Mo Ziguang looked at Luo Qingqing, his face was so pale that there was no blood at all.

He waved his hands again and again: "You are too ugly, you go away, I don't want that..."

Luo Qingqing said: "Oh, you don't like this method? Then can we change to another method? Which one do you like?"

Mo Ziguang looked at Luo Qingqing in horror, and stopped talking, and didn't say that he was going to die.

Luo Qingqing, however, continued to use strong medicine: "Have you ever tried to cut your wrists? Just holding a knife like this..."

As she spoke, she took out a fruit knife from her bag, gesticulated on her left wrist, looked at Mo Ziguang, and said, "Come here, look carefully."

Mo Ziguang's face was pale, his body was pressed against the wall, and he didn't take a step towards Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing looked at him and smiled: "Why are you so timid? Aren't you very brave? People who want to die are the bravest. Come here quickly."

"No, I won't go..." Mo Ziguang stammered.

"Okay, if you don't come over, then I will go over."

As Luo Qingqing said, she rolled over and fell from the side of the bed. The side of the bed was less than two meters away from Mo Ziguang.

She raised the fruit knife to him, then raised her wrist to him, and said, "You can see clearly, just like this, put the fruit knife on the wrist joint of your wrist, pull it hard, just like this..."


Mo Ziguang let out a miserable cry, because he saw that Luo Qingqing really used a fruit knife to cut off the vein, and the blood flowed down her wrist and dripped onto the floor.

"Ah, Qingqing, why are you really cutting? Are you stupid?"

Luo Qi and Mo Fei were terrified, and hurried forward to bandage Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing winked at them again and again, and said, "Go away and leave me alone. Since Mo Ziguang wants to die so much, I have to let him understand death first."

Luo Qi and Mo Fei were a little puzzled. Looking carefully, there was no wound on Luo Qingqing's wrist, and she held a small bag of plasma in her hand.

So, just now Luo Qingqing used a trick to cut the plasma bag in the palm of her hand, causing the blood to flow to her wrist, making it look like she had cut her wrist.

Only then did the two feel relieved, and cooperated with Luo Qingqing in acting, and said anxiously: "Qingqing, how can you be so stupid? You won't stop bleeding, you will really die!"

Luo Qingqing pushed them away, and showed her bloody wrist to Mo Ziguang: "Look, that's how you cut your wrist. As long as you don't bandage the wound, you'll die within 10 minutes..."

Mo Ziguang screamed in fright, turned around, and lay down on the wall, his voice trembling and crying: "Go away, I don't want to look, I don't want to look..."

Luo Qingqing smiled, but continued: "If you don't watch, how can you die?"

"I don't want to die, I won't die, I won't die again, woo woo..."

Mo Ziguang was a child after all, he just wanted to die because he didn't have the courage to live, but he had never experienced such a bloody thing.

He only knew of his father's death and his mother's death, but he didn't see the horrible scene at that time. Therefore, death in his heart was just a concept, without a real picture.

He only felt that he was free after death, and death was easy.The more people stop him, prevent him from dying, and prevent him from dying, the more he yearns for and clings to death, as if it is a very great thing.

And Luo Qingqing was alive, and when he put the picture of death in front of him, he felt the horror of death, and he felt awe of death, and naturally let go of his obsession with death.

Luo Qingqing was still pressing him: "Think about it clearly, don't you really need to die?"

Mo Ziguang pressed his face against the wall and nodded repeatedly: "Well, I won't die, I swear, I won't die!"

"Mo Ziguang, aren't you very brave? I heard that you can make trouble three or four times a day, just because you want to die, isn't it, Doctor Liu?"

Mo Ziguang's attending doctor, Dr. Liu, was already dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that Luo Qingqing would be able to cure Mo Ziguang by doing the opposite.

He quickly cooperated and said, "Yes, he made a fuss five times yesterday. If the nurse was watching closely, he would have swallowed the infusion needle."

Luo Qingqing said: "How can you die from swallowing a needle? It will only prick a few small holes in the esophagus, stomach and intestines. I have a ready-made fruit knife, Mo Ziguang, I just used it, and it is very fast. , how about you just use this?"

Mo Ziguang cried: "I don't want it, I was wrong, I will never swallow needles again, I really don't want to die, woo woo woo, just forgive me!"

"How can I trust you, can you do what you say?"

Mo Ziguang raised an arm, "I swear, I will never die again, I will cooperate with the treatment, I will wait for the bone marrow with the right type, I will live well, woo woo..."

Luo Qingqing glanced at Dr. Liu, who nodded and smiled with relief.

Only then did Luo Qingqing say: "Okay, I'll give you another chance, trust you. I'm not afraid of your repentance, we all recorded your words."

Mo Ziguang cried and said, "I don't go back on my word!"

"Okay then, go back to the hospital bed obediently." Luo Qingqing said.

Mo Ziguang turned around, not daring to look at Luo Qingqing's bloody wrist, quickly jumped onto the bed, and buried himself under the quilt.

Only then did Luo Qingqing pretend to ask Luo Qi to bandage her wound.

Only then did she let out a long breath. Today's task was half completed.

She wiped off the blood on her wrist, then walked to the hospital bed, and said softly, "Mo Ziguang, it's all right, don't cry anymore, I've stopped the bleeding, I can't die, take a look."

Mo Ziguang raised his head from under the quilt, and saw Luo Qingqing's wrist wrapped in a circle of white gauze, he was a little dazed.

He was still sobbing and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Luo Qingqing smiled and said, "It hurt when I first cut it, but it doesn't hurt now."

Mo Ziguang lowered his head, like a defeated rooster, completely lifeless.

Luo Qingqing knew that maybe death had been the motivation for Mo Ziguang to live during this time.But now, he can't even die, and he has no motivation to live.

Therefore, Luo Qingqing will have to rekindle new hope in Mo Ziguang next.

She touched Mo Ziguang's bald head and said softly, "Mo Ziguang, since you don't want to die, you should live well, because living requires more courage."

Mo Ziguang suddenly cried again: "I have nothing..."

Luo Qingqing stroked his bald head: "No, you still have me, and there are so many people who care about you. You will definitely get better!"

But Mo Ziguang shook his head: "I'm not going to get better, the doctor said, my bone marrow is not compatible at all, the chance is slim!"

Luo Qingqing said: "Even if the chances are slim, there is still hope, isn't it? As long as you are braver, even if you are really powerless, you will leave with a smile, because you have worked hard and persisted. Don't give up, don't give up!"

Mo Ziguang didn't understand Luo Qingqing's words very well, but he was inexplicably moved and thought it made sense.

Luo Qingqing said: "I bring you a gift."

She turned her head to signal, at this moment, someone brought in a table-like object from behind.The table has a glass top and a light underneath.

Luo Qingqing took out a large bottle from her bag.That big bottle is filled with sand.

She said to Mo Ziguang, "Do you know where this sand is?"

Mo Ziguang shook his head.

Luo Qingqing said: "This is the sand in the river in your hometown. I heard that you caught fish there when you were young, and you even rescued a drowning friend."

Mo Ziguang's eyes lit up immediately: "You know everything?"

Luo Qingqing smiled, and while throwing sand on the glass surface of that table, she said, "I also know that you are good at studying, and you are the study committee member in the class. You got the first place in the county in the high school entrance examination. If you didn't get sick, you would be a middle school student by now."

Mo Ziguang's eyes dimmed.The previous time was like a dream, a sweet dream.

Even if the family is not very rich, but there are parents, he still has a family.

But it was because he was sick, his father dragged his sick body to earn money, and died of exhaustion, while his mother had a mental breakdown and committed suicide!

He wanted to die because he wanted to find them!
His tears flowed down rustlingly, hanging all over his face.

Luo Qingqing glanced at him and said, "Look, this is the river in your hometown, right?"

Her dexterous fingers slid on the sand, and soon a painting appeared on the glass surface, which was a river.

Mo Ziguang looked at the painting curiously, and at Luo Qingqing's dexterous fingers.

While drawing, Luo Qingqing said, "In the past, you and your parents lived happily there..."

On the glass surface, a man, a woman, and a little boy appeared.

Mo Ziguang opened his mouth in shock, he didn't know how Luo Qingqing did it.

"Later, when you were sick, Dad dragged his sick body around to earn money in order to treat you. Do you know why he did that?"

Mo Ziguang saw a man working hard on the glass surface, the heavy cement bag bent his back.

"Father..." Mo Ziguang called out sadly.

Luo Qingqing continued to draw and said, "Father actually only has one hope, and that is that you can live. It's good to be alive..."

Mo Ziguang broke down in tears.

He remembered the last words his father said to him, four words: live well...

Luo Qingqing continued: "Dad's health is very bad, but he tried his best for you. So, don't blame Dad, and you have no right to blame him."

The painting under her hands changed little by little, and turned into a mother crying helplessly.

She said: "Don't blame mom, it's not that mom doesn't love you, but she's too fragile, and she lost the courage to live. So, you should become stronger, let yourself live well, and live for mom and dad!"

The scene under her at this time turned into a boy walking out of the ward, running against the sun, his back getting taller and taller!

However, next, she covered the picture with a handful of fine sand.

Her fingers slid on the fine sand, and a boy with one leg appeared on the sand.

She said: "Do you know his story? He is a famous long-distance running champion in country M, named Buzarok."

Mo Ziguang raised his head suddenly: "I know him!"

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