Ling Shuang's words made the weak Luo Xinyu sit up straight from the hospital bed as if she had been electrocuted.

She stared at Ling Shuang with scarlet eyes, sad and angry: "Impossible, you lied to me! His body can't reach that level yet!"

When we met last time, he also told her, don't worry about his body, he is fine!
She trusts him, he won't lie to her!

She lived alone all her life, just to fulfill his career and his ambition;

She doesn't expect to be with her for the rest of her life, she just hopes that he will be healthy and well;

She doesn't envy day and night, she only cares about a thread of concern in her heart!

Why do this?

He is still in his prime, it is impossible for him to end up in such a miserable end!
This should not be his fate!
Therefore, Ling Shuang must be lying to her, because she hates him and wishes for him to die!

However, Ling Shuang smiled, took out her mobile phone, clicked on a group of photos, and showed Luo Xinyu: "What's the use of me lying to you? This is what he looked like before he died. Look at him, he has lived a refined life, just look at it with a smile." Fengyun, at the last moment, is also so ferocious and fearful of death!"

She handed the phone to Luo Xinyu, and Luo Xinyu covered her eyes: "I don't want to look at it, I don't want to believe you, it's not true!"

Ling Shuang sneered, and put away the phone: "Oh, you really are a perfect match, you are the same cowards!"

"Did you harm him?" Luo Xinyu suddenly glared at Ling Shuang, and said angrily.

Ling Shuang smiled: "You think too highly of me, I wouldn't be so low! This is his life! I have to say, he was very ill at the right time, I am very grateful to him! He left, this country is Mine! His father gave you all his life's love and longing, and it's fair for him to give me this great river and mountain. So, Luo Xinyu, we are evened!"

"Ling Shuang, no, it shouldn't be like this, you failed him, you shouldn't treat him like this..."

Ling Shuang sneered: "What should I do to him? Serve him tea and water, ask him how he is? Is he worthy? But don't worry, I will not announce the news of his death. He is still alive in the hearts of the people. When people forget When he sings praises to me, I will give him a grand funeral and let him die a worthy death!"

" are despicable, shameless..." Luo Xinyu pointed at Ling Shuang, trembling all over.

Luo Xinyu still doesn't want to accept this reality, she doesn't believe it, that person is no longer alive, she doesn't believe it, the man who said that if he had the chance for the rest of his life, he hoped to compensate her, broke his promise again!

Even if he died, he would still be used by this ambitious and ruthless woman!How could he rest in peace?

Luo Xinyu was originally weak, but now she was mixed with anger, hatred and sadness, causing her eyes to turn black, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the bed.

Her body, like fallen leaves in autumn, fell limply on the hospital bed.

Ling Shuang looked at her, with a cruel smile on the corner of her mouth, and the calmness on her face turned into evil and cruel: "Luo Xinyu, you forced me to do this! You can't blame me, you have to blame me Just blame yourself, you are superfluous, you have taken away too many things that don't belong to you! You will never know what I lost because of him!"

She walked into the hospital bed, and looked at Luo Xinyu's pale, bloodless face with her body, and jealousy arose in her originally cold heart.

"Luo Xinyu, it was this face that made him fascinated. Over the years, he is like a walking dead. Even if he is underground, he will still find you with this face? But, if this face is destroyed What will happen to him? Ah? Hahaha..."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to pinch the needle on the infusion bottle, and was about to stab Luo Xinyu's face.

At this moment, the door was kicked open with a bang.

Tang Chen took Luo Qingqing's hand and strode in.


Luo Qingqing threw herself to the side of the bed, seeing her mother's death-like appearance, her heart was broken.

She glared at Ling Shuang: "What did you do to my mother?"

Ling Shuang had quietly put down the needle, turned to look at Luo Qingqing, and smiled faintly: "What can I do to her? I just told her a piece of news!"

"what news?"

Ling Shuang walked out: "If she wakes up, you should ask your good mother!"

She passed by Tang Chen, she stopped, and looked at Tang Chen sharply: "Tang Chen, I am still willing to give you a chance, I hope you can be more sensible, don't make us wait too long!"

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the ward and said to Song Zhining, "Let's go!"

Song Zhining followed her mother's footsteps, walked into the elevator, and asked, "Mom, what did you do to that woman?"

As the elevator went up, Ling Shuang said, "I just told her the news of that person's death."

Song Zhining's heart tightened, and there was a slight pain in her heart: "Mom, my dad really..."

Ling Shuang glanced over sharply: "What? Are you still thinking about him?"

Song Zhining's eyes were still a little moist: "He still loves me very much, but I don't even like his last face..."

Ling Shuang suddenly flew into a rage: "Enough! He is dead, dead, don't mention him in front of me in the future!"

Song Zhining lowered her head, tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes.

She still couldn't believe it, that gentle and loving man was really gone!
But mom won't lie to her about this!

"Then how will father's funeral be arranged?"

Ling Shuang said: "Now only a few people know about this matter, and the news is still under lockdown, so it's not appropriate to make it public now. So, let's wait for a while, when the situation stabilizes and we have no worries, let's make it public!"

Song Zhining nodded: "Mom, do you know if he got the news before, that's why he escaped?"

Mentioning her youngest son gave Ling Shuang a headache.

This son of hers, after she found out that man had feelings for Luo Xinyu, she tried her best to separate the two of them, and then tried every means to be with him. That's how Song Zhixiao came to be.

She thought that once she had a son, he would take his heart back and put his eyes on her.

However, she was wrong.

He treats his son as well as he treats Song Zhining, treating him like a treasure.But he was only treating the child, and he remained the same towards her.

She felt that she had suffered a great humiliation, and the existence of Song Zhixiao was proof of her humiliation.

She began to hate her son, and his son seemed to be at odds with her. Since childhood, he never kissed her or his sister, but only kissed his father.

Ling Shuang couldn't help sneering, she really made an enemy for herself.

Fortunately, she has a daughter, and Song Zhining is her pride.

She eased her tone and said, "What did you want to do outside the door just now?"

Song Zhining shuddered and said, "I want Luo Qingqing to kowtow to grandpa to apologize."

Ling Shuang smiled: "It's not just that simple, is it?"

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