Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 1197 Pressed the confirmation button for the little bun

Gong Ming also came back quickly, not long after Li Jinzhen's words fell, he rushed in, panting, and carried the computer to Xiao Baozi. "When I went to Ms. Ye's house just now, Ms. Ye's landlord happened to be cleaning it and said that Ms. Ye would not rent this room. I asked her who said she would not rent this room. She said it was Ms. Ye's child. , I guess Chi Nan and Nan Nan have gone to Miss Ye's house to look for it."

"Is there anything inside that has been turned over?" Li Jinzhen turned his head and asked, Chi Nan will arrive at Ye Anan's house so quickly, maybe there is some direction to look for, follow Chi Nan to find something new clues?

"When I went, the landlord had already disturbed me inside, but according to what she said, Chi Nan and Nan Nan just packed some of Nan Nan's clothes, leaving the other things untouched, and ordered her to clean them up. You can throw it away, you don't need to keep it, and I gave her a cleaning fee." Gong Ming had already asked the landlord all possible clues in the past, and only after seeing that there were really no clues It took some time to come back with the suitcase of Xiaobaozi.

Xiao Baozi thought about it for a while: "Just staying in my mommy's house for such a week, there should be no clues to doubt." At that time, he was paying attention to Ye An'an's every move, and observed After looking at the people around Ye Anan, he didn't find anything wrong.

"Send a few people to follow Chi Nan, don't let them find out, if you have any clues, report it in time, and if Quan Tingmo has any unusual behavior today." To be on the safe side, Li Jinzheng still let people know Following Chi Nan, thinking that there might be some results, he didn't have particularly high expectations, and Quan Tingmo's side was just a daily suspicion.

"Okay Mr. Li, there seems to be nothing unusual about Mr. Quan. He is still working overtime in the company. He wants to criticize our project. He doesn't go anywhere else. Those who returned to Quan's house rarely even walked around the palace."

During the time when the two of them were talking, Xiao Baozi had already begun to try to restore the contents of the monitor. He had always boasted that there was nothing difficult to get his little Baozi in terms of computers. Faster and faster.

Li Jinzhen's attention was always on Xiao Baozi. Seeing Xiao Baozi's abnormal expression, he went to Xiao Baozi's side and took a look. There were strings of codes on Xiao Baozi's computer. "Is there no way to restore this damaged fragment?"

"No, that group of people directly deleted the record from the source. There is no trace at all. Only part of the monitored content has been modified. This can be restored, but it will take me half an hour. The restoration process is relatively long, and if you don’t pay attention, all the data will be cleared.”

Xiao Baozi was a little apprehensive, he didn't dare to type any code on the computer at random, for fear that if he made a mistake in one step, the data would be lost. This was the last evidence that Ye An'an could be found.

"Just do it with peace of mind. Surveillance is just an auxiliary means. Even without this surveillance, we can find other ways to find An An." Li Jinzhang put a hand on Xiao Baozi's shoulder and pressed down on Xiao Baozi's Enter.

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