Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 153 It's okay, don't worry

Ye Anan's heart was beating a bit, and the fists hanging by the skirt were slightly clenched. Did the director not shout out, did he want to continue acting?He looked up at Lu Chimo hesitantly.

Lu Chimo looked at Ye Anan, the affection in his eyes remained unchanged, and the hand holding Ye Anan's wrist changed from a virtual grip to a firm grip, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He has never filmed kissing scenes with any actresses, those in the movies are filmed by borrowing seats, but today he actually wanted to continue like this, of course he knew that the audition could be over, but he just didn’t Raise your hand to signal the end.

But Li Jinzun in the audience had read the script and knew that the intimate scene would follow, his face darkened, and he frowned and stared at Ye An'an firmly.

Ye An'an didn't get a response from Lu Chimo, and while secretly thinking about Lu Chimo's dedication, he set up defenses for himself.

It's all right, it's just filming, it's not real, what's there to be nervous about, Actor Lu doesn't mind kissing you, how dare you despise him?

The script is to write that the heroine stands on tiptoe and kisses the hero on the lips, and the hero responds by hugging her waist tightly.Ye Anan recalled the plot in his mind, just thinking about it made his face feel hot.

He took a small step forward, and the distance between the two was even more appropriate. The wrist was around Lu Chimo's neck, pressing his face down, while he stood on tiptoe to get up.

When Li Jinzhen saw this, his heart skipped a beat, he let go of his hand, and walked forward quickly, trying to tear Ye Anan's hand away and stop the audition.

Just as he approached Ye An'an, the temporarily suspended lights above the heads of the three of them for added effect began to falter.When Lu Chimo heard the movement, he quickly broke away from the plot, and seeing the lamp that was about to fall from his head, he had a bad secret.Subconsciously, she wanted to pull Ye Anan and escape.

But he was a step slower, with his hands hanging in mid-air, he stared blankly at Li Jinjiu grabbing Ye Anan's shoulder, then pushed her away, and the lamp slammed onto his shoulder violently.

Such a change made the scene panic.

No one expected that the chandelier would fall and hit the two protagonists just in time, and what was even more unexpected was that Li Jinzhen would rush up to the stage to push Ye Anan away.

Because the timing was just right, no one thought there was anything wrong with Li Jinjiu rushing to the stage, they only thought that he was the one who rescued Ye Anan by Su, perfectly concealing Li Jinjiu's real motive of preventing the two from kissing.

It's a pity that others didn't find out what was inappropriate, but the two people present who knew Li Jinzhen frowned at the same time.

How could Jinchen care about the safety of a babysitter? It's definitely not that simple.Su Ruxin clenched her fists unwillingly, glared at Ye An'an bitterly, and then walked quickly to Li Jinzun's side.

And the other person who thinks something is wrong is Lu Chimo, he is the person who saw Li Jinjiu's expression and actions most directly, he knows that Li Jinjiu definitely didn't rush up because of saving Ye Anan, maybe he wanted to stop him and Ye Anan from bothering. Personal kissing?He guessed, but he didn't show it on his face.

Ye An'an, who was pushed to the ground, didn't know what happened at all, and clutched her chest in a daze. When Li Jinzun pushed her down just now, her hand was pressing on her chest, she was a little shy Standing up, he wanted to reprimand him, but when he turned his head, he saw Li Jinzun lying on the ground with a face full of pain.

Instantly understood what happened just now, all the shyness and anger were left behind by her, leaving only worry and anxiety, and rushed to Li Jinyou's side to ask him how he was feeling now, but she was caught up just in time Su Ruxin pushed it away forcefully.

When Li Jinzun wanted to get closer, there were already staff members around him, and she couldn't squeeze in at all.

"Quickly contact the nearest hospital and ask them to send an ambulance. The president cannot be moved by our private car now, and the wound will deteriorate." I don't know which staff member it is, but they arranged it in an orderly manner.

Taking out the temporary stretcher that had been prepared by the crew, several people worked together to carefully move Li Jincheng onto the stretcher, trying not to touch his wound as much as possible, and quickly lifted the stretcher and walked out.

A group of people walked out of the studio surrounded by Li Jinzun, Ye Anan's eyes followed Li Jinzun's all the time, and when he couldn't see anyone else, he retracted his gaze and looked at the suddenly empty place, feeling a little ache in his heart for some reason.

"Okay, it's okay, don't worry." Lu Chimo didn't follow Li Jinzun to leave, but walked to Ye Anan's side, patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

"Sir, he won't hurt anything, right?" Ye Anan didn't know whether his current worry and anxiety was because Li Jinzhen saved her or something else.
Lu Chimo walked from Ye Anan's side to her, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and half-forced her to meet his eyes. "No, Jinzhen will have nothing to do with him. If you are worried, follow me to see if I can take you there?"

Ye An'an couldn't calm down at all right now, he could only follow Lu Chimo's words one by one, raised his foot in a panic and was about to walk towards the door, but was stopped by Lu Chimo again, turning his head in doubt look at him.

Lu Chimo held his forehead helplessly, and glanced up and down at Ye An'an. "Are you going to wear this suit?"

kindness?Ye An'an looked at himself strangely, in a daze, and shook his head embarrassingly. "Then I'll change clothes first, soon, just wait for me for a while."

As for Li Jinzun's side, when he was sent to the hospital, his consciousness had gradually become clear. He looked around at some people around him, but he didn't find Ye An'an, so he frowned.

"Jinjiu, how do you feel now? We're going to the hospital soon." Su Ruxin stayed by Li Jinjiu's side all the time, and discovered that Li Jinjiu had awakened in time, so she quickly got up from the chair, squatted beside the stretcher and asked .

"It's okay." Li Jinzhen wanted to ask Ye An'an where he was now, but felt that he lost face again, so he simply responded to Su Ruxin's words indifferently, then closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Su Ruxin didn't think there was anything wrong with Li Jinzhen's attitude, so she picked up the towel that was put aside and wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

When they arrived at the hospital, the dean and a group of doctors and nurses were already standing at the door to welcome them. When they saw Su Ruxin who came down, they rushed up to greet her, "Miss Su, the doctor has prepared everything, and I will definitely give Li a The president handled it well."

Su Ruxin didn't have the heart to deal with the principal right now, so she asked them to deal with Li Jinhou's injury quickly.

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