Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 670 You Can Deal With Tang Chen

Song Zhining couldn't help but be astonished, only then did he realize that Chu Lang's thoughts were meticulous.

"Then can you tell where they are?"

Chu Lang said: "Probably in country M! After all, Tang Chen's father, Tang Tingjun, is there, and Tang Chen's entrepreneurial place is also there. It's very convenient for them to hide a few people!"

Song Zhining shook her head and said: "Not necessarily, you know, my villa in country M is next door to Tang Tingjun's villa, and the servants of our two families are familiar with each other. My servant told me that Tang Tingjun's villa has never been visited. Strangers, and Tang Tingjun's daily travels are also normal."

Chu Lang said: "He must be guarding against your servants. This is called darkness under the lamp. The more you don't doubt him, the more suspicious he will be!"

Ling Shuang said: "It makes sense, I'll send someone there right away, and I must find that bitch Luo Xinyu!"

Song Zhining was a little puzzled: "Mom, why did you have to find that woman?"

Ling Shuang looked deeply at her daughter in the video, and said: "You don't need to worry about this matter anymore, if you hand over Ling Shi to Ling Tianrong, he won't be so confused that he doesn't know how to stand right, you go back to Yundu !"

"Mom, I still want to stay in Tangcheng for a while. I didn't delay my work in Yundu, everything is going well!" Song Zhining said.

"What are you staying for? You still can't let go of that Tang Chen? Chu Lang, you can use some means to deal with Tang Chen and take down Tang Ting!"

"Mom, don't!" Song Zhining turned pale and shouted at her mother.

But Ling Shuang ignored her and went offline.

Song Zhining looked at the blacked-out screen, extremely disappointed.

She turned to look at Chu Lang: "Do you know something?"

Chu Lang lazily leaned against the back of the sofa and said, "I don't know much more than you!"

Song Zhi stared at him, shaking his head, "No, you must know more than I do, such as those materials about Luo Xinyu more than 20 years ago, and those people's materials!"

Chu Lang said: "It was all given to me by my wife. I also found those people according to the information. I used a little trick to make them give false testimony!"

"That is to say, my mother asked you to prepare these to deal with that woman. But this is not right, why did my mother go all out to deal with that woman? It shouldn't be as simple as helping me deal with Tang Chen!"

Chu Lang glanced at her and said, "Madam's thoughts, you'd better stop guessing and go back to Yundu!"

"I don't want to go back!"

Chu Lang smiled: "Still thinking about Tang Chen? Didn't you hear what Madam said? She let me deal with Tang Chen and take down Tang Ting. Do you know why she asked me to do this?"

Song Zhining shook her head, she didn't understand her mother more and more now.

Chu Lang smiled and said: "Of course it's to compensate me for losing Canglan Mountain! Madam will never wrong me, but it's still a bit difficult to deal with Tang Chen! However, one Tangting can hold ten or twenty Canglan Mountains Yes, it's worth it!"

"I don't allow you to hurt him!" Song Zhining shouted at Chu Lang.

Chu Lang didn't take it seriously: "How about I tie him up first and send him to your bed? Then he will be yours all over, and you can play as you like!"

"Bah! Do you think I'm you, shameless?" Song Zhining blushed when she thought of that scene.

No matter how arrogant she is usually, she is still a big girl who has never had sex with men and women, and she is still a bit shy.Besides, that person was Tang Chen, and she didn't want to wrong him like that!What she wants has always been to be happy with each other!

Chu Lang smiled indifferently: "Isn't it just a little thing between a man and a woman? What's there to be shameless about?"

"Then why didn't you tie up Ling Tianrong and send him to your sister's bed?"

After Song Zhining finished speaking, she almost bit her own tongue.

Ling Tianrong is also her second elder brother no matter what, it's a bit too heartless for her to say that!

Chu Lang sneered and said, "Ling Tianrong is not good enough for my sister!"

"Cut! Sister Xiao was fascinated by my second brother?"

"That's because she doesn't understand men yet. When she really understands, she will give up Ling Tianrong."

Chu Lang said, got up and went out.

Song Zhining asked him: "Hey, why are you going? You shouldn't stay here. Let's discuss how to deal with Tang Ting? After all, Tang Ting's vitality is seriously injured today!"

Chu Lang said: "Don't worry, give him another blow tomorrow, and Tang Ting will have it!"

Song Zhining's heart suddenly panicked.She didn't know what other tricks Chu Lang had, waiting for Tang Chen.

"I said, you are not allowed to hurt him!"

But Chu Lang laughed: "I'll leave him to you, I'm going to find my Yuqi now!"

Song Zhining: ... How did you have the face to say that?
When Chu Lang left Ling's, it was already dark.

He sat in the car, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, and dialed Qiao Yuqi's number on his mobile phone.

He had already called her in the morning, but he didn't get through. He was busy afterwards and went to Tang Ting again, but he didn't pay attention to Qiao Yuqi.

Thinking of her at this time, I felt a soft miss in my heart.

He couldn't help laughing, this woman was really different to him!
However, his phone was hung up.

He thought for a while, and he should have roughly understood the reason, so he dialed again.

Get hung up again.

He laughed again, dialed again, was hung up again, he couldn't laugh anymore.

He still persistently dialed, and this time Qiao Yuqi finally answered.

Qiao Yuqi has always been that kind of gentle temperament, rarely loses his temper, and rarely speaks harshly.However, today she scolded Chu Lang fiercely.

"Young Master Chu, why do you still have the face to call me? You didn't hurt my Tang family enough, do you still want to hurt me? Let me tell you, don't pester me anymore, I won't fall in love with you, never like you!"

Hearing Qiao Yuqi's angry voice, Chu Lang smiled instead: "Why are you angry? I'm here to say sorry to you."

"What's the use of being sorry? You will never be able to make up for the harm my sister-in-law and Aunt Luo have suffered, nor can you make up for the loss caused to Tang Ting! Chu Lang, I really regret knowing you! You are a wolf, a wolf with a black heart !"

Chu Lang looked out of the car window, seeing the glass-like lights, his eyes were deep, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

In this world, no one dared to scold him like that.The grass on the grave of the last person who scolded him should be tall!
But he didn't care about Qiao Yuqi's scolding at all, but felt that her voice was particularly nice.

He waited for Qiao Yuqi to pause before interjecting, "Yuqi, your surname is Qiao, not Tang, so whatever I do to Tang Chen is a contest between the two of us. If it doesn't involve you, you don't have to worry about it." He fights against the injustice!"

Qiao Yuqi, who was in the ward, was so angry that she bulged her chest and shouted into her mobile phone: "My surname is not Tang, I am also from the Tang family. Without the Tang family, I would not be who I am today! You hurt my cousin, you hurt me. I will definitely be at odds with you!"

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