Tang Chen glanced at the news page, and said coolly, "Mrs. Tang, do you think your husband is the kind of man who would hand over his wife to others?"

"Are you holding on? After all, the whole world is blessing me and Ji Dongchen now, don't you think your head is a little green?"

Luo Qingqing laughed at Tang Chen maliciously.

She is very grateful for this news now, it would be the most perfect if it would make Tang Chen feel a little bit frustrated and get divorced in a fit of anger.

Tang Chen glanced at Luo Qingqing from the corner of his eye. She, the instigator, dared to laugh!
Encountering such a sensitive issue, he did not lose his temper for the first time, but said: "Green and environmentally friendly! It also shows that I have a good vision. My wife is a treasure, and everyone wants to grab it. But thinking is the same thing, Want to grab it? Then prepare the coffin for yourself first!"

Luo Qingqing stared at him blankly, and really wanted to know, what kind of psychology did he use to say the words "green and environmental protection"?

When Ji Dongchen was mentioned before, his eyes spit fire.Last night, he also threw the flowers that Ji Dongchen gave her.

How did you switch sex today?

Her domineering words behind her still made her heart flutter slightly.

Without Su Zixi, she and Tang Chen would be very, very happy, right?

It's a pity that creation tricks people!
The car stopped at the side of the road in front of the Film Academy. Luo Qingqing was about to get out of the car, but was grabbed by Tang Chen: "Wait, why are there so many people in front? They seem to be reporters."

Luo Qingqing looked out through the car window, and sure enough, there was a large circle of reporters around the entrance of the Film Academy. They held cameras and video recorders in their hands, and stretched their necks to look inside the gate.

The school's security guards stood in a row in front to prevent reporters from entering.

"Has something serious happened in school?" Luo Qingqing didn't know why.

She was about to call Mu Anan with her mobile phone, but Mu Anan called first.

Luo Qingqing quickly answered and asked, "An'an, what happened to the school? Why are there so many reporters at the door?"

Mu Anan smiled and said, "That's all because I wanted to interview you!"

"Me? What do I have to interview? I haven't filmed yet!"

Since the incident three years ago, Luo Qingqing has not taken on any dramas, and has been attending classes at school step by step.

Mu An'an said: "Didn't you win the most outstanding graduate award? Most of the media paid more attention to your whereabouts after graduation, as well as your relationship with Ji Shao. This is what Xiao Dazi and I found out. I said , why don't you hold a press conference at the school first? You will break the school record in one fell swoop!"

"Come on, I'm too lazy to entertain them. I'm already at the gate, how do I get in? Is there a reporter at the back gate of the school?"

"Yes, there are quite a few."

"I'm going, these reporters are full? There are so many celebrities who don't go to interview, why should I interview me? An'an, think of a way, how can I get in!"

"Okay, Xiao Dazi and I will pick you up at the door, why don't you sneak in with some makeup?"

"Okay, see you later."

Luo Qingqing hung up the phone, looked left and right, a little helpless, she was wearing all clothes, she didn't even bring a cosmetic bag, how could she put on makeup.

She looked at Tang Chen and asked, "Are there any clothes in the car?"

Probably to deceive others, today Tang Chen drove a blue Lamborghini, not his usual Rolls Royce.

"No. Even if there is, your small body can't wear my clothes, right?"

Tang Chen looked at her, and spoke the truth with a bit of contempt.After all, there was a big difference in height between the two of them, and Luo Qingqing's clothes could be used as costumes.

"Hey, can you talk? How small am I? I have a perfect body. I need breasts and buttocks. How small?"

Luo Qingqing was annoyed by his eyes, she straightened her chest imposingly, and twisted her waist.

Tang Chen couldn't hold back, and almost laughed out loud.

Even if Luo Qingqing hadn't looked like a lady since she was a child, she couldn't escape the vulgarity, and couldn't bear others' contempt for her figure.

Tang Chen nodded: "Well, I saw it last night, it is indeed a perfect figure, very charming. I just said..."

"Hey, Tang Chen, you bastard, who told you to watch it?"

Luo Qingqing felt ashamed and annoyed when she thought that last night, she had been seen by him unreservedly, and that she was showing off in front of him just now, and she rushed forward, wanting to fight him desperately.

Tang Chen smiled and grabbed her white bone claws that greeted his face, and said, "Don't get excited, at worst, tonight, I'll let you see the light, isn't it fair?"

Fair big head ghost!
But before Luo Qingqing's eyes, he appeared inexplicably without clothes, with strong and well-proportioned muscles, well-defined abdominal muscles, and charming waistcoat lines...

Her little face suddenly turned red, and she wished she could slap herself, because she was seduced by him again!
Tang Chen patted her blushing face, stopped teasing her, and asked, "Are you still going in? If there is nothing else, then don't go in."

"I have to go in, I have to take an oath, and I have to get my diploma."

Tang Chen reversed the car for more than ten meters, turned a corner, pointed to a section of the wall of the Film Academy, and said, "This place is relatively remote, and those reporters can't see this place. I can carry you over the wall!"

Over the wall?

Luo Qingqing had never done such an outrageous thing.

But a little heart is beating so happily, what's going on?

"Is it possible? The wall is more than two meters high!"

Tang Chen smiled: "Have you forgotten what my background is? It's a little Cass!"

As he spoke, he opened the door and got out of the car, and Luo Qingqing also got out from the other side.The two walked under the wall, Tang Chen knelt down and said, "Come up."

Luo Qingqing looked around to see that there was no one around, and quickly lay down on Tang Chen's back, with an inexplicable fever on her face.

How many years has he not carried her on his back?
When they went to elementary school together, they always walked to and from school.

Once when Luo Qingqing was attending physical education class, she accidentally broke her knee.The teacher led her to the infirmary for bandaging. She was very strong and did not shed a single tear.

But after school, when Tang Chen came to pick her up, she cried aggrievedly.

Tang Chen was so distressed that he squatted down and let her lie on his back, and he carried her all the way home.

Since then, Luo Qingqing has fallen in love with Tang Chen's back, and from time to time she finds reasons to let him carry her.

As for Tang Chen, he obediently carried her back every time, and never complained.

Thinking of the past, Luo Qingqing felt a little uncomfortable again.

Tang Chen said, "Qingqing, you have to wrap your arms around my neck."

Luo Qingqing nodded obediently.

Tang Chen straightened up, took a few steps back, saw no one around, started, made an approach run, made a leap, and carried Luo Qingqing on his back to the wall.

Luo Qingqing's mouth was so wide open that she felt like she was flying up.

Tang Chen looked down from the top of the wall. This is a dead corner of the school, relatively remote, and then floated into the courtyard.

He landed lightly, without any sound.

Luo Qingqing got off his back and couldn't help but exult: "Achen, you are so amazing!"

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