Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 1200 No need, just her

Gong Ming told Xiao Qi exactly what he said, looking at the child standing in front of a big table solemnly fiddling with clothes, he still doesn't know how there are so many things in Xiao Qi's mind.

"Is that what little uncle said? It's too stingy. How much is it? If you don't pay me, then he shouldn't want my clothes to be mass-produced. He really doesn't understand women. This clothes Ah, it's because of the small quantity that they are able to sell so well, which one of those noble ladies wants to use my clothes to flaunt their status." Xiao Qi curled her lips, put down the ruler in her hand, and returned to her In front of the desk, I looked carefully at several recently famous models.

Gong Ming was silent and didn't speak, Xiao Qi said whatever he wanted, if he wanted to talk to him, he would just hit Xiao Qi's gun, looking for trouble for nothing.

"Which model do you think I should choose? The people in Yucheng are not very good, I don't like it, but the models outside may not have this schedule." Xiaoqi was embarrassed and covered the entire table All her clothes are made by imagining Ye Anan's appearance in her mind. Except for Ye Anan, she can't think of anyone who can wear her clothes with such charm .

"I don't know much about these models. Miss Xiaoqi can choose by herself. Since none of the models in Yucheng suit Miss Xiaoqi, she can choose them outside. The schedule can still be discussed. "Gong Ming won't give Xiao Qi a choice, so as to save Xiao Qi from blaming him if he doesn't like it, it's better to just give Xiao Qi a direction.

Xiaoqi nodded, thinking it made sense, as long as the fee was high enough, it would not be difficult to find a favorite model. Thinking of this, she patiently looked at the table and took all the photos of people in Yucheng. After removing it, only one-third of the photos remained, but it still took a lot of time to look at them one by one.

At the beginning, Xiaoqi was very patient in reading, but gradually felt that the resumes given by everyone were similar, and the appearance in the photos was not what he liked, so he gradually lost patience until he got an unremarkable resume. I put the photo in the corner, took a picture of the table and stood up.

"That's the only person, hurry up and contact her agent for me, no matter when her schedule is, I can wait, or you can add more money!"

Seeing Xiao Qi's sudden excitement, Gong Ming walked up to Xiao Qi unexpectedly, and took the photo that Xiao Qi was holding. He was a little curious about what kind of woman could fall into Xiao Qi's eyes, and let her have such The strong reaction is all about this person.

Seeing the person in the photo, Gong Ming didn't think there was anything special about it, it was just a beautiful woman, and he didn't know why it gave Xiao Qi such a big reaction. "Miss Xiao Qi didn't even read the next photos? Maybe there will be someone more suitable?" To be on the safe side, Gong Ming asked Xiao Qi to read the photos that she hadn't seen, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing if she missed something. The person she likes, this fault will be pushed to him again.

"No need, she's the only one. My fashion model is none other than her. You go and find me a copy of her detailed information. I want to design a suit of clothes for her."

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