The Huacai Awards Gala can be said to be a major event in the film and television industry and has attracted much attention.

The awards ceremony was held at the famous Baining Palace in Yundu.

Baining Palace is a very majestic building. It is said that it has a history of more than 200 years, and it still stands tall.

Of course, it has been repaired several times in modern times, and it has already looked brand new.

The long red carpet stretches from the gate of the palace, through hundreds of steps, to the square below.

At this moment, the square was already crowded with people, and there were security guards in uniform maintaining order.

Both sides of the red carpet were full of reporters, all kinds of cameras and video recorders were pointed at the red carpet.

The open space in front of the red carpet is where all the stars stay.

As soon as they get out of the car, they will be surrounded by flashing lights and cheers.

At this time, the car that Luo Qingqing and Jin Qiu were riding in was about to reach the red carpet ahead.It's just that there was a car in front of them, and the people in the car hadn't gotten out of the car yet.

Luo Qingqing couldn't help scratching her head and looked out, wanting to see who the big guy was.

However, when she saw the people getting off from the car in front, she smiled and said to Jin Qiu: "Brother, let's go, get off the car, I met an old acquaintance!"

Jin Qiu couldn't see the person in front of him, so when he saw Luo Qingqing got out of the car, he got out of the car too.

And the man getting out of the car in front is bending over and pulling out a woman.

Luo Qingqing walked forward quickly, and said with a smile: "Director Ning, congratulations, you finally chased Miss Bai back!"

That's right, the ones getting in and out of this car are none other than the director of "I'm Waiting for You in the Spring Breeze", Ning Yuanchen, and his wife Bai Yunqing.

Luo Qingqing and Jin Qiu already knew that Ning Yuanchen would also attend this awards show.Unexpectedly, I met him before I arrived at the venue.

Ning Yuanchen was wearing an exquisite silver-gray suit, looking radiant.

Bai Yunqing was wearing a white gauze dress, fluttering like a fairy.

Two people stand together, it is still very right.

Seeing that it was Luo Qingqing, Ning Yuanchen said with a smile: "It's a coincidence that you came here, and I said I'll look for you when I go inside."

Luo Qingqing smiled and said: "Why, do you want to thank me, a great matchmaker, in person? You should fulfill your promise to me at the beginning!"

Bai Yunqing stared at Luo Qingqing with a smile: "As expected, you betrayed me, and I'm waving the flag for you for nothing!"

Luo Qingqing smiled and said: "Sister Bai, are you saying this out of conscience?"

Jin Qiu also came over, shook hands with Ning Yuanchen, and said, "Congratulations, are you double happiness?"

Ning Yuanchen also won the Best Director Award for this film.

At this time, Ning Yuanchen's and Luo Qingqing's cars drove away, and two more cars drove over.

Guo Tingting and Gao Haiyang got out of the car.

When they saw Luo Qingqing and the two directors, they all came over and asked, "Director Ning, do you want to treat me? Don't forget the two of us!"

Ning Yuanchen smiled and said: "It's such a coincidence, it's really neat. Okay, then you are not allowed to leave tomorrow, I invite you to eat at the best restaurant in Yundu!"

"it is good!"

Several people spoke in unison.

The few of them were talking lively, and the cameras on both sides of the red carpet were also taking pictures lively, with constant clicking sounds.

It was the first time they had seen such a harmonious crew, and Luo Qingqing was a hot star, plus a great director, this lineup would definitely blind everyone's eyes.

There are also fans on both sides, shouting non-stop, the scene is full of jubilation.

Luo Qingqing looked at it, and quickly said: "Let's line up and go inside, don't block the traffic here."

Director Ning said, "Okay, if you have something to say, say it inside."

Luo Qingqing said: "In front of you and Sister Bai, between my sister and Teacher Gao, and my brother and I at the back."

Guo Tingting patted Luo Qingqing's shoulder with a smile: "My sister is still so sensible."

You know, Luo Qingqing's current reputation has surpassed her.But she let her and Gao Haiyang go first, which was also Luo Qingqing's respect for the two of them.It can be regarded as a continuation, the feelings of the crew.

So amidst the cheers of fans on both sides, the six people waved their hands, walked along the red carpet, up the steps, and walked into the hall.

They signed on a huge signboard respectively, and then took pictures in front of them. At this time, some reporters would simply ask a few questions.

The reporters asked Luo Qingqing a lot, such as: "Miss Luo, how did you feel when you participated in the Huacai Awards for the first time?"

Luo Qingqing said, "I'm very excited, and thank you very much!"

"Did Young Master Tang accompany you on an occasion like today?"

Luo Qingqing smiled and said: "Everyone saw, I came with Director Jin!"

"Miss Luo, if you win the award, is there anything you want to say to Young Master Tang?"

Luo Qingqing said: "Yes, I will tell him after I win the award!"

Everyone laughed.

The reporters let Luo Qingqing go for the time being.

Luo Qingqing and Jin Qiu walked back. There was still some time before the award ceremony, so they went to the lounge to take a rest, and Tang Chen and Pang Ying were waiting for them at the entrance of the lounge.

Several people entered the lounge, Tang Chen asked Luo Qingqing to sit on the sofa, brought the slippers prepared in advance, and bent down to change Luo Qingqing's shoes.

In front of Jin Qiu and Pang Ying, Luo Qingqing felt a little embarrassed.

She stopped Tang Chen and said, "I can do it myself."

Tang Chen didn't care at all, and said, "Your dress is tight, and bending over will hurt your stomach. Sit properly."

Luo Qingqing had no choice but to sit blushing, and asked Tang Chen to bend down to take off her high heels and put the slippers on her feet.

Both Jin Qiu and Pang Ying were a little embarrassed. They turned their heads away and didn't look at Tang Chen, but they were both happy for Luo Qingqing.

She is undoubtedly happy to be able to let such a big man give her slippers with his own hands.

After changing her shoes, Tang Chen took a cushion and placed it on Luo Qingqing's back, making it more comfortable for her to lean on.

He just sat next to her.

Luo Qingqing coughed lightly, and asked, "After the party, what are your work arrangements?"

Pang Ying then turned her head and said: "Let's not talk about the work first, let's talk about the awarding process first. Your award is the climax of the party. You have to go to the lounge in advance to change clothes and touch up makeup. This time is very fast. Sufficient, I will remind you in advance, don't worry."

Luo Qingqing is currently wearing the evening gown she prepared, and when she is about to accept the award, she has to change into another colorful gown. This is the honor of previous actresses.

Luo Qingqing nodded.

Pang Ying said: "The dance and song when you accept the award are all fine, right?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"That's good, the next thing is work. Don't worry, I didn't arrange too much for you. Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, I will go to the TV station to participate in a talk show, which is "Show Time" by the famous Jinzui host Zheng Xiu. This program It's a recorded broadcast, not a live broadcast, and the duration is one hour.

Then at eleven o'clock, there will be a fan meeting, and some benefits will be given out. You will perform a show, play a small game, and interact with fans.The time is also one hour.If there is no arrangement in the afternoon, you can go back to Tangcheng. "

Luo Qingqing nodded, Luo Qingqing could still bear such a workload.

After talking about work, there was still more than an hour before the party, so Tang Chen asked Jin Qiu and Pang Ying to go out first, and asked Luo Qingqing to take a rest.

She came all the way by plane, and after getting off the plane, she didn't have time to rest, so she hurriedly found a place to put on makeup and change clothes, and then rushed over.Now, she is somewhat tired.

Tang Chen asked Luo Qingqing to lie flat on the sofa, pillowing his legs, then took a blanket and put it on her body.

Maybe it was because of her pregnancy, Luo Qingqing fell asleep very quickly.

She put her arm around Tang Chen's leg and rested her chin on the other hand, and fell asleep within a second.

She had a dream.

In the dream, she seemed to be just a little girl of a few years old, walking in the woods alone.Before I knew it, I walked into a white mist and could no longer find my way.

She was a little frightened, yelled at her mother, and ran around.

However, she still couldn't get out of the boundless white mist, and she didn't call her mother.

She was at a loss in the white mist, her eyes were wide open, she didn't know how to get out of here.

Suddenly, she heard someone calling her: "Qingqing, my child..."

She froze for a moment and turned her head quickly, but no one was there.

"Who? Who's calling me? Mom, is that you?"

"Qingqing, my child..."

The voice became clearer, but it wasn't my mother's voice, but a strange male voice.

"Who are you? Where are you? Come out for me..."

She yelled in fear.

Following her voice, a tall figure came out of the thick fog, stood a few meters away from her, and looked at her quietly.

He was wearing black clothes and a hat on his head, his face was completely covered by the hat, as if he had no face.

She looked at him quietly, not even knowing to be afraid.Although she couldn't see his face, she felt very close to him, as if, somewhere in the dark, something was pulling her to be like him.

"Who are you?" She asked him with her small face up, walking towards him step by step.

Instead, he stepped back, "I'm Dad..."

"Dad?" She was stunned.There is no father in her life!
"You lied to me, you didn't! I don't have a father!" She cried suddenly and refuted him loudly.

"No, you have, I am!"

"Then tell me, who are you?" She asked him loudly, and suddenly ran towards him, trying to get closer to him so that he could see his appearance clearly.

However, she suddenly bumped into that tall figure, and that figure instantly disappeared without a trace like mist.


Luo Qingqing woke up suddenly and sat up from the sofa.

Tang Chen was startled by her, and quickly hugged her to prevent her from falling off the sofa.

"What's the matter, Qingqing, did you have a nightmare?"

Luo Qingqing stared blankly at Tang Chen, her head was foggy: "I dreamed about my father!"

Tang Chen smiled: "He has only been away for a few days, and you dreamed of him?"

Luo Qingqing shook her head: "It's not Tang's father, it's my father. Ah Chen, do you think I have a father?"

Tang Chen was taken aback, how could she have such a strange dream?
"Qingqing, what did you dream about?"

Luo Qingqing recounted the situation in the dream.

Tang Chen couldn't explain her dream, so he said, "Maybe you still yearn for fatherly love from the bottom of your heart. In this way, don't think too much. When we go back, ask mom. If she doesn't mind, I'll help you find you." dad!"

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