Tang Chen stared at Luo Qingqing with his deep eyes, trying to see some emotion from her face.

But Luo Qingqing's face was always calm, and her eyes didn't even fluctuate.

He felt very relieved, but he also felt a rush of anger, rushing in his chest.

He very much hoped that Luo Qingqing would express something, even if it was inappropriate.

Luo Qingqing really didn't let him down, she blinked her eyes and asked, "Why is Young Master Tang staring at me? Do you want to try this kind of snack? It tastes very good."

As she spoke, she picked up the snack plate on the table and handed it to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen's face darkened instantly.

He turned and left!
Luo Qingqing looked at Tang Chen's back innocently, smiled and said to Su Zixi, "It's really hard to serve! Miss Su, do you want to try it?"

Countless people called Su Zixi Miss Su, some admired her, some flattered her, and she took it for granted.But Luo Qingqing's voice of Miss Su made her feel angry.

She squeezed her palms tightly, and suddenly approached Luo Qingqing and said, "Qingqing, I know that your calmness is faking, and you might be howling and roaring in your heart! Let me tell you, it's useless no matter how you pretend, Tang Chen be mine!"

She paused, and then said: "It's fine if we don't be friends, then I don't have to be careful to please you, so as to save my heart from being tired! But, I still say the same thing, divorce Tang Chen, I will pay you back Chance to become popular in the entertainment industry, otherwise, you know!"

Luo Qingqing smiled, and her tone was light and calm: "You don't pretend anymore? Admit that you are afraid of me?"

"What am I afraid of you?"

"I'm afraid I'll take away Tang Chen, I'm afraid I'll take away your brilliance in the entertainment industry!"

Su Zixi snorted, "Luo Qingqing, aren't you too arrogant? I've been around to this day, do you think you can still overwhelm me? I am no longer that poor girl ten years ago, and I will defend me to the death Love and career! You can get nothing from me!"

After Su Zixi finished speaking, she turned around and chased after Tang Chen.

Luo Qingqing looked at her receding back, feeling a little pain in her heart.Her ten-year relationship with Su Zixi finally turned into dust today, worthless.

She took a long breath and continued to eat her snacks with her head down.It's just that this snack is no longer as delicious as before.

Tang Meng hasn't come back yet, Luo Qingqing is a little bored.

She looked forward and saw from a distance that several women were chatting and laughing around Tang Meng.

Luo Qingqing knew from an early age that Tang Meng was a real celebrity, and she could handle all kinds of occasions with ease.

And beside her, there is a graceful and luxurious middle-aged woman.Luo Qingqing suddenly recognized that the middle-aged woman was the First Lady Ling Shuang.

Ling Shuang is not only distinguished, she is also very capable. She can be said to be the right-hand man of her husband. Moreover, she has a strong and courageous style, and her wrists are quite hot. The general public has always talked about her, calling her the "Iron Lady".

Luo Qingqing also admired Ling Shuang very much, and felt that a woman who could achieve her height would have a complete life.

Of course, she admired her, but she didn't want to be that kind of person.What she wants has always been very simple. With her mother and the person she loves by her side, everything is enough.

Thinking of Tang Chen, the emotions she was holding back fermented in her heart, eroding her heart.

She was so calm just now, but she didn't want to lose her sense of proportion on such an occasion and make Tang Chen's face ashamed.

But now, she wished she could grab that man and question him, but still remember what he said to her?
Since she was asked to wait for him to come back, why did she still get involved with Su Zixi?
Her eyes were a little hazy, and she saw Tang Chen and a group of men in the haze, exchanging cups and chatting loudly.

At this time, dance music started, and people slid onto the dance floor.

The dancing people covered Luo Qingqing's sight, and she could no longer see Tang Chen.

She lowered her head and sipped the orange juice lightly.

"May I ask you to dance, my beautiful lady?"

A male voice suddenly rang in the ears.

Luo Qingqing looked up, and saw a young man in front of her bending down gentlemanly, inviting her to dance.

Luo Qingqing was not interested, so she politely refused: "Sorry, I don't know how to dance."

"Miss Luo can't dance? Are you lying to a ghost?"

Luo Qingqing was taken aback, how could he know that her surname was Luo?She looked at him strangely, and probably didn't know him.

"Sir, did you recognize the wrong person?"

"I'm not mistaken, Miss Luo is forgetful. Take a closer look and see who I am!"

Luo Qingqing looked at him carefully, and felt that she still didn't recognize him.

The man was a little annoyed, "It seems that you really forgot about me! Do you still remember the ten-year agreement?"

A ten-year contract?

Luo Qingqing shook her head, she didn't remember who she had an agreement with, and even if she had, it should be Tang Chen.

The man ran out of patience: "Luo Qingqing, why are you pretending? Have you forgotten that when you were in middle school, you trampled on a boy's foot like a bear's paw!"

Luo Qingqing suddenly remembered: "Who are you, that capacity..."

"Rong Haitong!"

"Oh, yes, it's you. No way, do you still remember that little thing back then?"

Back then, this Rong Haitong relied on his family's wealth and power to dominate the school.

At that time, Su Zixi had just arrived at this school. One day she was riding a bicycle to school. When entering the school gate, a cool motorcycle roared past her.She was so startled that she couldn't control her body and fell down with the car.

As a result, her car hit the rear of the motorcycle and the motorcycle was also hung upside down.

The motorcycle fell a bit badly, a rearview mirror was broken, and a large piece of paint was scraped off the side of the car.

It was Rong Haitong who rode the motorcycle at that time.

Rong Haitong insisted on asking Su Zixi to pay him for the motorcycle, or else he would be his girlfriend.

Su Zixi was terrified, and ran to the classroom to find Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing wanted to pay back the money for Su Zixi, but Rong Haitong disagreed and insisted on letting Su Zixi be his girlfriend.

To be a shitty girlfriend, he just wanted to play with Su Zixi because he saw Su Zixi was weak and beautiful.

He gave Su Zixi three days to think about it.

Three days later, it was Rong Haitong's birthday. He held a birthday party in a bar, and asked people to find Su Zixi's home, and forced her there.

Su Zixi was so frightened that she cried and called Luo Qingqing.

At that time Tang Chen was not there, Luo Qingqing took Xiao Yu and the other Fa Xiao and killed them.

Seeing so many people, including Xiao Yu, Rong Haitong was immediately scared.

At that time Xiao Yu looked gentle and quiet, like a girl, but when he fought, no one was his opponent, Rong Haitong was his defeat.

So Rong Haitong immediately changed his words, as long as Su Zixi danced with him, everything would be cancelled.

But Su Zixi can't dance.

Luo Qingqing had learned dance for several years, so she stepped forward and offered to dance for Su Zixi.

Seeing that Luo Qingqing was more beautiful, Rong Haitong nodded in agreement.While dancing, his hands were dishonest and kept touching Luo Qingqing's waist.

Luo Qingqing remained silent, but stepped hard, trampling Rong Haitong's feet into bear's paws.

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