Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 117 Be My Only Angel

Li Jinzun was very impatient with Louis's rambling but didn't get to the point, but he couldn't interrupt him, so he frowned.

"From the moment Isaw you, I knew that the heroine of my next advertisement must be you. Noone
canbecompetentexceptyou.Therefore,mangel,canyoupromisetobemyonlyheroine?”(Ever since I saw you, I knew that the heroine of my next commercial must be you, and no one else can be competent except you, so, my angel, you can promise to be my only heroine the heroine)
After talking so much, Louis finally got to the point. He rubbed his hands, and waited for Ye Anan's answer with some worry.

Ye Anan remained silent and did not respond immediately.But Xiao Baozi was very excited. If this Luis wanted Mommy to shoot commercials, then Mommy would be able to open up foreign markets at once. This is a rare and good opportunity, and it is more reliable than Yu Xiaojin's movies There are many spectrums.

After thinking about it, he turned his head to tell Ye Anan the general meaning of what Louis said just now, but before he could speak, he heard Ye Anan's voice.

"Director Louis, thank you very much for your loveforme, but was your decision too hasty?" (Director Louis, thank you for liking me so much, but was your decision too hasty?)
Ye Anan not only understood what Louis said, but also answered in English fluently, which shocked many people present. No one thought that Ye Anan could speak English so fluently. Ye Anan translated.

After listening to Ye Anan's words, Li Jinzhen was first surprised by Ye Anan's English, and then surprised that Ye Anan didn't agree directly. Didn't this woman always want to enter the entertainment circle?Why is she hesitating now that such a good opportunity is in front of her.He glanced up and down at Ye An'an meaningfully.


Louis quickly waved his hand to deny Ye Anan's question, and looked at Ye Anan firmly. "If you don't promise to shoot, there is no possibility for this advertisement to continue." (If you don't promise to shoot, there is no possibility for this advertisement to continue)
Ye Anan thought that Louis just had a little affection for her and invited her casually, but he didn't want Louis to be so firm. He even said that if she didn't participate in the show, she wouldn't shoot this commercial. Ye Anan had some thoughts Shaken, he turned to look at Li Jinzun.

But even so, she did not forget that she is now employed by the Li family.

Hearing what Louis said, Gong Ming became anxious, and quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "Director Louis, this is not something you can decide for yourself, you have to discuss with the brandside." (Director Louis, this is not something you can decide on your own, you have to discuss it with the brand side)

Louis didn't expect that he couldn't even decide on a heroine, so he pursed his lips in displeasure. "Whoisthebrand, Iwenttohimandsaid." (Who is the brand, I went to him and said)
Gong Ming was taken aback for a moment, remembering that he had only introduced Louis's identity to Li Jinjiu just now, and did not introduce Li Jinjiu to Louis, he mumbled awkwardly, and walked to Li Jingjing's side, "This is our president, Mr. Li Jinjiu, who is Mr. your brand."

After finishing speaking, looking at Louis' confused eyes, coughed lightly, and then repeated it in English, Louis nodded in understanding.

"Mr. Li, canyou promise?" Louis asked straightforwardly without beating around the bush.

Li Jinzhen didn't answer right away, but turned his head to meet Ye Anan's eyes, frowning slightly, Xiao Baozi saw Li Jinzhen's hesitation, felt that there was a chance to turn around this matter, and exchanged a look with Xiao Qi.

"Little uncle, let my sister go." Xiao Qi tugged on Li Jinzun's sleeve and said beggingly.

"Daddy, businessmen want to maximize profits. Now there is a ready-made heroine in front of you. If you don't use it, isn't it a waste of resources?" Little Baozi analyzed the current situation maturely.

Ye An'an's gaze became more and more intense, and the longing that emanated from it made Li Jinzhen hesitate a bit, and the words of promise had already come to his lips, Gong Ming reminded at this stall: "President, our company has issued a statement before that this advertisement is From Miss Su Ruxin, so."

Before Li Jinzhen said anything, Louis chopped his feet in dissatisfaction and said, "WhoisSuRuxin? Idon'tknow, alsodon'twanttoknow, Ithisadvertisingheroinemustgivemyangel." (Who is Su Ruxin? I don't know, and I don't want to know. to my angel)
Gong Ming shook his head, bowed apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, director Louis, we have already issued a statement here. If we change the heroine temporarily, we may not be able to explain to the media and fans." There are fans to explain)

Of course Louis knew what it meant to issue a statement, and he stared at Gong Ming in dissatisfaction and protested: "Why haven't you asked my opinion? Is this your attitude in inviting me to come and shoot?" (Why didn't you ask me for my opinion? Is this your attitude when you invited me to come and shoot a film?)
Seeing Gong Ming's complexion was a bit ugly, Ye Anan took a step forward, suppressed the involuntary loss in his heart, raised a decent smile and said to Louis: "DearMrLouis, firstofall, Iamverygladthatyoucantakeafancytomeastheheroineofyournewadvertisement.Ialsofeelveryhonored.Butnowthatthebrandsidehasmadecision, Ihopeyoudon'te mbarrassthem." ( Dear Mr. Louis, first of all, I am very glad that you can choose me as the heroine of your new advertisement, and I also feel very honored. But since the brand side has already made a decision, I hope you will not embarrass them)

She knows how important her acting skills are. Although she went to an art school before, after so many years, she has almost forgotten some skills and so on. If she really wants to shoot commercials, she may still It would cause trouble for Louis, and the brand had already made an official announcement. It would be of no benefit to her or the brand to temporarily replace her at this time, so it would be better to just give in.

Although Louis was very dissatisfied with such a decision, even the angel in his heart persuaded him, so he could only suppress his emotions.

Xiao Baozi was very unhappy with Ye An'an giving in so easily, but he also knew how much damage would be caused if the brand lost its trust with the fans. He couldn't do such a detrimental thing to the Li family just because of his willfulness.

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