Ling Tianlin smiled triumphantly: "Why am I willing to hurt Tang Meng? It's just that we kissed for too long, and it was a bit intense, which caused her to hurt her tongue. It's okay, she will be fine in a few days!"

"Ling Tianlin, you bastard!"

Lin Xuqing was so distressed, he said to Tang Meng in the video: "Mengmeng is not afraid, I will avenge you!"

After speaking, he rushed towards Ling Tianlin.

"No!" Tang Meng stood up anxiously in the video, trying to stop Lin Xuqing.

How could he beat Ling Tianlin?Has he not struck the stone with the pebble?
However, her voice was too small, and she was thousands of miles away, she couldn't stop Lin Xuqing at all!
Her tears contained stubborn tears, and she clenched her hands into fists, thinking of countermeasures.How can Lin Xuqing be stopped?
Ling Tianlin waved his hand and said, "Wait!"

Lin Xuqing stared at Ling Tianlin like an angry lion: "Do you regret what you have done for you?"

Ling Tianlin smiled and said: "Lin Xuqing, didn't you keep saying that you wanted to duel with me? I'll give you this chance now, but if you are willing to gamble and admit defeat. If you lose, just sign the divorce agreement? Mengmeng will also sign it at the same time ,How about it?"

At this time, his subordinates handed over a divorce agreement to Lin Xuqing.At the same time, in the video, someone handed Tang Meng a divorce agreement.

This agreement is very simple, saying that the relationship between the two people broke down, they broke up peacefully, and divorced voluntarily!

Lin Xu glanced at the divorce papers, crumpled them into a ball, then tore them into pieces, and threw them in Ling Tianlin's face: "I told you, I won't divorce even if I die!"

The corners of Ling Tianlin's mouth were silent, and he said viciously: "Then you go to die, you will save trouble if you die!"

He bent down to get closer to the video, stared at Tang Meng in the video, and smiled like an evil devil: "Mengmeng, I'll let you watch how I can defeat this man, watching him crawl on me like a dog feet!"

Tang Meng stared at him angrily: "Ling Tianlin, if you dare to hurt him, I will make your life worse than death!"

But Ling Tianlin laughed loudly: "Mengmeng, for the rest of my life, I don't mind falling in love with you!"

"You're dreaming! Mengmeng, don't listen to him, don't compromise with him! Ling Tianlin, come here, I will fight you to the death today!"

While Lin Xuqing was talking, he suddenly rushed forward, hugged Ling Tianlin's waist, and wanted to throw him to the ground.

The corner of Ling Tianlin's mouth curled up into a cruel smile. He stepped back, looked at Tang Meng in the video, and said, "Keep your eyes open!"

As he spoke, he bent his elbow and slammed Lin Xuqing's back.

Kakaka, Tang Meng could hear the sound of Lin Xuqing's bones being hit through the screen.

"Xuqing, stop, don't be stupid, go find Ah Chen..."

Tang Meng shouted anxiously.

She handed the child to the nurse on the side, and knocked down a guard next to her by surprise, "Give me your mobile phone!"

However, there was not only one guard in the room, but four or five.

One was knocked down, and the rest rushed forward: "Miss Tang, calm down!"

At this moment, Tang Meng had lost her mind.

Ever since Ling Tianlin was forced to leave with death, Tang Meng also decided to find a way to escape from here.

She didn't dare to act rashly because of the child before, but now that the child is fine, she can no longer be confined here by Ling Tianlin.

However, after observing it for a while, she felt a chill in her heart.

There are cameras everywhere in the villa, recording her every move, so that she has nowhere to hide.Even though Ling Tianlin was thousands of miles away, he knew her actions like the back of his hand.

And in the villa, there are guards everywhere, let alone her leaving with the child, even if she leaves alone, it is a little difficult.

Therefore, she has been trying to find a way to contact Tang Chen.

But she searched all over the villa, but couldn't find any communication equipment.Aunt Ping, Xiao Ai, and even the doctor and nurse had their mobile phones confiscated.They pass the message through the guards.

Therefore, Tang Meng could only snatch the phone from the guard.However, after a day, she couldn't find a chance to make a move.

At this moment, the opportunity came.She went crazy and fought with five guards.

A woman who works hard has unlimited potential, not to mention that Tang Meng is already pretty good at it.

Therefore, she was surrounded by five guards, and she did not lose the wind at all.

However, Lin Xuqing did not have such abilities as hers.

Although he has been fighting Ling Tianlin in close quarters, his facial features have been displaced, his face is covered with blood, his body is covered with cuts and bruises, he is lying on the ground, unable to get up.

Ling Tianlin stepped on him and shouted to Tang Meng on the screen: "Tang Meng, stop!"

Tang Meng stopped, turned her head to look, and saw that Lin Xuqing was covered in blood, and she could no longer see her original appearance.

Her heart is broken!

"Ling Tianlin, let him go!"

"Mengmeng, leave me alone, I'm fine!" Lin Xuqing struggled under Ling Tianlin's feet, but he still couldn't get Ling Tianlin's big foot out.

Ling Tianlin said to Tang Meng in a victorious manner: "Tang Meng, I didn't want his life at first, but now, he only has half his life left. As long as I work a little harder, his half life will be gone." It's gone! Think about it, should you sign for a divorce, or let this abandoned factory be his burial place?"

"Ling Tianlin, you bastard! You must die!"

Tang Meng cursed angrily.

Ling Tianlin was not angry, but smiled and said: "Mengmeng, scold me, as long as you are happy! I will give you 1 minute to decide whether to sign the divorce agreement. The countdown starts now!"

Tang Meng felt extremely uncomfortable, she called Lin Xuqing's name over and over again.

Her crying caused the wound on the base of her tongue to tear open, and blood flowed from her mouth.

But she completely ignored her injury, her mind was all on Lin Xuqing, who was like a bloody man, and her tears flowed down like a bank.

Even if this man is not as domineering as Ling Tianlin, even if he used to be indifferent to her, even if he is not like her ideal man, but she still loves him!He is her heartbeat!

That year she was a freshman, and at the orientation meeting, Lin Xuqing, a senior, acted on stage as an outstanding student representative.

Tang Meng still remembers that he was clean and fresh, wearing a white shirt without a trace of dust; black suit pants, simple and straight.

With a faint smile, he talked freely.He has no rhetoric, but every word is pearls.His clear voice, like a gurgling brook, is refreshing.

He is refreshing, sunny, and clean, like the epitome of all the beauty in the world.

That day, he used his simplicity and sunshine to conquer the hearts of all the school girls, including Tang Meng.

Because of him, Tang Meng joined the student union; because of him, she joined the work-study club; because of him, she studied harder; because of him, she became good friends with all the girls in his class, just for the chance to get close to him!

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