Ji Dongchen was a little embarrassed, he was not wearing a suit jacket, and his tie was hanging loosely around his neck, while his white shirt had been unbuttoned several times.There are many obvious marks of lipstick on his shirt and his bare skin.

He bent over and rushed forward somewhat blindly.

Mu Anan hurried over to support him, and asked with concern: "How are you? Are you okay?"

Ji Dongchen could no longer see who the person in front of him was, but he grabbed her hand tightly and said, "Take me to the hospital, thank you!"

"Okay!" Without asking any more questions, Mu Anan supported Ji Dongchen and walked towards the elevator.

At this time, Zhang Xiaobei ran out of the room wrapped in a bath towel.

She grabbed Ji Dongchen and said coldly to Mu An'an, "Mu An'an, where do you want to take my fiancé to at night? You are not afraid that I will tell the crew or Tell the media?"

Mu An'an pushed her away, and said in a cold voice, "I'm afraid of you? Zhang Xiaobei, why do you want to be dissatisfied so much that you get him drunk and force the overlord to attack you?"

Zhang Xiaobei was caught in the heart, and she became a little angry, "Mu An'an, I don't need you, an outsider, to intervene in the matter between me and my fiancé, just get out!"

"It's you who should get out! Zhang Xiaobei, are you going to kill Ji Dongchen for your own selfish desire? Do you know that in his current physical condition, he can't drink at all. Drinking is tantamount to committing suicide! Do you understand? "

Zhang Xiaobei was stunned, she never thought that Ji Dongchen's health was so bad now.But when he was asked to drink with a client at night, he didn't refuse at all!

Seeing Zhang Xiaobei's expression, Mu An'an knew that she didn't know Ji Dongchen's physical condition at all, so she couldn't help being even more angry: "He just asked me to take him to the hospital. If you still have a conscience, you don't want him to die in front of you." , don't stop me!"

While talking, she helped Ji Dongchen into the elevator, went downstairs to the hotel, asked for a car from the hotel, and sent Ji Dongchen to the hospital urgently.

Before reaching the hospital, Ji Dongchen fell into a coma.

After another series of emergency rescues, Ji Dongchen was sent to the ward.

The doctor said that Ji Dongchen's condition was the same as last time. He was still drinking too much alcohol, which caused the inflammation of the old injury, and he had a high fever again.

Mu An'an guarded Ji Dongchen for another night, and Ji Dongchen didn't wake up until early in the morning.

He was a little surprised when he saw Mu Anan, "Why are you?"

Mu Anan sneered: "Who do you want? Your dear fiancee?"

Ji Dongchen was still burning and aching all over, but he looked at Mu Anan intently, his chapped lips parted and closed slightly: "Mu Anan, I'm sorry!"

Mu Anan sneered again: "President Ji, what are you apologizing for?"

Ji Dongchen pursed his lips and said nothing.

It was as if Mu An'an had punched the cotton, and her heart ached.

She also didn't expect Ji Dongchen to apologize to her, because if he hurt her, he hurt her, and an apology can't make up for it. Besides, with his current attitude, he has no intention of making up for it.

Mu Anan didn't want to stay any longer, so she said, "Since you're fine, let your fiancée take care of you. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

She picked up her bag, turned and left.

"Mu An'an, thank you this time." Ji Dongchen said behind her.

Mu Anan sneered, turned around, and looked at him: "How do you want to thank me?"

Ji Dongchen paused, looked at her, and said, "How do you want me to thank you?"

Mu Anan walked towards Ji Dongchen step by step: "What if I want you to marry me with my body?"

Ji Dongchen was stunned, looking at her, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His little smile, on his sickly face, was also radiant, which made Mu Anan a little dazed.

"Mu An'an, I'm sorry, I'm not worthy!" Ji Dongchen said word by word.

Mu Anan was startled, she didn't expect that he would say such a sentence.She always thought that he felt that she was not worthy of him, so he refused repeatedly.

Her heart trembled, and layers of tears welled up.She was a little choked up, but her tone was a little mocking: "Ji Dongchen, don't lie to me, I will take it seriously if you do this!"

She never thought about the question of whether two people are worthy or not, only the question of willing or not.If his unworthiness is put aside, is he also willing?Does it mean that she, Mu An'an, also occupies a place in Ji Dongchen's heart?
Ji Dongchen avoided her gaze and said, "Go back, be careful!"

Mu Anan couldn't control her tears anymore, she pointed at Ji Dongchen and cursed: "Ji Dongchen, you bastard, coward!"

She slams the door and walks away.

Ji Dongchen was lying on the hospital bed, looking at the ceiling, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, but his heart hurt a little.

I'm sorry, Mu Anan, I really don't deserve it!I can't give you a pure heart!

Mu Anan took a taxi back to the hotel and fell asleep.

She finally sent Ji Dongchen to the hospital, so she had nothing to worry about, so she slept soundly.

The next day, at six o'clock, all the staff assembled downstairs.

Mu An'an and Qiao Yuqi's assistants arrived at this time, equipped them with a nanny car, and then went to the Wudu town studio together.

The assistants took the luggage to the pre-booked hotel room, while Mu An'an and Qiao Yuqi began to put on makeup on the set, and they started shooting from then on.

But in G City Hospital, in Ji Dongchen's ward, Zhang Xiaobei arrived late.

She glanced at Ji Dongchen, her face was a little cold: "I didn't expect you to be like this now, you can't even hold a few glasses of wine."

Ji Dongchen said indifferently: "I let you down, you can regret the marriage at any time."

But Zhang Xiaobei laughed: "Repentance? How is it possible?" She exhausted all her efforts to get engaged to him. She hasn't really got him yet, so how could she regret her engagement?
Sitting by the hospital bed, she asked, "How many days will it take for you to leave the hospital? What about Mr. Liao's cooperation?"

Ji Dongchen said: "Go follow up, I'm sick, and I won't be able to leave the hospital within a week."

Zhang Xiaobei sighed, and said, "Okay then, I'll go talk to Mr. Liao, and I'll definitely try to get the most profit for you. Take care of your illness."

She said, got up and left, completely indifferent to Ji Dongchen's diet and physical condition.

Ji Dongchen watched her walk out of the ward, then took out his mobile phone, called his assistant, and said, "The fish has been hooked, so keep an eye on me!"

Ji Dongchen and Zhang Xiaobei got engaged for a reason.

Zhang Xiaobei secretly returned to China, and took advantage of her duties to obtain all of Ji Dongchen's customer information and orders with her staff.

She controlled the batch of orders and notified the M country headquarters that Ji Dongchen could not be shipped without her permission.

Ji Dongchen's lack of goods to customers will definitely damage his reputation. In this way, it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the market.And the work he did in the early stage was in vain. It can be said that he made wedding clothes for Zhang Shi.

How could Ji Dongchen suffer from being so dumb?He asked Zhang Xiaobei what do you want?
Zhang Xiaobei said openly that she wanted to marry Ji Dongchen.

However, Ji Dongchen changed the marriage to an engagement on the grounds that his father was still lying in the hospital bed.

And Zhang Xiaobei didn't know that the information she got was completely fake.How could Ji Dongchen miss her?
Ji Dongchen got engaged to Zhang Xiaobei as she wished.But there is no difference between two people who are engaged and not engaged.

Ji Dongchen didn't even hold Zhang Xiaobei's hand, let alone further intimacy.

Zhang Xiaobei was very unwilling, so she and Mr. Liao teamed up to set up a trap for Ji Dongchen, trying to completely curb the capital flow of Ji's Group, and then united with Zhang's Group to attack Ji Dongchen from both sides, so that he would fully obey Zhang's Group.

Ji Dongchen had seen through Zhang Xiaobei a long time ago, so he took the risk of drinking yesterday instead of talking about business.But he didn't expect that Zhang Xiaobei could not wait any longer and put medicine in his wine.

Not only did she want to control his group, she also wanted to control him!

Hmph, all he can say is that she is too overestimated and underestimated him!
In a blink of an eye, four or five days passed.

Xiao Yu finished his inspection of the branch company, had lunch with the management of the branch company, and his plane in the afternoon was going back to Tang City.

Most of the people who accompanied Xiao Yu to dinner were men, and there was only one manager of the marketing department, a woman in her 30s.

This woman, wearing a smart suit and delicate makeup, has bright and firm eyes.

She is not very ostentatious, but gets along very well with the people present.Maybe she's the only woman and people take care of her.

She toasted Xiao Yu with a glass of wine, which was red wine. However, after she finished drinking, she covered her mouth, said sorry hastily, and ran out.

Xiao Yu frowned and asked, "What's wrong with her? Has a bad stomach?"

Knowing the situation, all the people present suddenly laughed.

A manager said, "President Xiao, it's not that she has a bad stomach, but that she is happy."

"Are you happy?" Xiao Yu's brows twitched suddenly.

The manager said: "It's just a month of pregnancy. She has been working hard in the marketing department for so many years. She has been married for many years and has not had a child, but she suddenly has one. She has no choice but to give birth."

Xiao Yu's heart skipped a beat, but he still asked: "Does she vomit like this all the time? Is there any other reaction?"

The manager was a little embarrassed: "I don't know about that, her lover is not from our company."

Soon the female manager came back, and she said apologetically to Xiao Yu: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, I was rude. I will punish myself with three cups!"

Xiao Yu looked at her, "Since you are pregnant, why do you still have to work?"

The female manager's eyes turned red suddenly: "Why, Mr. Xiao, you want to fire me? I have worked hard for ten years to get to this position! I promise it will not affect my work!"

Xiao Yu doesn't really understand the cruelty towards women in the current workplace.In his view, when a woman is pregnant, she should take good care of her baby, wait for delivery, or even give up her job to stay at home with her child.

"I'm pregnant, besides vomiting, is there any other reaction?" Xiao Yu didn't answer, but asked again.

The female manager is a little strange. It's inappropriate to discuss this issue in front of a group of men at the dinner table, right?

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