The woman changed hands very quickly, and the angle was well chosen, so the surveillance footage was not very clear.

But Xiao Yu's eyes are so treacherous, he can see the woman's intention at a glance.

He repeatedly zoomed in on the scene of changing wine, only to be sure that the wine glass had been changed.

It's just that there are three glasses of wine on the tray, how can this woman be sure that Xiao Yu can drink that glass of wine?
If that woman wasn't targeting Xiao Yu, who was she targeting?

Or did someone make them do it?

Xiao Yu looked through all the surveillance cameras from last night, but he couldn't find who the two women had secretly contacted with.

At this time, it was dawn, Xiao Yu stretched himself, and sent the screenshots of the two women to his subordinates.

Only by finding these two women can we find out who is behind the scenes.

He moved his wrist, and a cold and cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. In the twilight of the morning light, he looked like a deadly and charming poppy flower!
When Qiao Yuqi returned to Tang's house, Zhou Ruoyun was still awake, waiting for her to come back.

She couldn't explain the loss of her bag and shoes, so she had to repeat what she had told Tang Chen.

For so many years, Zhou Ruoyun has put aside the fights in Vanity Fair and devoted herself to charity.

But Qiao Yuqi was almost killed, and she couldn't swallow it.

She said to Tang Chen: "You must avenge Yu Qi for this revenge! Otherwise, it will make people feel that Yu Qi is helpless and can be bullied!"

Tang Chen nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't let any of those white-eyed wolves of the Qiao family go!"

After he finished speaking, he left, Zhou Ruoyun comforted Qiao Yuqi a few words, and asked her to go back to the room to rest.

Qiao Yuqi was lying on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

She clearly doesn't remember the process with Xiao Yu, but at this moment, she feels that her mind is full of him, his smell and breath are everywhere around her, and she seems to have heard his panting and growling voice, which makes her feel so excited The face and body were on fire!
She buried herself in the quilt and screamed, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

She struggled for a long time before falling into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took before there was a knock on the door.

"Yuqi, are you awake?"

Qiao Yuqi woke up from her sleep, and quickly said, "Auntie, I'm awake, what's the matter?"

"Your cousin called and asked you to go to Qiao's house."

Is this going to her to confront Qiao Yuxin?
"Okay Auntie, I'll be right down."

She quickly jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

She saw it at a glance, the skirt she changed last night, the skirt that was torn into strips by Xiao Yu, her face suddenly turned red.

She found a bag, packed the dress, and hid it in the far corner of the closet.

She just went to wash her face, but suddenly saw in the mirror that there were several big hickey marks on her collarbone!
All she could feel was a cluster of flames bursting up in her heart, which was very bright and very hot.

She slowly unbuttoned her pajamas, her eyes trembling, as if she was about to witness some miracle.

When her pajamas wanted to be fully opened on both sides, what did she see?
She seemed to see thousands of plum blossoms blooming!

How brutal was he last night?

Why the hell did she not remember anything?

At this time, in her heart, she didn't feel the slightest sense of humiliation of being raped, instead, her heart was full of sweetness and throbbing.

She felt that Xiao Yu could leave so many marks on her body, he must also like her body!
As long as he likes it, as long as he is satisfied!

That's how she thought humbly.

At the same time, she was also very glad that that person was him and not someone else!

So next, she did something that even she felt shy about.

She went back to the bedroom, took her mobile phone, and took pictures of the marks all over her body.

She thought, maybe there is no destiny for him in this life, so let this be the best gift he gave her!
She deliberately chose a turtleneck to hide all traces.

She put on another light makeup before going downstairs.

At this time, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning, Zhou Ruoyun specially asked the servant to prepare lunch in advance, let Qiao Yuqi eat, and then went to Qiao's house.

She looked at Qiao Yuqi in a very stable mood, and the corners of her mouth seemed to smile from time to time, she was not bullied at all, but she looked sad, as if she was falling in love.

Zhou Ruoyun was a little confused, Qiao Yuqi's appearance was obviously wrong, couldn't she be stimulated and mentally disturbed?
She couldn't help asking, "Yuqi, are you okay?"

Qiao Yuqi was holding a piece of delicious mandarin fish and giving it to her mouth.

She chewed with her mouth closed, looked at Zhou Ruoyun with bright eyes, and said softly, "Auntie, I'm fine, don't worry."

Zhou Ruoyun found out that Qiao Yuqi also drew eyeliner and eye shadow, which made her eyes extraordinarily big and bright, and against her small face, she was extraordinarily pink and tender. She seemed a little prettier than usual.

Zhou Ruoyun asked suspiciously, "Do you have any happy event?"

Qiao Yuqi was taken aback, wondering how did my aunt know that she had a happy event?She has a lot of troubles now.


"You have a boyfriend?"

Qiao Yuqi felt guilty for no reason and almost choked.

She quickly took a sip of the soup and said, "No, if there is, I will definitely bring it back as soon as possible, and let you check it out for me."

Zhou Ruoyun nodded: "It's good that you know. Then you have someone you like?"

Qiao Yuqi felt even more guilty, and hurriedly said, "No. Oh, by the way, auntie, did cousin tell me to go to Qiao's house?"

She couldn't stand her aunt's exploration, so she changed the subject quickly.

Only then did Zhou Ruoyun think about the business, "Well, yes, eat quickly, and let the driver take you there after eating."

"it is good."

Qiao Yuqi lowered her head and quickly picked up the rice.

After dinner, the driver drove Qiao Yuqi to Qiao's house.

This driver is the same driver as last night.Although he still doesn't know what happened to Qiao Yuqi last night, he still feels guilty.

He sincerely apologized to Qiao Yuqi: "I'm sorry, miss, it would be nice if I went up to find you earlier last night!"

Qiao Yuqi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, no one can tell what's going on in the world. Disasters may not necessarily be disasters, and blessings may not necessarily be blessings!"

The driver was very surprised and didn't understand what she meant.Qiao Yuqi didn't even think about explaining, all kinds of feelings, only she can understand.

Soon, the car arrived at Qiao's villa.

Qiao Yuqi saw several cars in the villa, two of which were particularly eye-catching.

One is a Rolls-Royce, which must belong to Tang Chen.

The other one was a brand new Maybach supercar, Qiao Yuqi guessed it might be Xiao Yu's.

For people who haven't seen him yet, seeing his car, Qiao Yuqi felt very close, as if it had some special relationship with him.

But thinking that Xiao Yu might be in the room, Qiao Yuqi became nervous instantly.

She got out of the car and straightened her clothes, then walked towards the hall of the villa.

The last time she came to Qiao's villa, she didn't enter the house. When she entered today, she saw the luxury of Qiao's family.

At this moment in the luxurious living room, two arrogant men are sitting on the sofa, they are busy with Tang Chen and Xiao Yu.

But in front of them, there were several people standing.Among them was a man and a woman whom Qiao Yuqi knew.

That woman is Huang Can.She was standing there at the moment, her face pale and her body trembling.

The other man was her good uncle, Qiao Mingxuan.

Qiao Mingxuan was like a defeated rooster, drooping his head and losing his mind.

But Qiao Yuxin and her mother Zhang Meifeng were not seen.

Qiao Yuqi had already walked in, and Tang Chen waved to her, "Yuqi, come here, do you know if this is your manager?"

Qiao Yuqi walked up to Tang Chen, not even daring to look at Xiao Yu.

She nodded and said to Tang Chen: "Cousin, it's her, she's the one who tricked me into going back to Tang City and going to Jinse!"

watch, cousin?

Huang Can stared at Qiao Yuqi with wide eyes in horror. She turned out to be the cousin of the Tang family?

She really doesn't know!

She thought that she was just a little transparent with no background at all. Who knew she had a cousin that no one could afford to offend!

Early this morning, she was taken out of the house by two men, and she didn't know what happened.When she came to Qiao's villa, she met the two male gods in the hearts of thousands of girls in Tang City. She was not aware of it yet, how did she provoke them.

And they didn't seem to be very interested in her, they didn't even ask her a word.She tried every means to get close, and people only regarded her as air.

She didn't realize it until she saw Qiao Yuqi!
Is she in a hurry to beg for mercy now?

Whether it's too late or not, she can't sit still.

Therefore, she forced a smile and said: "Yu Qi, what are you talking about? How could I lie to you? I really arranged a role for you! Didn't you audition yesterday?"

Qiao Yuqi pointed at Huang Can angrily: "Huang Can, do you still want to think of me as a fool? You'd better explain to me why you lied to me like this, otherwise, my cousin will never forgive you!"

Huang Can thought, no matter how powerful Tang Chen is, he can't hit a woman, right?
She won't admit it, does Qiao Yuqi have evidence, what can she do to her?

She said: "Yuqi, I don't know what happened to you, how can you say that? I think God Tang can't wrong me for no reason, right?"

Qiao Yuqi said angrily: "You were wronged? Are you saying that you joined forces with Qiao Yuxin to frame me? Why did you do this? I am an artist under your command, and if I was murdered, what good will it do you?"

Huang Can's mouth was stubborn: "I don't know what you're talking about. I will never admit to things I haven't done!"

Tang Chen frowned and said, "Yu Qi, sit down!"

He winked at Luo Wu who was standing next to him, and Luo Wu immediately took out a stack of photos from the document bag in his hand, bent down and handed it to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen threw those photos onto the coffee table on the stone surface, and said in a cold voice, "You have been wronged? Take a closer look, have you been wronged?"

Those photos were of Huang Can and Qiao Yuxin meeting, three days ago.

Huang Can was shocked. How could such a secret matter be photographed?

She panicked, but she still refused to admit it: "Qiao Yuxin and I are indeed good friends. We meet normally, so what does this mean?"

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