When Ji Dongchen said this, he sighed, and then said: "What I thought at the time was that if he could treat Zhang Xiaobei kindly and let her leave me forever, I would also try to be quiet! But, I really didn't expect Jia Sijia to be a pervert!"

"What if you knew in advance?" Mu An'an asked after hearing Ji Dongchen's explanation again, and his hostility towards him became less.

Ji Dongchen snorted, and said, "I'm not going to be a bastard who trades women for benefits!"

With his words, the knot in Mu Anan's heart was completely resolved.After all, she also knows what kind of domineering Zhang Xiaobei is, and how she designed Ji Dongchen!

Zhang Xiaobei also came to this point step by step because of love and hatred, and also because of her stubbornness and willfulness!
If at the beginning, she could restrain herself a bit, or be less self-willed, less arrogant, and less persecuting Ji Dongchen, maybe now would be a different ending!

Just, there is no if!
Mu Anan could only sigh,
Just then, there was a knock on the door.Ji Dongchen called out, "Please come in."

As soon as the door opened, Qiao Yuqi walked in.

When she saw that Mu An'an was here, she couldn't help but smile: "An'an, are you awake? You scared me to death!"

She walked over and hugged Mu Anan tightly.

Qiao Yuqi only found out about Mu An'an's kidnapping yesterday.

Yesterday Zhai Yan and Zhu Yucheng arrived in Tang City, Qiao Yuqi, as the host, invited them to dinner.

She had called Mu Anan before that, but Ji Dongchen's assistant answered the call.

Ji Dongchen's assistant told Qiao Yuqi about Mu An'an's kidnapping, Ji Dongchen's rescue of her, and the fact that both of them were in the hospital.

Yesterday, Qiao Yuqi brought Di Yan and Zhu Yucheng to the hospital to visit Mu An'an, but she was still in a coma.

Last night, according to the plan, Mu Anan was going to be on the show with Qiao Yuqi, but she was unconscious, so Pang Ying temporarily replaced Mu Anan with a new artist from the company, Huang Xiantao.

After recording the program yesterday, Zhai Yan and Zhu Yucheng left overnight and returned to their respective crews.

Qiao Yuqi was thinking about Mu An'an, so she came to the hospital to see her early in the morning, but was told by the nurse that she was in Ji Dongchen's ward, so she came here.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Can you get out of bed?"

Qiao Yuqi kept asking Mu Anan.

Mu Anan quickly said, "I'm fine, I'm not injured, don't worry."

While talking, she still pushed Qiao Yuqi away, covered her mouth and nose and said, "Yuqi, my pneumonia is not cured yet, you can't get too close to me, lest you get infected."

Qiao Yuqi said, "It's not an infectious disease, you're fine."

She looked at Ji Dongchen who was lying on the hospital bed, a little dazed.

She has known Ji Dongchen much longer than Mu Anan.It can also be said that she grew up with Ji Dongchen.However, the two actually had no contact.Because at that time, Ji Dongchen only circled around Luo Qingqing, but Qiao Yuqi and Luo Qingqing didn't see eye to eye.

Back then, under the guise of liking Ji Dongchen, she asked Luo Qingqing to write a love letter to Ji Dongchen.

Fortunately, Ji Dongchen didn't see this love letter, otherwise it would be a little embarrassing.

Those past events are like a dream.

Afterwards, Qiao Yuqi and Ji Dongchen never had any interaction again.Later, Mu An'an fell in love with Ji Dongchen, but Ji Dongchen hurt her severely, which made Qiao Yuqi lose any affection for Ji Dongchen.

But this time, Ji Dongchen rescued Mu An'an from the fire and left her unscathed. She admired Ji Dongchen, at least he was a man.

Therefore, she said to Ji Dongchen: "Mr. Ji, thank you for saving An An!"

Ji Dongchen glanced at Qiao Yuqi indifferently, and said indifferently, "It should be!"


Qiao Yuqi thought for a moment, could it be that the two are getting along?Isn't this too fast?

She couldn't help looking at Mu Anan.

Mu Anan immediately understood that Qiao Yuqi had misunderstood, and quickly said, "Let's go, go back to my ward, and I'll explain it to you!"

She pushed Qiao Yuqi out, turned to Ji Dongchen and said, "I won't disturb your rest, I'll come and see you when I have time!"

Ji Dongchen still had a faint expression on his face: "Don't worry."

He watched the two girls leave his ward before he let out a long breath, then slowly closed his eyes.

In fact, his heart still trembled a little, it was because of fear.In the sea of ​​fire that day, if he couldn't save Mu An'an and caused her to suffer any harm, he would regret it for the rest of his life!

Fortunately, she is safe and sound, so he can rest assured!
Qiao Yuqi brought Mu Anan breakfast, which was cooked by the servants of the Tang family.

While eating, Mu Anan told Qiao Yuqi about the scene that day and the conversation with Ji Dongchen just now.

"You mean, he saved you only because you were innocent? There is no half-hearted relationship between men and women?"

Mu Anan nodded: "Yes. When I was rejected by him at the beginning, I didn't realize that he was such a cold-blooded and ruthless person. I naively thought that if Qingqing was no longer an obstacle, I would be able to move him and I would have a chance .I only know now that he has completely sealed himself off, refusing anyone to approach him!"

Qiao Yuqi sighed: "Why is he doing this? Qingqing is already married to my cousin, what else does he want?"

"It's because he can't do anything that he becomes so indifferent!"

"Then what do you do? Do you still love him?"

"Love!" Mu Anan said firmly, "Although I was implicated by him in this incident, he also bravely saved me! He is the one who would rather die himself than protect me. How can I Can you not love?"

As she spoke, a few blushes slowly blushed on her face, but her eyes were cool and persistent.

"But he also said that it is only his responsibility to save you!"

"So what? He saved my life anyway! His heart to save me must have been firm, and that's enough!"

Qiao Yuqi laughed suddenly: "It's good that you can figure it out, but you will have to work harder!"

Mu An'an smiled: "I'm not afraid! No matter how miserable I am, I can't compare to Qingqing's suffering! She has endured so many years alone, and has suffered so many grievances. Only after going through the wind and rain can I have a sunny day after the rain. Happiness!"

Qiao Yuqi looked at Mu An'an, feeling a little envious.Even though it is hard, but if there is a goal, there is hope.As for her, she also has a goal, but she can't expect it!

There was a bit of sadness in her eyes.

She told Mu An'an about yesterday's show, and told her that the next promotion will be in Ancheng, a neighboring province, and they will attend together.

Mu An'an was still ill, so Qiao Yuqi told her to take a good rest. She asked the driver to bring her food at noon, and she left first.

Guarded by bodyguards, she came to the parking lot, but saw a familiar figure there.

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