Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 585 This world belongs to my Ling family

Ling Tianrong pushed Rong Haixin back to the ward, carried her back to the bed, let her lie down, and then sat on the side of the bed and asked: "You said just now that you want to see that old thing? You should hate him , there is no need to care about his life."

Rong Haixin grabbed Ling Tianrong's hand and said seriously: "Tianrong, I hate him very much, he made you lose everything! But now, maybe only he can protect us!"

"Why, you want me to compromise with him? You should know that as long as I compromise, he will force me to divorce you! Haixin, are you afraid and want to divorce me?"

Ling Tianrong looked at Rong Haixin nervously.

Rong Haixin shook his head and said, "Why would I be willing to divorce you? But, for our baby, we have to compromise. Now, the Ling family has no leader. Although Song Zhining will stay, she won't stay for a long time after all. It's been a long time, so the Ling family needs you now. As long as you are willing to admit your mistake to the old man now, I think he will still hand over the Ling Group to you!"

"I'm not wrong, and I won't admit it to him! It's always been him who is wrong. If I admit my mistake, it should be him who admits it to me, to you!" Ling Tianrong said stubbornly.

Rong Hai knew in his heart that Ling Tianrong had been wronged and aggrieved during this period of time.

He is also a proud man, but being forced by the Ling family and Chu Xiao, he is like a lost dog.

Rong Hai didn't know how long he could last, whether he could still protect her well.

She felt sorry for Ling Tianrong, pressed his big hand tightly to her face, and said, "Tianrong, I know your grievances, but if the old man still doesn't let you go, where can you take me to escape?" where to go?

I am now getting heavier and heavier, and I must not be able to withstand the ups and downs.So, Tianrong, I need a stable life now, and I need to give birth to my child safely! "

Ling Tianrong looked at Rong Haixin, his heart seemed to be being cooked with oil.After all, he wronged Rong Haixin!
Seeing that Ling Tianrong was moved, Rong Haixin said, "This is a measure for our interests, and it is only a temporary compromise. And now is also an opportunity for you, otherwise, when Ling Tianlin recovers, we will still be passively beaten! Therefore, Tianrong, you only have half a year, understand?"

Ling Tianrong looked at Rong Haixin firmly, why didn't he understand?

When his father Ling Zhiyuan came to look for him yesterday, he wanted to understand all this, but he didn't want to wrong Rong Haixin because of it.

Now, if she can compromise, then he must seek stability for her.

So, he nodded: "Okay, when you recover, I will find the old man to negotiate with you!"

Rong Haixin smiled: "Okay!"

And in her heart, she still couldn't help but feel a little anxious.Because she knew that if she wanted to negotiate successfully and let Ling Tianrong return to the Ling family, she must have an important bargaining chip to impress Mr. Ling.

And this bargaining chip is herself.

She is betting on her own happiness, she hopes that she can win the bet, she believes in Ling Tianrong!

A few days later, Lin Xuqing finally woke up, out of danger, and left the intensive care unit.

He opened his eyes, and the moment he saw Tang Meng, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

With his good hand, he held Tang Meng's hand tightly and said, "Mengmeng, no divorce, no divorce..."

He still remembered the scene of Tang Meng signing the divorce agreement before he fell into a coma, so the first thing he did when he woke up was to express his willingness not to divorce.

Tang Meng's eyes turned red instantly. She touched Lin Xuqing's thin face and said, "Fool, why am I going to divorce you? Didn't I just want to save your life? I'm really afraid that you will be killed by that bastard Ling Tianlin." Killed!"

Lin Xuqing laughed: "I was not beaten to death, am I very brave?"

Tang Meng nodded: "Well, you are very brave, but you are too stupid!"

Lin Xuqing shook his head: "I'm not stupid, I know, as long as I breathe a sigh of relief, I will never see you and your son again! Where is your son? I didn't see clearly what he looks like, does he look alike? you?"

"Well, like me, also like you. He's at home, he's too young to come to see you in the hospital. You check your body first today, if you can, I'll take you home, and you can see you every day Here comes the son."

"Okay, I'll be fine soon!"

At this time, Tang Chen and the doctor walked in.

The doctor said; "Mr. Lin is recovering well, and he will have a comprehensive examination. If there are no symptoms of infection, he can go home and raise him."

Tang Meng and Tang Chen pushed Lin Xuqing to check together.

Lin Xuqing had broken ribs, so he could not sit up and could only lie on the hospital bed.

After the examination, it was confirmed that he could be discharged from the hospital. The doctor prescribed a lot of injections and medicines before signing the discharge certificate.

After completing the formalities, Tang Chen called an ambulance and wanted to carry Lin Xuqing to the ambulance.

At this moment, a group of people pushed a wheelchair, blocking Tang Chen's path.

Sitting in the wheelchair is Mr. Ling.

In a few days, the old man aged ten years again.

The physical pain, coupled with the matter of the Ling family, made him physically and mentally exhausted.

Today, Ling Tianlin was also awake, but after the doctor's examination, he told Mr. Ling that Ling Tianlin's spine was seriously injured, and he might not be able to stand up for the rest of his life.

This news made Mr. Ling unbearable.

If his precious grandson had to spend the rest of his life in bed, would his life be ruined soon?Therefore, he hated Tang Chen to death.

He heard that Tang Chen was going to pick up Lin Xuqing today, so he rushed over desperately.

With red eyes and beard curled up, he said coldly: "My grandson is still lying on the hospital bed, you just want to leave and live a happy life, no way!"

Tang Chen walked up to Mr. Ling, bent over to look down at him, and said with a sneer, "Mr. Ling, what do you think?"

Old Master Ling stared at Tang Chen coldly: "Lin Xuqing can go, let Tang Meng stay and let her take care of Tianlin. If he becomes paralyzed, she will take care of him for the rest of his life!"

Tang Chen was so angry that he wished he could kick this old guy away.

"Where do you have the confidence to say such a thing? Ling Tianlin's current fate is his own fault! I let him live, and I have already given him face. If you want to make more progress, I will go and make up for him right now." foot!"

"Tang Chen, how dare you! Do you still have the Ling family in your eyes?" Mr. Ling was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"Then do you still have the Tang family in your eyes? But there are still people in this world? Who gave your Ling family the right to be so domineering? No matter how big your Ling family is, can it be bigger than the sky, can it be bigger than the world?"

Tang Chen was also filled with anger.

But the old man said arrogantly: "This world belongs to my Ling family, and my Ling family belongs to this world. Are you still not convinced?"

His words silenced the scene.

Those doctors and nurses all turned pale and looked at Mr. Ling.

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