Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 146 One Heaven and One Underground

Louis had to admit that he liked Su Ruxin's performance, but he always felt that something was missing. If he hadn't met Ye Anan, he might have forced himself to accept Su Ruxin, but with Ye Anan, he really He didn't want to settle down, he wanted to see what surprises Ye Anan could bring him.

And Ye Anan, who was expected by Louis, is actually hesitant now. Su Ruxin's performance made her feel great and surprised. Her previous thoughts and Su Ruxin had a hint of repetition. With her original thinking, she felt that she probably had no way to beat Su Ruxin. She fell into deep thought, and she simply had 10 minutes of thinking time.

"Again!" Louis made a cheering gesture at Ye Anan, speaking in his poor Chinese, Ye Anan's mood gradually relaxed with his funny Chinese, and the blankness in his eyes was replaced by affirmation .

Subconsciously, he glanced at the place where Li Jinzhen was, and found that Li Jinzhen was not looking at her at all. He took a deep breath, and signaled to the staff that he could go on stage.

I communicated with the staff next to the stage, and brought basins of water and some bottles and cans to the stage. Although the staff didn't understand, they still did what she said.Only then did Ye Anan walk backstage in peace of mind and put on a small professional suit.

Carrying the documents that Su Ruxin had just used in his arms, he walked onto the stage. At first glance, he seemed to be a bit of a duplicate of Su Ruxin in terms of roles. Louis frowned, thinking that Ye Anan must have his own intentions, and worried again. Putting it back in his pocket, he quietly watched Ye Anan's performance.

Ye Anan threw the document on the ground casually, and then walked towards the front of the stage step by step, untied her neatly tied hair while walking, fiddled with it a few times, then took off the earrings on her ears, and threw them away like the document , and then unbutton the suit, let the suit slide down to the ground naturally, revealing the basic short sleeves that GA has been selling all the time, with a satisfied smile on his face, under the circumstances that all the staff did not understand , and put his hand on the button of the suit pants, unbuttoned it and took it off, revealing his true colors in a pair of GA casual shorts.

Step by step, I took off all the external clothes when I was playing, walked to the prepared face, picked up the bottle next to it, squeezed it on my hand to make foam, touched my face and rubbed it, and then rinsed it with water. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he seemed to be watching something with great interest.

"Okay, my performance is over here." Ye Anan exhaled foul breath, stood up and bowed politely.

Although he was very surprised by Ye Anan's performance and couldn't understand what Ye Anan was expressing, he still showed the recorded video to the judges on the spot as a matter of business.

Several people gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

"This amateur, oh, yes, his name is Ye An'an, right? What's he thinking? Why can't I understand?" The staff scratched their heads in doubt.

"Tch, she must want to take off her clothes and get out of the way. I've seen this kind of woman a lot." Another staff member packed up the things in his hands without even raising his head.

The staff standing next to her stopped their work and retorted disapprovingly: "If she wants to take off her clothes to stand out, she should take them off completely. Why are you still wearing GA's clothes inside? It's obvious Is there any other meaning, okay?"

No matter how the staff understood it, on the judges side, after watching the video, Louis danced and said: "Good, thisiswhatIwanttofeel, notthekuiismyangelandIareempathy, canunderstandmyfeelings." Angel, you are connected with me, you can understand my feelings)
The brand side shook his head in disapproval. "This is obviously not as rich as the one above, why is it very good."

Before Louis opened his mouth to explain, Su Ruxin's manager Wu Huahua stood up dissatisfied. "Director Louis, I know you like this Ye Anan, but this is a competition after all, you can't bring in subjective factors, just favor Ye Anan, our Ruxin's performance is not as good as Ye Anan, please tell me."

Wu Huahua's attitude was very tough. Louis frowned after understanding her meaning under the interpreter's explanation, and said displeasedly: "Myheroinewantsmetomakethedecision.Canyouunderstandwhatmyangelmeans?Ithasnothingtodowithme. of The heroine, I want to be the master. Whether you can understand what my angel means has nothing to do with me. I have to admit that Su Ruxin's performance is good, but compared with my angel, it is a heaven. one underground.)
Lu Chimo originally wanted to watch the excitement quietly, but when he received Li Jinzun's gaze, he rolled his eyes indecently, and then stood between the two of them like a peacemaker, pulling their distance away some.

"Why don't we call Ye Anan over first and ask what Ye Anan wants to explain?" Lu Chimo said in a gentle tone, but even without Li Jinzun's instructions, he would stand up, after all, his impression of Ye Anan Not bad, we can't really make others think that Ye Anan wants to become famous.

When Ye Anan was brought over by the staff, he walked to Ye Anan's side and put his shoulders on his shoulders and said, "What idea did you just talk about in this video, how do you think about it, the brand side may need you to explain it .”

Ye An'an blushed when Lu Chimo touched her like this, and hurriedly hid to the side, then calmed down a little excited, and looked at the brand. "I acted as a white-collar worker who came home exhausted after a day's work. From undressing to makeup removal, one of GA's concepts is to face yourself. What I want to express is that no matter how tired you are at the end of the day, change Wearing GA's clothes allows you to be the truest self, without having to pretend to be emotional, and to live out yourself."

After being explained in this way, the staff member who just talked about Ye Anan suddenly realized that the previous series of performances were the most authentic portrayal of himself at home. Putting on the most comfortable clothes, removing the thick makeup on his face, Sitting casually on the sofa, kowtow melon seeds and watch TV.

Many people were overwhelmed by Ye Anan's performance, and their attitude towards Ye Anan was also quite friendly.

"There is still a competition that needs to be played against the actor Lu. You can go to the dressing room to put on your makeup first, and I will call you when the competition starts." The staff reminded Ye An'an with a smile on their faces, and put their hands on Handed her the script on the screen.

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