Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 658 Tang Ting Never Wants Money

After listening to the doctor's words, Tang Chen let out a long breath.The child is saved, which is better than anything else.

He has already ordered Xiang Rui to complete the hospitalization procedures for Qiao Yuqi, which is the best single luxury ward.

He also asked Butler Tang to pick two reliable servants from home to take care of Qiao Yuqi in the hospital, and sent someone to secretly protect her.

After making these arrangements, when Qiao Yuqi woke up, he said to her, "Yuqi, it's okay, the baby is saved. But, you have to spend the next half month in the hospital bed, don't get out of bed."

Qiao Yuqi let out a long breath, stroked her belly with one hand and said, "Cousin, this kid is lucky, right?"

Tang Chen nodded: "Well, luck is great!"

Qiao Yuqi smiled, and said, "I've decided, this kid is called Qiao Dafu!"

Tang Chen: ...Do you want to be so hasty?And, are you sure the surname is Joe?Xiao Yu agrees?
He said, "Just be happy!"

"Cousin, I hope you can keep the matter between my child and me a secret!" Qiao Yuqi looked at Tang Chen eagerly.In fact, she was a little timid, she thought, based on his cleverness and sagacity, he must have guessed who the father of this child was.

However, if possible, she would like to be able to tell that person herself!
Tang Chen nodded: "Understood! You take care of yourself here, I may be very busy and don't have time to see you. If you have anything to do, you must call me as soon as possible!"

"Cousin," Qiao Yuqi frowned and said, "What happened to Aunt Luo this time must be serious, right? You won't be with Qingqing..." After all, she couldn't say the word divorce.She didn't dare to think about what would happen if Tang Chen and Qingqing divorced!
"No!" Tang Chen said firmly.

"Yeah!" With Tang Chen's words, Qiao Yuqi was relieved, "Cousin, I will always support you!"

Tang Chen nodded: "Take care of me well, I'll go first!"

He left the hospital by car. In the car, he opened the stock market quotes.Because of the news that completely confuses black and white, Tang Ting's stock plummeted. After two hours of opening, Tang Ting's market value has evaporated by nearly [-] million!

Moreover, Tang Ting's stock is still falling.It was obvious that someone was secretly operating and dumping a large amount of Tang Ting's stock.

Tang Chen's smile was frighteningly cold!
As soon as his car arrived at the intersection in front of Tang Ting Group, he found that the road ahead was blocked.

At this time, Tang Chen's cell phone rang.

Tang Chen connected, and immediately heard Luo Shi's eager voice.

"Mr. Tang, you'd better not come to the company today. Some impulsive stockholders and fans of Luo Qingqing have gathered in front of Tang Ting Hall. These two groups of people have already fought. They are all sent out, but they still can’t stop the chaos, if it doesn’t work, I’m going to call the police!”

"Why did they fight?" Tang Chen asked

"Because of you! Those stockholders demanded that you and Luo Qingqing divorce immediately to save the stock market; and Luo Qingqing's fans are firmly opposed to your divorce with Qingqing!"

Tang Chen said: "I still have 2 minutes to arrive in front of the building, you ask the security guards to maintain the scene and prevent physical collisions!"

"Mr. Tang..." Luo Shi still wanted to persuade, but Tang Chen had already hung up the phone.

Xiang Rui said: "Mr. Tang, this road is blocked, our car can't get through!"

Tang Chen said, "Then go over there!"

As he spoke, he opened the door and got out of the car. Xiang Rui quickly turned off the car and followed quickly.

Tang Chen strode forward and arrived in front of Tang Ting Building. Sure enough, he saw people everywhere in the square.

People were clamoring, and some shouted with loudspeakers, asking Tang Chen to come out and give everyone a clear answer.

Tang Chen shouted loudly: "I am here!"

The crowd was startled and turned their heads to look over.

I saw Tang Chen leaping forward, stepping on people's shoulders, like flying over a wall, to the front of the building.

In the process, he also took a big horn.

His action, like making a blockbuster movie, stunned people.Even those whose shoulders were stepped on didn't feel that Tang Chen stepped on his own shoulders.

Tang Chen floated and landed in front of the building, and asked the security guard to lift a table and put it in front of the hall.

Tang Chen jumped onto the table and said loudly into the loudspeaker: "I am Tang Chen. Since you asked me to come out, here I am. Now please shut your mouths. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Because the people at the scene were divided into two factions, therefore, it was not known which faction Tang Chen was speaking to.

The crowd who supported Tang Chen's divorce cheered: "God Tang is wise! Divorce! Drive that unidentified, fatherless illegitimate daughter Luo Qingqing out of Tang City!"

And Luo Qingqing's fans were also cheering: "God Tang is wise, Qingqing is innocent, you can't be ruthless to Qingqing!"

The scene became a mess again.

Tang Chen shouted again: "Shut up, listen to me! Whoever interrupts again, I'll tell him to get out of Tang City!"

The scene became quiet again. Nearly 2000 people raised their heads, looking at the tall and dazzling man.

They all wanted to know whether Tang Chen would choose a woman or the centuries-old foundation of the Tang family at this moment of life and death for the Tang family.

Such a choice, for an ordinary man, would definitely abandon the woman who brought him disaster and keep his family business!

Human nature is selfish, and it can be forgiven by most people.

However, Tang Chen said loudly into the loudspeaker: "I will not divorce Qingqing! He is the woman I, Tang Chen, have fallen in love with since I was nine years old. Even if the whole world is against her, I will Stand by her side, against the world!"

His domineering words cheered Luo Qingqing's fans: "Tang Shen is mighty, Qingqing did not fall in love with the wrong person! We will always support you!"

But those who cared more about Tang Ting's stocks, or in other words, those who cared more about the money in their own pockets, quit.

They all yelled: "Tang Chen, you can't do this! You can't just ignore our thousands of stockholders just because of Luo Qingqing! If Tang Ting goes bankrupt, we will go bankrupt too!"

Of course Tang Chen knew what Tang Ting meant in Tang City.

He shouted loudly again: "Tang Ting will not go bankrupt, and you will not go bankrupt either. You have to trust me, I am Tang Chen, and I will definitely not let you down!"

"But Tang Ting's stock price has dropped by 5.00%, and it is still falling. We have already lost tens of thousands. What should we do? What do you want us to believe in you?"

Tang Chen said in a cold voice: "If you don't believe me, you can go to Tang Ting Hall now, exchange the stock for money, and trade at the stock price before the drop!"

"Really? Does Tang Ting have that much cash now?"

Tang Chen shouted loudly again: "I, Tang Chen, never speak big words, and Tang Ting is never short of money! However, I have something to say before, once you sell the stocks in your hand, you can never buy them back !"

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