Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 125 Mr. Comes Back More Frequently Recently

Standing up from the chair in a hurry, "Hello." He folded his hands on his knees and greeted him cautiously.

"Miss Ye, don't be nervous. Our three-day training requires your cooperation to complete it smoothly." The woman pointed to the chair and motioned Ye Anan to sit down.

Ye Anan took a deep breath, calmed down, and sat on the chair, knowing that the next three days would be difficult for him, but he had to put in some effort before he could achieve anything. "Okay. I will try my best to cooperate."

Xiao Baozi and Xiao Qi saw that their teaching was about to start, so they spontaneously exited the room and closed the door by the way.

"Sure, you can find a teacher who looks so good." Xiao Baozi gave Xiao Qi a thumbs up.Xiaoqi raised her head proudly. "You don't even look at who I am, the daughter of the mighty film king of the mainland, how can I not know some teaching teachers." After all, I also started learning from a young age.

The two came down the stairs talking and laughing, and after telling the housekeeper not to disturb Ye An'an, they nestled down on the sofa with peace of mind, turned on the TV and watched leisurely.

"I don't know what Ms. Ye's opinion is about acting? I think I need to judge the level of your understanding of acting, so that I can improve your acting skills better." The woman was as serious as studying homework asked.

Ye Anan lowered his head and thought for a while about the knowledge he learned in school. "Acting is to convey the emotions of the characters in the play to the audience. Through some actions and expressions, the audience feels appropriate and real." Understanding acting, Ye An'an said it with a little panic.

The woman was silent for a while, and said, "Ms. Ye seems to have a too general understanding of acting. I think Ms. Ye must have studied acting before, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a big concept."

"Yes, I have studied acting for a while, but I haven't been exposed to it since then." Ye Anan didn't expect the woman to know that she had studied acting all of a sudden, and honestly admitted it.

"Acting, as Ms. Ye said, is to present the rigid characters in the script to the audience with flesh and blood. But how can the audience experience that emotion? This is a very important point. If you can't grasp the scale , the expression will become very exaggerated, or make people feel blunt and boring.”

The woman didn't go deep into Ye An'an's past, and told all she knew about acting skills. As for how much Ye An'an could understand, it was out of her scope of consideration.

Ye Anan listened to these theoretical knowledge very seriously, even more seriously than when he was in class, like a sponge short of water, absorbing crazily.

"Daddy, are you back?" Little Baozi lay on the back of the sofa with a straw in his mouth, looking at Li Jinchen who came in from the door.

Li Jinzhen looked up at him, nodded to show that he heard, and opened his arms slightly so that Angela took off his coat, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Angela stood at the entrance and asked the housekeeper next to her in a low voice: "Housekeeper, have you noticed that Mr. has come back more frequently recently? He used to go to work until midnight before returning home, and these days he leaves work on time. Then come back for dinner."

The butler nodded with a smile on his mouth, and did not answer Angela's words, but from his expression, it could be seen that he was in a very happy mood. After Ye An'an settled down these days, laughter often came from upstairs. It added a lot of warmth to the usually cold Li house, and even the husband liked to come back for dinner.

"Did Daddy not work overtime today?" Little Baozi looked at Li Jinzhen suspiciously. In the past, Li Jinzhen often worked overtime at the company until he fell asleep before coming back, so they seldom had dinner together, but these days, Li Jinzhen No overtime.

Li Jinjiu paused, "There's nothing going on in the company recently, so I don't need to work overtime." He calmly leaned on the sofa, watched the series on TV, curled his lips in boredom.

If Gong Ming, who was still in the office, heard Li Jinzun's words, he would probably be depressed. After all, he didn't sleep more than three hours a day recently.

"That's great." Xiao Baozi clapped his hands excitedly, he didn't think deeply about why Li Jinjiu didn't have to work overtime all of a sudden, anyway, it was good for him that Li Jinjiu could be by his side, and he didn't need to care about other things.

"Sir, are you ready to eat now? The kitchen is ready, and Ms. Ye is still doing exercises upstairs." The housekeeper walked to Li Jincheng's side to ask for instructions, paused, and told Ye Anan's whereabouts.

"Practice?" Li Jinzhen raised his eyebrows in doubt.What exercises does that woman do?
"That's right, Daddy, Xiaoqi hired a teacher for Mommy today to teach Mommy how to act. Mommy is serious about learning, and she didn't even come down for lunch." Xiao Baozi said This one is full of pride.

Li Jinzhen nodded without answering, and sent the butler up to ask Ye Anan to have dinner, then took Xiao Baozi and Xiao Qi to the restaurant.

Boom~ The housekeeper stood at the door and knocked a few times, waiting for a response from inside.

"Come in." After Ye An'an's crisp voice sounded, the housekeeper pressed the doorknob, pushed the door in, and saw Ye An'an, who was sweating profusely, and a woman standing leisurely by the side. Although he was puzzled, he didn't speak. Asked, lowered his head and said: "Miss Ye should go down to have dinner, sir has already returned."

Ye Anan took out a tissue and wiped the sweat stains that kept dripping down his forehead. He wanted to go downstairs, but he let it go when he heard that Li Jinchen had returned. "I'll eat later, let them eat first, I'm practicing for a while."

Before the housekeeper could answer, the woman spoke first: "Miss Ye, your training today is enough. You don't need to continue training. Now you need to replenish your strength. Also, my class time is over." The woman raised her head. Glancing at the time on the watch, he said coldly.

"Well, then I'll ask the butler to take you out first." Ye Anan bowed respectfully, and smiled apologetically at the butler: "I'll trouble the butler, I'll clean up a little and go down by myself."

The housekeeper nodded and made a gesture of invitation, and the two walked out of the room, leaving Ye An'an alone in the room. The door in the room hadn't been opened yet, enough to see things, but it was a little dim.

Seeing that the people had disappeared, Ye Anan sat cross-legged on the ground, and had no intention of going downstairs at all. Since what happened that night, she has been able to hide as far as she can from Li Jinyi.

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