Lin Xuqing tuned the volume of his mobile phone to be very low, but he and Tang Meng were still awakened.

Tang Meng just fell asleep when she was woken up. She was a little unhappy and hugged Lin Xuqing's arms vigorously.

Lin Xuqing quickly patted her on the back to comfort her, then grabbed his mobile phone, and connected without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, who is it?"

A voice weeping with joy came from the phone: "Brother Xuqing, it's me, I'm Lianlian. I'm so happy, I want to tell you good news, Jin Jin has been found, finally found..."

"What did you say?" Lin Xuqing was in a daze, and hadn't realized who Jin Jin was.

Xu Lianlian had already worn away Lin Xuqing's affection for her, and now that he hates her, he still hates her!

On the phone, Xu Lianlian continued to say excitedly: "Brother Xuqing, I, Lianlian, my son, Jin Jin has been found!"

Only now did Lin Xuqing wake up completely, and she was a little surprised. After searching for more than half a year, she couldn't find it. Why did she suddenly find it?However, it's a good thing to find her, so Xu Lianlian doesn't have to suspect that Tang Meng kidnapped her son!
Therefore, he said: "Then congratulations, you can finally be reunited with your son."

He felt that this was Xu Lianlian's own business and had nothing to do with him.

But Xu Lianlian said: "Brother Xuqing, but my son hasn't been brought back yet. He was sold to Dashangou to be someone else's son..."

Thinking of her poor son, she burst into tears again.

Lin Xuqing frowned. In order not to disturb Tang Meng by Xu Lianlian's crying, she quickly got out of bed with her mobile phone and left the bedroom.

Tang Meng also woke up early, without any sleepiness.

Looking at Lin Xuqing's back, she couldn't help frowning, but she still lay there without moving.

Lin Xuqing went to the small living room outside and asked, "What's going on?"

Xu Lianlian said: "Last night, I received a call from some rescue organization, saying that they had caught a child trafficking ring and confessed all the kidnapped children, and Jin Jin was one of them!"

"How did this happen? Is the news accurate? The rescue organization, won't you rescue the child?"

"They asked me to go with them. They showed me the picture of the child. It is my son. There is nothing wrong! He is dark and thin now, and he has no human appearance. My poor child, it is all my fault , I shouldn't have taken him away...Brother Xuqing, what should I do? Can you help me?"

Xu Lianlian was crying again on the phone.

Lin Xuqing frowned and said, "I can send a few people to follow you."

"Brother Xuqing, I'm so scared, can you go with me? I beg you, as long as my son is rescued, I will take him back to my hometown and never disturb you and Tang Meng again..."

Lin Xuqing said: "Tang Meng's body is heavy, and it's inconvenient for me to leave, so I'd better find someone else to accompany you."

Xu Lianlian burst into tears on the phone: "Brother Xuqing, are you so ruthless to me now? I don't ask you for anything, just this one thing, is that okay? Only you can help me! Niu Dang Do you pity my poor son?"

She cried so hard that she couldn't make a sound, but she was so miserable that it was moving.

Lin Xuqing kept frowning, feeling a little soft in his heart.

After all, he and she grew up together, even if there is no love, there is still a little affection for her in my heart.

"Don't cry, I'll discuss it with Mengmeng."

"Okay, brother Xuqing, please beg her for me, or I will go to your house, and I will kneel down to her..."

Lin Xuqing interrupted her, "Stop talking, Mengmeng doesn't mind you kneeling!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He breathed a sigh of relief, then returned to the bedroom, lay back on the bed, and hugged Tang Meng into his arms.

Tang Meng didn't fall back asleep, but kept her eyes closed and waited for him to come back.

She moved in his arms, and asked him in a low voice, "What's the matter with Xu Lianlian?"

Lin Xuqing repeated Xu Lianlian's words.

Tang Meng heard this, frowned and said, "Don't you think it's strange? Since she got the news last night, why did she call you now? She should call you as soon as possible! Besides, since it is Rescue organization, that should be to rescue the child, why would the family members go? Xu Qing, why don't you tell Ah Chen about this, and ask him to send someone to go with Xu Lianlian, I don't want you to go, I'm sorry This Xu Lianlian is still worried."

Lin Xuqing nodded: "Okay, I'll call him later. Do you want to sleep a little longer, or get up?"

Tang Meng said: "I can't sleep anymore, get up."

"Okay, what do you want to eat, I'll make it for you?"

Although there are three servants in the family who are always on hand, as long as Lin Xuqing is at home, he will definitely cook for Tang Meng himself.

His cooking skills are only limited to simple household meals, and he can't cook too advanced dishes.

But Tang Meng liked his simple home-cooked meals. She said that she could taste the taste of a monk and his heart.

Tang Meng said: "I want to eat your egg noodles with long beard, and I want to put chives and coriander."

Lin Xuqing nodded, got up first, got dressed, then helped Tang Meng up, changed her pajamas, and put on casual maternity clothes.

He looked at her belly like a basketball, both distressed and happy.

The two of them went to the bathroom together, and after washing together, Lin Xuqing skillfully applied Tang Meng's skin care products, and then helped her, step by step into the indoor elevator, to the first floor.

It turns out that this indoor elevator has always been a decoration, and now it is convenient for Tang Meng to go up and down.

Lin Xuqing called a servant to accompany Tang Meng for a walk in the garden, and he went into the kitchen and made two bowls of light longxu noodles.

The noodles are as thin as hair, crystal white, with oily flowers floating, dotted with green chives and coriander clear soup, and the aroma is attractive.

There is a perfect poached egg in the middle, the egg white of asparagus, wrapped in a golden yolk, which is pleasing to the eye and appeals to the appetite.

Lin Xuqing also served two Xiaodie appetizers.

He put all the food on the table, and then went to the garden to ask Tang Meng to eat.

At this time, Tang Meng was feeding the goldfish by the viewing pool.She watched the fish wagging their heads and tails, scrambling for food, with a warm smile on their slightly plump faces.

"Mengmeng, it's time to eat."

Lin Xuqing walked over and said.

Tang Meng smiled and waved to him: "Come and see, Tang Xiaomeng and Lin Xiaoqing are fighting again."

Tang Xiaomeng is a red carp with white flowers. There is a big red flower on her head, which is very beautiful.However, it is very aggressive, and when it grabs food, it is called fast, precise and ruthless.

Lin Xiaoqing is a black carp with white flowers. He has a flat forehead and looks fierce.But in fact, it is also very fierce, comparable to Tang Xiaomeng.

They are the biggest fish in the pool, so they and Lin Xuqing regard them as their own children, tease them whenever they have nothing to do, and watch them fight fiercely for food.

What's interesting is that every time they finished robbing food, they would head to head and get together, as if they were very intimate, whispering, and seeming to be exchanging experiences of robbing food.

Tang Meng likes these two fish very much, every time she is amused by them and laughs out loud.

Lin Xuqing walked over and saw that the fish in the pond had already finished their food and scattered in all directions.

But Tang Xiaomeng and Lin Xiaoqing were still in the middle of the water, mouth to mouth, constantly "kissing".

Lin Xuqing smiled and said, "Are these two little things showing us their affection again?"

Tang Meng said: "It is said that the memory of fish is only seven seconds, I think they may be reacquainted!"

Lin Xuqing said with a smile: "I don't know how many times they have to get to know each other every day!"

"Actually, if you forget it, you can always be attracted by the other person, and you will still fall in love at first sight, and then forget it, and fall in love at first sight again. It is also a miracle."

Lin Xuqing raised his forehead, "Only fish can afford this miserable life. Let them do it, anyway, they have plenty of time. Let's go eat first."

The two of them walked back to the dining room and had breakfast together.

At this time, the maid who cleaned the room ran downstairs with their mobile phones and said, "Sir, madam, your mobile phones rang just now. I didn't answer them, so the other party hung up."

The two took the mobile phone, waved their hands, and told the servant to leave.

It was the same person who called them, Xu Lianlian.

Tang Meng said: "Let her wait, let's eat first."

"Okay." Lin Xuqing also put the phone aside, but had dinner.

However, a few minutes later, Xu Lianlian called Lin Xuqing again.

Lin Xuqing answered and said, "Wait a minute, I'll call you."

"Brother Xuqing, I..."

Lin Xuqing hung up without waiting for her to say anything, and then called Tang Chen.

Tang Chen was practicing boxing in the yard at this time, and his mobile phone was still in the bedroom, on mute.

As soon as Luo Qingqing got up, she saw Tang Chen's phone light blinking, so she took it over.

Seeing that it was Lin Xuqing, she picked it up and said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, good morning."

Lin Xuqing heard Luo Qingqing's voice, and said with a smile: "Qingqing, good morning. Are you okay?"

Of course he also knew about Luo Qingqing's pregnancy.

Luo Qingqing smiled and said: "I'm fine, sister, she's fine."

"She's fine, she's eating."

"It's so early, I just woke up. What delicious food did you make for my sister?"

Lin Xuqing smiled: "It's just a daily meal. Where's Ah Chen?"

"He should be practicing boxing outside, wait a moment, I'll go and give him the phone."

As she said, she walked out of the bedroom with her mobile phone in hand.

Outside, Tang Chen had already finished practicing a set of boxing. He estimated that it was almost time to wake Luo Qingqing up, so he turned around and walked back, just in time to meet Luo Qingqing.

"Ah Chen, brother-in-law's phone call, there may be something wrong." Tang Chen answered the phone, rubbed the top of Luo Qingqing's head with his big hands, and said, "Go and change your clothes first, the temperature is low today, don't catch a cold."

Luo Qingqing agreed, then turned and went back to the bedroom.

Tang Chen then asked into the microphone: "What's the matter?"

Lin Xuqing told the story of Xu Lianlian again.

Tang Chen sneered after hearing this, "The old fox is about to attack!"

Lin Xuqing was confused, what the hell is the old fox?

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