Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 474 The Love of Three People

Soon, the waiter brought over the menu.

Ji Dongchen said: "No need to order, just use whatever is on it."

Mu Anan was drinking tea and almost sprayed Ji Dongchen in the face.

Is he serious?

She couldn't help but think of a joke about a landlord's stupid son who went to a restaurant to eat, couldn't read, couldn't read the recipes, so he slapped the table and said, "Master, I have money, here is a book!"

The meaning of having a copy is that you can serve whatever is on the menu, and you don’t need to order.

Ji Dongchen is now, compared with some stupid sons of landlords, he almost slapped the table.

Mu Anan quickly brought over the menu, and said with a smile, "Honey, that's not how money is spent. After all, there are some dishes in his family that I don't like, so I still need to order."

Hearing her words, the waiter thought that the two of them were married for many years.

Ji Dongchen was also confused by Mu Anan's "Dear".What does she mean?
In fact, to Mu An'an, that word is just a synonym and has no practical meaning.

She didn't realize that she had caused a misunderstanding to the two people in front of her, so she pointed to the menu and said, "Sweet shrimp with cheese, squid rings, corn soup, this oyster, this sushi, and this rice ball, this sashimi, takoyaki , Udon noodles, what else, let me see, by the way, there is also this mushroom soup. Ji Dongchen, this mushroom soup is delicious, can you try it? Let me see what else you can order?"

Ji Dongchen couldn't help being amused, Mu Anan's ordering casually is already much better.

He didn't take the menu and said, "I'm not picky about food, just order what you think is delicious. A bottle of peach juice sake."

Now that you're at the bar, you should have some drinks anyway.This is a low degree, almost like a drink.He wasn't worried about two people getting drunk either.

Mu Anan chuckled, "I really understand me, and I like this wine the most. It's sweet and sour, and delicious."

Ji Dongchen couldn't help laughing at her looking like a greedy cat.

The waiter took down the menu and left.

The two of them watched over a pot of tea and drank slowly, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

After all, the two of them didn't know each other very well. Speaking of which, today was the first time they had been alone for such a long time.

Speaking of which, Mu An'an is a little thankful to Zhang Xiaobei.

If Zhang Xiaobei knew that the two of them were sitting together eating now, they would probably rush over and kill Mu Anan, right?
She thought it was entirely possible.

Mu Anan looked for a topic and asked Ji Dongchen, "How is Auntie doing now?"

When mentioning mother, Ji Dongchen had a gentle smile on his face.

He said: "It's strange to say that my mother didn't remember me at first. Later, Qingqing asked her to stay in the orphanage for a while. She was very happy and her memory recovered a lot. She could remember every child, and then When I went to pick her up, she quickly recognized me as her son and said my name.

Therefore, when I usually go to work, I send her to the orphanage, and on weekends, I take her home and stay with her.During this time, her condition has been stable, and she can still cook for me. "

Mu An'an could tell that Ji Dongchen was very happy.

She was also very happy: "That's good, I'm happy for you too. Qingqing was a mistake and helped Auntie."

Ji Dongchen nodded: "Well, I haven't thanked her properly yet."

Mu Anan smiled and said, "Then shall I bring you the message?"

Ji Dongchen was stunned, seeing that she seemed to be staring at him intently, as if she was looking for something, he smiled lightly: "Okay."

He withdrew his gaze, lowered his head to drink tea, and stopped talking.

Mu Anan sighed inwardly, and didn't say anything else.

There was silence again between the two of them.

Fortunately, the food ordered arrived soon, and Mu Anan regained his vitality, and recommended the food he ordered to Ji Dongchen.

She ate very satisfied, and Ji Dongchen also ate some under her repeated urging, not much.

He drank most of the bottle of sake.

Mu An'an is not hypocritical, she ate half of it.

For the first time here she knew what it was like to be full.

She also took a photo of the meal she ordered and told Ma Keda that her wish had come true.

Ma Keda immediately came back to her and asked the key point: "Who is the person opposite you? He pays the bill? Will he take you home? Will you invite him upstairs? You will... Hahaha..."

Mu Anan gave him a big fist back, and stopped talking to him.

After the two of them finished their meal, Ji Dongchen drove Mu Anan home.

She and Ma Kaida moved and lived near the Jinyu Building, which was rented by the company.And she also separated from Ma Kaida, and finally got a two-bedroom house of her own, and she was quite satisfied.

Before getting out of the car, Mu Anan asked Ji Dongchen a question: "How did you spend the night?"

Ji Dongchen was startled, then smiled slightly: "Why, are you interested in my nightlife?"

Mu Anan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, this guy actually made a joke with her.

She quickly said: "I mean, if you have time, I recommend you to watch a movie, the American drama "A Man's Love"!"

After she finished speaking, she opened the car door, got out of the car, and waved to her, "Thank you for helping me fulfill a wish today. Goodbye, good night!"

Then, she closed the car door and walked quickly into the building door.

She knew that at this moment she wanted to show him a handsome back, but she wanted to escape.

After all, she went too far and wanted to interfere with his feelings.

They haven't matured to that point yet!
Looking at her back, Ji Dongchen smiled faintly, recalling the words she said, the love of one person, the corners of his mouth were a little bitter.

He drove back to his villa. His mother, Shi Qian, was still awake and was sitting on the sofa watching cartoons.

There is a big teddy plush bear on her left, and a big spotted plush dog on her right. Those two big plush toys, like her two children, accompany her.

Ji Dongchen walked over and picked up Dalmatian. He sat beside her, put Dalmatian on his lap, played with its long ears with both hands, and asked his mother with a smile, "Have you eaten yet?"

His mother gave him a smiling face: "Xiao Chenchen is back, I have eaten, have you eaten? Have you been naughty at school?"

Well, Shi Qian now remembers that he is her son, but she always treats him as a child of a certain age, calls him by his name, and becomes Xiao Chenchen.

As long as his mother remembered him, he was content.

He smiled and replied, "I ate it too. The school meals are delicious."

"Then tell mom, what do you eat?"

Shi Qian looked at Ji Dongchen lovingly.

Ji Dongchen said: "There are sushi, squid rings, and mushroom soup, all of which are delicious."

Shi Qian reached out and touched Ji Dongchen's head: "My son is so good!"

Ji Dongchen smiled, his eyes were a little moist.

He hugged his mother and said, "It's nine o'clock, you should go take a shower and go to bed."

Shi Qian was startled, and nodded: "Yes, you have to go to school tomorrow, and I have to make breakfast for you. I'll make your favorite green onion pancake tomorrow, okay? Qingqing seems to like it too, you Take her to school."

Her memory was confused again, she jumped from kindergarten to middle school, and she still remembered Luo Qingqing.

Ji Dongchen felt bitter, but agreed, "Okay, Mom."

He waved for a servant and took Shi Qian to take a bath.

After Shi Qian came out of the shower, Ji Dongchen went to her room and wanted to tell her a story.

At this time, their roles changed again. Shi Qian seemed to be a little girl, and she had to ask Ji Dongchen to tell fairy tales to fall asleep.

Ji Dongchen coaxed her softly: "Which story do you want to hear today?"

Shi Qian said like a little girl: "I want to hear the story of Sleeping Beauty, and I will wait for the prince to kiss the princess to wake me up."

Ji Dongchen smiled softly: "Okay, close your eyes now, and I'll tell you the story of Sleeping Beauty. Once upon a time, there was a king..."

Soon, Shi Qian fell asleep with a sweet smile.

Ji Dongchen breathed a sigh of relief, left a small wall lamp for her, then got up and quietly backed out.

He returned to his bedroom, took a shower, put on his pajamas, and stood in front of the French windows.

Looking at the dark night outside, he felt extremely lonely.

Ever since he completely broke up with Luo Qingqing, not only was his heart empty, but his whole being was empty, so empty that he couldn't find the motivation to live.

He can only use work to numb himself. He continues to expand the company's business, and the company's performance is booming, but he still feels dull.

Cooperating with Zhang Shi is purely for him to make trouble for himself.

He hated Zhang Xiaobei very much, and also hated the way she bared her teeth and claws in front of him, and even more hated that she always used Zhang Shi to oppress him.

In Zhang Xiaobei's heart, Zhang's is a large international group, her family has a lot of money, and she is the apple of her father's eye. She facilitated the cooperation between Zhang's and Ji Dongchen, and Ji Dongchen has to be grateful to her and tearful.

And Ji Dongchen agreed to cooperate with Zhang's, firstly to fill the blank area of ​​the company's business and increase the company's profit point, secondly, he wanted to slap Zhang Xiaobei in the face and let her know that he, Ji Dongchen, is no longer what he used to be!
Give him a little time, and he can eat Zhang Shi!
Yes, he has his own company in country M, and he wants to cooperate internally and externally to eat up Zhang's!This was his ambition, so he allowed Zhang Xiaobei to dance in front of him recklessly.

There is another reason, the existence of Zhang Xiaobei will make him feel his own emotions, let him know that he is a living person, and that's all!

He took out his cigarette and smoked silently.He inhaled deeply, wishing he could inhale all the smoke into his heart.

His heart is empty.

He suddenly thought of the movie Mu Anan was talking about.

He turned around and went to the study, turned on the computer, searched out the movie, smoked a cigarette, and watched it.

The movie tells the story of two childhood sweethearts, a boy Jack and a girl Jane.

From the beginning, the boy knew that he liked the girl, and the girl only regarded him as a friend.When the girl grew up, she fell in love with another boy, Murray, but that boy didn't like the girl and hurt her again and again.

Jane was sad and in pain because of Murray, so she went to talk to Jack.

Jack comforted her and wanted to tell Jane several times that he liked her, but he couldn't open his mouth.Because Jane is immersed in her own world, she only needs to confide, not comfort, and even Jack's confession will become a burden to her.

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