In the bar on the first floor of Jinse, in front of the bar, Mu Anan drank wine glass by glass, and brought the glass to Gao Yunping's lips from time to time, forcing him to drink.

Gao Yunping was so forced by her that he took a sip every time.

Judging by Mu An'an's posture, she wanted to get drunk, so he had to stay sober so that he could send her home.

Mu An'an doesn't drink very well, and she hasn't had much alcohol before.After a few glasses of wine, her face was already flushed, and her eyes were blurred.

She stopped crying a long time ago, but smiled, holding the wine glass, looking at the amber liquid, and smiled: "Mr. Gao, who do you think invented this wine? What's the use of him inventing this thing? It makes people worry? But why do I feel even more sad? There is a fire in my heart, and I always want to burn it. It hurts so much. Why can’t this wine be extinguished? Come and give it to me Explain, explain!"

Gao Yunping looked at her, his face and eyes were full of clarity.

He said lightly: "If you don't think about it, it will go out naturally!"

How many spring flowers and autumn moons in this world, how many loves, hates and separations, are all because they linger in my heart and I don't want to let go.If you are willing to let go, then Chunhuaqiuyue is just Chunhuaqiuyue.

Mu Anan smiled: "Hahaha, it makes sense, Mr. Gao, everything you say makes sense, I respect you!"

She touched his glass and drank it down.

She picked up the bottle and poured it again, but Gao Yunping covered the glass and said, "You're already drunk, you can do it!"

Mu Anan pushed him: "I'm not drunk, I just want to have a good drink today, you can't stop me!"

But she was really drunk, and she didn't have much strength in her hands. She didn't push Gao Yunping, but fell off the high chair herself.

Panicked, Gao Yunping quickly reached out, grabbed her, and hugged her tightly.

At this moment, Xiao Yu just arrived at the hall and passed by the bar.When he saw Mu Anan hugging a strange man, he frowned and walked over.

He put one hand on Mu Anan's shoulder and the other on Gao Yunping's shoulder, and separated the two of them forcefully.

He asked Gao Yunping in a cold voice: "Who are you? Do you know her?"

Gao Yunping was a little surprised by the man who came suddenly.He didn't know Xiao Yu, so he asked cautiously: "Who are you?"

At this time, Mu An'an looked up and suddenly smiled: "Young Master Xiao, why is it you? Are you here to drink too? Come, I'll drink with you?"

The smell of alcohol in her mouth made Xiao Yu frown, how much did she drink?
"Why are you here? Do you know him?"

He regarded Gao Yunping as one of those people who approached women who were drinking in their stomachs with malicious intentions.

Mu An'an is Luo Qingqing's good friend, so Xiao Yu came over to mind her own business when she saw it.

Mu An'an giggled: "You said Mr. Gao, he is Mr. Gao, he is amazing, once he said anything, it would be nothing."

So, they know each other.

Xiao Yu felt relieved and said, "Okay, you should go back early, don't get drunk."

He turned to leave.

But Mu Anan grabbed Xiao Yu, and said, "Young Master Xiao, don't go, have a few drinks with me and talk with me, okay? Haha, weren't we good friends back then?"

At the beginning, when Luo Qingqing matched two people, neither of them was attracted, so they became friends temporarily.

However, after all, they are not from the same world, and there is still some estrangement. Gradually, there is no connection.

Xiao Yu frowned, and sat down on the stool beside him.He waved and asked the bartender at the bar to make him a glass of wine.

He is not a nosy person. Seeing Mu Anan like this today, something must have happened, so he asked, "Aren't you filming with Qingqing? Why did you come here to drink? What happened?"

Mu Anan was too drunk to sit still, she lay on the bar counter, she didn't answer Xiao Yu's question, but looked at Xiao Yu and smiled: "Young Master Xiao, tell me, if I fell in love with you at the beginning, would you Want me?"

Xiao Yu looked at her and said bluntly: "No!"

Mu Anan's eye circles immediately turned red, and she cried, "Why? What's wrong with me? Why don't you like me?"

Xiao Yu frowned, and still said bluntly: "There is nothing wrong with you, it's just not the one I like."

"Then who do you like?"

Mu An'an suddenly thought of, what Luo Qingqing said during the day, did not know who Xiao Yu was thinking about.

Xiao Yu took a sip of wine, his eyes became a little dazed, and he said, "No one!"

Mu Anan suddenly laughed: "Haha, I know it's Qingqing even if you don't tell me, right? Ji Dongchen, that bastard, still can't forget Qingqing, and you are the same, right?"

Xiao Yu was startled, Mu Anan came here to drink because of Ji Dongchen?

Ji Dongchen, that white-eyed wolf, what else does he want to do?
"You drank too much, go back early!"

Xiao Yu drank the wine in his glass, turned around and was about to leave.

But Mu Anan held him back.

Xiao Yu is a little unhappy, is this woman crazy about drinking?

"Let go!" If she wasn't Luo Qingqing's good friend, she would have been thrown out of Jinse long ago.

But Mu Anan held on to the corner of his clothes, "Tell me, how can I win your heart?"

A coldness flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and his voice was indifferent: "Mu An'an, look clearly, who am I!"

Gao Yunping also felt that Mu Anan was so embarrassing at this time, so he quickly grabbed her hand and asked her to loosen Xiao Yu's clothes: "Young Master Xiao, I'm sorry, she drank too much."

Mu Anan was taken aback by the coldness in Xiao Yu's eyes, and instantly regained consciousness, "Young Master Xiao, why are you here?"

She instantly forgot the question she asked Xiao Yu just now, and the matter of her holding on to him.

Xiao Yu glanced at the corner of his clothes that had been crumpled by Mu Anan, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

He suddenly thought of something and asked, "Did you see Duo Qiao Yuqi on the set today?"

The somewhat sober Mu Anan kept a certain distance from Xiao Yu.

She nodded: "I see, what's the matter?"

"Her, is she alright?" Xiao Yu asked a little irritably.

Mu Anan shook her head: "No, she lost weight and vomited."

Xiao Yu also noticed that Qiao Yuqi had lost weight, but what the hell was she throwing up? "Why did she throw up?"

"She said she had a bad stomach, and she vomited, causing Qingqing to vomit too, and I almost vomited too, vomit..."

I don't know if it's because, she recalled the situation where Qiao Yuqi and Luo Qingqing vomited together, she actually felt sick to her stomach, and started to vomit.

Xiao Yu turned sideways quickly, avoiding her, and said to Gao Yunping: "In the northwest corner, under the stairs, there is a bathroom."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Mu Anan still wanted to hold him back, and asked, "Why are you asking Yu Qi? Do you like her? Don't go, answer me, vomit, vomit..."

Xiao Yu ignored her and went straight upstairs.

Gao Yunping hurriedly helped and dragged Mu Anan to the bathroom.

She lay down in front of the sink, vomited until she emptied her stomach, lay limply by the sink, and fell asleep in seconds.

Gao Yunping, who has been supporting her all the time, is a little silly, it's too fast, she hasn't told him where she lives yet.

He doesn't know anything about her friends, where should he send her?
"Mu An'an, wake up, tell me, where is your home?"

Mu Anan fell into a dead sleep, completely unresponsive.

Gao Yunping had no choice but to hug her and take her back to his home.

He has a three-bedroom house in Tangcheng, which is near Tangting Group. The location is very good and the value is very high.

He hugged her back all the way, but she didn't respond at all.

He put her in the guest room, covered her with a quilt, and she was still in a deep sleep.

He couldn't help smiling, he couldn't drink enough, and the wine was not bad.

He turned off the light, closed the door, and went back to his room.

Mu Anan slept until noon the next day before waking up in a daze.

She opened her eyes and saw a strange room, she was a little confused, where is this?
She looked at herself, she was still wearing yesterday's clothes.

Her head still hurts, and she can't remember what happened yesterday.

She opened the door and walked out. There was a large living room outside. The bright sunlight came in through the glass windows, which was a bit dazzling.

The living room was tidy, but empty.

She was a little at a loss, she searched from room to room, but still couldn't find anyone.

She panicked, what place is this, why is there no one?
She went back to the room where she was sleeping, only to find a note on the bedside table: "Mu An'an, I'm off to work, there is breakfast in the kitchen, remember to eat it when you wake up."

The signature below is Gao Yunping.

It was only then that Mu Anan remembered that after leaving the hospital yesterday, she seemed to cry on the street, then met Gao Yunping, and after that, she had to drag him to Jinse.

She doesn't remember what happened afterwards.

is she drunkShe didn't do anything out of the ordinary, did she?

But these, she can't take care of them anymore, she is eager to know what time it is now, she still has a role to shoot today.

She quickly found her bag and found her mobile phone from the bag, only to find that the phone was turned off.

How can it be shut down?Out of power?
She pressed the power button, but she couldn't turn it on.

Forget it, forget it for now, let's go to the crew first.

Now the sky and the earth are big, and the filming is the biggest.

Thinking about it, she took her bag and turned around to leave the room.

At this moment, the outside door opened, and Gao Yunping walked in from the outside.

Mu Anan was stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed.

When Gao Yunping saw her, he quickly said, "Are you awake? Just right, call Luo Qingqing quickly." As he spoke, he handed over his mobile phone.

Mu An'an looked confused, how did Luo Qingqing find Gao Yunping?
"Oh, I didn't go to the set, is she in a hurry?"

Gao Yunping said with some embarrassment: "There is one thing, I must tell you, the two of us are on the hot search."

"Ah? What do you mean? Last night, when I came to your house, I was photographed? God, can't it be so unlucky?"

Mu An'an hasn't been on the trending searches yet. Was it because of the scandal that she was on the trending searches for the first time?
Gao Yunping said: "It's not about this, it's about you crying on the street."

Mu Anan covered her face.

Is she now ashamed and thrown in front of the whole country?

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