Iwon'tshoot. If myheroineisnotmyangel, Iwon'tbeinterestedinshootingthisadvertisementeither." He threw the proposal book on the ground, and angrily unbuttoned the two buttons on the collar of his clothes.

Although I was a little impatient with Louis's behavior of throwing a temper, after all, we are a director who needs to cooperate, so the brand owner could only suppress the impatience in his heart, and said with some warning: "Louis, we have already signed the contract. Have you forgotten? If you don't shoot now, this is a reach of contract , sonomatterhowyoudon'twantto, youhavetoshootthisadvertisement." (Louis, we have already signed the contract, have you forgotten? If you don't shoot now, it is a breach of contract, so no matter how unwilling you are, you can't stop shooting this advertisement)

Louis, who came back from the brand studio, felt a little aggrieved, feeling that Ye Anan's acting skills would be buried in such a way, but he couldn't do anything but just watch.

From the computer, he retrieved the video of Ye Anan's audition that day before importing it, and watched it over and over again, Ye Anan's frowns, smiles, sorrows and joys were all projected in his mind.

After watching this for most of the night, Louis suddenly stood up from the chair, smiled obsessively at the computer, and tapped his fingers on the computer quickly.

Within a few minutes, there was a bombardment on the Internet. Almost everyone was reposting a rough-looking video, but there was still something wrong with the intimate action of Lu Chimo and an unknown girl on the cover. Few people clicked to read it, and then followed the forwarding team.

In this way, one person after another, the number of videos on demand soon exceeded [-] million.

"Hey, Xiaoyi, do you know who this woman is hugging with me, Film King Lu?" In a certain Internet cafe, a girl took off her earmuffs and pointed to the magnified face of Ye Anan on the computer and asked Friends sitting next door.

My friend, Xiaoyi, shook her head with a puzzled expression, then took the girl's hand and persuaded her, "I know you always thought that the actor Lu was your husband, but now that he has a partner, don't be impulsive, he breaks the law." of."

The girl shook her hand away, looked at her inexplicably and said, "What are you talking about? This woman and my husband filmed a scene together, and it looks like it's just a sideshow made by the on-site staff. , but this girl acted really well, she hugged my husband, and I don’t even hate her at all.” Then I clicked on the video and watched it several times.

This kind of dialogue was repeated in countless places on this night. Whether it is Lu Chimo's fans or ordinary passers-by, after watching it, they couldn't help but admire that Ye An'an is the angel himself, not only beautiful , the acting is still so good.

Until a questioning voice appeared out of place.

"This video looks like the advertisement that Su Ruxin received before, what is it called GA, right? Why isn't the girl who is filming with the actor Lu in this tidbit not Su Ruxin? Could it be that Su Ruxin has been replaced?"

No matter what kind of drastic changes there are on the Internet, Ye An'an is always running around with his life, completely ignorant of what's happening on the Internet.On the second day when she lived in Lin Ran's house, she went out to cash the check at the bank. Some of the money was saved to pay the family's high living expenses and medical expenses, and the other part was directly transferred to Chi South.

The reason why I didn't take it out and give it to Chi Nan was because I really didn't have the time and energy, and if I gave it to Chi Nan face to face, he would definitely say something to educate her, and then he would definitely not ask for the money.

Moreover, the accumulated medical expenses that Chi Nan paid for her father over the years were really too much. She spent most of the money that Li Jinzun gave her to barely repay one-third of what she owed to Chi Nan.

She is now in urgent need of a job to support her living expenses and money for accommodation.

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