Ling Tianlin's face approached Tang Meng's face gradually, and his hot breath sprayed on her face, making her only feel humiliated and disgusted.

She, Tang Meng, has always been open and frank all her life. She has a clear conscience towards others and never compromises with herself, except for Lin Xuqing!
And her proud heart is not something that anyone can trample and ravage arbitrarily, no matter what kind of guise he uses!
Therefore, at this moment, although Tang Meng is completely at a disadvantage, she will not give in to Ling Tianlin easily.

She just looked up at him like that, watching him getting closer and closer to her, when she suddenly exerted force on the soles of her feet, she jerked her body upwards, and her head hit his chin fiercely.

Ling Tianlin was too distracted, he thought that Tang Meng was already a fish on his chopping board, but he didn't expect that she could still be dying!
Tang Meng's blow almost shattered his mandible.

He had no choice but to let go of Tang Meng in pain, and put his chin on his hands.

Taking advantage of this moment, Tang Meng turned around and got out of his embrace, keeping a distance from him.

Ling Tianlin rubbed his chin with both hands, and was speechless for a while, but his eyes stared at Tang Meng fiercely.

Tang Meng also stared at him fiercely: "Ling Tianlin, what I said to you before is to hope that you still have a little conscience, a little moral bottom line in your heart, and a minimum of respect for me, Tang Meng! But, you let me down so much, those words of mine are just playing the piano! If I knew you were such a shameless person, I would never have let you step into the Tang family when I was a child!"

The pain on Ling Tianlin's jaw eased, and he came back to his senses, looking at Tang Meng with painful eyes: "Tang Meng, you forced me to do this! You know that I love you, but you turn a blind eye! You I know that I love you, but you still marry that little boy Lin Xuqing! I want to forget you too, but I can't! Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Tang Meng curled her lips in disdain, "Ling Tianlin, you don't love me, it's because of your self-esteem that you can't pass your own hurdle. When you meet a woman who is sincerely good to you, you will Forget mine!"

Ling Tianlin smiled wryly: "For so many years, the women I have met are like crucian carp crossing the river, but none of them can replace you!"

"So, you despicably designed me and imprisoned me? Have you ever thought about my feelings?"

"I thought about it, I know you will hate me, but I can make it up to you, I can treat you better than Lin Xuqing! You have to believe me!"

Tang Meng sneered: "That's just your wishful thinking, but I don't need it? Ling Tianlin, tell me, how can you let me and my son go?"

Ling Tianlin's eyes instantly burned, and the scarlet fire made him look like a demon possessed.

He walked towards Tang Meng step by step: "Are you kidding me? It took me so much effort to bring you out, and you said let me let you go? Do you think I'm stupid?"

Tang Meng was frightened by his appearance, she looked at him vigilantly, and stepped back step by step: "What exactly do you want?"

Ling Tianlin strode forward: "I have waited too long for today, I want you to divorce, stay with me, marry me, go to the clouds and rain with me, have children with me, and grow old with me forever! "

Tang Meng was about to be disgusted by Ling Tianlin, she said coldly: "You should give up your heart, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Really? Then let's try!"

As he spoke, he strode up to Tang Meng, reaching out to hug her.

Tang Meng will never be caught without a fight, and fight him again.

But no matter how powerful she was, she was no match for Ling Tianlin who had been trained since childhood.Besides, she has just given birth, and her body is still weak.

She started to take everything that could be picked up in the room, and threw it at Ling Tianlin, but it was of no avail, and in the end she was pressed hard by him on the bed.

Panting heavily, Tang Meng supported his shoulders with both hands, and said coldly, "Ling Tianlin, if you dare to touch my finger today, I promise you will see a dead body!"

Ling Tianlin looked at Tang Meng with painful eyes: "Mengmeng, why are you willing to be with me?"

Tang Meng poohed and said, "It's easier for you to give up!"

Ling Tianlin gritted his teeth, "Really? At this time, the little one should be breastfeeding, right?"

Tang Meng was startled: "What do you mean?"

Ling Tianlin hissed: "Listen!"

Tang Meng stretched out her ears to listen, and she could faintly hear the cry of the child.

Is it her Zhuangzhuang who is crying?

Tang Meng's heart was tugged together in an instant, and the strength in her hands was drained all of a sudden: "What did you do to my son?"

Ling Tianlin smiled evilly: "What can you do? It's just that he's hungry and no one is feeding him milk powder!"

"You, Ling Tianlin, how can you be so despicable? You take such a small child and threaten me, do you still have humanity?"

"Tang Meng, don't forget that I gave him his life for him to live to this day! Therefore, his life should belong to me, and I have the right to dispose of it!"

"You are talking nonsense, that is my son, he is mine, you have no right to dispose of him!"

"Really? Do you want to try it? You are here to fight with me, see how long that little thing can last? He is a premature baby. Although he is out of the oxygen box, compared with a normal baby, his physique is still the same. It's much worse!"

"Ling Tianlin, you are shameless!"

"Tang Meng, you forced me! As long as you promise to be with me, I can be a cheap father!"

"You, why don't you die?"

"I haven't got you yet, how can I die? Listen to your son's voice more, maybe this is his last voice in this world!"

Tang Meng's heart was about to break as her son's heart-piercing cries were heard next to her ears.

Her tears fell down the corners of her eyes onto the bed, and her hands almost tore the sheets.

When she was pregnant with him, she tried her best to protect him, but now, she can't protect him anymore!
Maybe, that's why he missed her. She shouldn't bring him into this world to suffer this kind of crime!

That's okay, she left this dirty world with him, and in another world, she will definitely protect him!

She thought sadly, closing her eyes, her mouth tightly shut, and her teeth clenched at the root!

She would rather the jade be broken than crumbled!
She would rather die than bow down under this despicable and shameless man!

She was so determined that she didn't even want to look at Ling Tianlin again.

Ling Tianlin sensed that something was wrong with Tang Meng, she was too calm.

It wasn't until he saw traces of blood flowing from the corner of her tight mouth that he was startled.

He quickly reached out to break Tang Meng's mouth: "Tang Meng, open your mouth!"

Tang Meng closed her mouth tightly, but opened her eyes, staring at him fiercely, as if death was at home!

Ling Tianlin panicked, and quickly said, "Tang Meng, open your mouth, don't scare me! Open your mouth, I won't force you anymore!"

In a panic, he wanted to knock open Tang Meng's mouth, but Tang Meng closed it so tightly that he even cut her lips, and he didn't let her open her mouth.

"Tang Meng, I beg you, don't scare me! You're going to die, open your mouth, I've said it all, I won't force you..."

But Tang Meng just stared at him, but didn't open her mouth.

Ling Tianlin was angry and distressed, and hurried out the door, shouting: "Feed the baby quickly, don't make him cry!"

After he finished shouting, he went back to the bed and looked at Tang Meng nervously: "Listen, the child stopped crying, he's fine, open your mouth and let me see your injury!"

But Tang Meng stood up, jumped off the bed, ran out of the room, and ran to the nursery.

In the baby room, the nurse is feeding milk powder to Xiao Zhuangzhuang.

Xiao Zhuangzhuang's little face was still flushed, and his big eyes were still wet.He sucked desperately, still sobbing.

Tang Meng's heart was dying of pain, she didn't even dare to touch her son!
She almost killed him just now!
If Ling Tianlin is not soft-hearted, she will really kill her son!

Her body was trembling, tears could not stop streaming down.

She has never been a woman who loves to cry, but today, she shed all the tears in her whole life!

Ling Tianlin followed her to the nursery, looked at her, powerless and helpless.

He didn't want to push her so tightly, but she was too stubborn, there was nothing he could do!
"Tang Meng, look, the child is fine, hurry up and let the doctor look at your wound!"

Tang Meng, on the other hand, was oblivious, staring straight at her son, as if she was afraid that he would disappear in the next second, she didn't care at all, the blood in her mouth had already dropped onto her clothes, covering her chest Wet before.

She couldn't care less, the root of her tongue was burning so badly that she couldn't speak anymore.

Ling Tianlin knew how stubborn Tang Meng was, so he stopped urging her and just quietly accompanied her.

Until Xiao Zhuangzhuang was full, he fell asleep in the nurse's arms.

His flushed little face returned to white again, but his drooping eyelashes were still wet, as if reminding Tang Meng of the cruel thing she did just now.

Tang Meng's heart was about to break, she reached out to pick up Xiao Zhuangzhuang, "Let me hug him!"

She couldn't make a sound, only gasping.

The nurse glanced at Ling Tianlin and saw that he had no objection, so she handed the child to Tang Meng.

Tang Meng hugged the child tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks, she said silently: "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

After a long time, Ling Tianlin said: "Put him down, let him sleep well, and let the doctor see your wound!"

Tang Meng didn't insist, and gently put Xiao Zhuangzhuang in the cradle.

She rocked the cradle gently, seeing him sleeping soundly, and then left the nursery with Ling Tianlin.

When it came to the arm, the doctor checked Tang Meng's tongue and couldn't help being surprised.

Tang Meng almost bit off the root of her tongue!

She bit her tongue with the will to die!
Ling Tianlin was finally afraid.

The doctor treated the wound and told Tang Meng that the wound at the base of the tongue healed slowly, and she had to swallow food, which was not good for the recovery of the wound. She couldn't speak during this time.

Tang Meng didn't care, but Ling Tianlin regretted it.

In this way, Tang Meng was only indifferent towards him.He would rather have her scold him than let her suffer this crime!
"I'm sorry!" he said to her.

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