Luo Qingqing agreed, carefully hung the costume in the closet, locked it, and put the key in her handbag.

Carrying her bag and holding Mu An'an's arm, she walked out of the dressing room talking and laughing.

At the door, I met a female classmate named Shen Jing.

Luo Qingqing greeted her: "Quiet, it's time to eat."

Shen Jing quickly smiled and said, "I'm going to forget the key to the dormitory right now, go and get it, you guys go first."

"it is good."

When Luo Qingqing and Shen Jing passed by, their bags collided. Luo Qingqing heard a ring in Shen Jing's bag, but she didn't care.

Leaving the locker room, walking five or six meters, passing the bathroom, Luo Qingqing said to Mu Anan, "You go and help me buy food first, I need to go to the bathroom."

"Okay, hurry up, it's late, and I can't touch anything."

Mu Anan agreed and left first.

Luo Qingqing turned around and walked into the bathroom.

At this time, the bathroom was quiet and there was no one there.

Luo Qingqing took out her mobile phone and tissues from her bag, put the bag on the sink, and walked into the cubicle.

She squatted on the toilet and called Luo Xinyu: "Mom, will you come to see my graduation performance tonight?"

She knows that her mother likes to be quiet and doesn't want to join in the fun, but today is a special day, which may be once in a lifetime. She wants her mother to see her wonderful performance and make her mother proud of her.

As she expected, Luo Xinyu rejected her.

Although Luo Qingqing was a little disappointed, she didn't really care.Whether mother comes or not, the most outstanding graduate trophy must be hers!

It's just that her mother's last words made her a little unhappy.

Luo Xinyu said: "Qingqing, you can let Ah Chen go."

Luo Qingqing couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

In the past half a month, she didn't go back to the villa, and she never saw him again.As usual, there is no phone call and no information between the two people, as if they are two people who have nothing to do with each other.

However, in the past two days, she has seen him on TV once.

He should be attending a press conference in the city.The city plans to plan land No. 31 in Dongkai District. Tang Chen should represent Tang Ting to compete for that land.

Maybe it's because she hasn't seen him for several days, she feels that he has lost weight, especially on his face, and he doesn't like to smile at all in front of outsiders, and he doesn't even look like a smile at the press conference. Even if the mayor spoke to him, he still had a cold face.

What surprised her even more was that there was a pale red scar on his forehead.

She suddenly remembered that it was Ji Dongchen's mother who scratched him that night when he disappeared.

Although the scar was very shallow, and you couldn't see it unless you looked carefully, Luo Qingqing was still very upset. There was no reason for such a shallow wound to leave a scar, why didn't he deal with it?
But she thought again, she was unhappy, what's the point?Whatever he likes has nothing to do with her!

She was still at the press conference and saw Ji Dongchen, so she called Ji Dongchen.

Ji Dongchen didn't hide it from her either, saying that the No. 31 land was originally a dispute between Ji Dongchen and Qiao's Film and Television.But unexpectedly, Tang Chen stepped in halfway, wanting to snatch the land away.

Although that piece of land is valuable and has great potential for appreciation, it is dispensable to Tang Ting in the fringe area of ​​the Tang Ting business district. There was no news from Tang Ting before that he would bid for it.Now that Tang Chen made a sudden move, and it was inevitable, I don't know what he was thinking.

But that piece of land is very important to Ji Dongchen, which involves whether he can successfully accept Ji's enterprise in its entirety.

Ji Dongchen also told Luo Qingqing that Qiao's film and television seems to be bound to win that piece of land.Therefore, the three families will definitely fight for that piece of land.

Ji Dongchen told Luo Qingqing not to take this matter to heart, success or failure in business matters depends on one's ability and means, and there is no need for him to involve Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing was also helpless, she had always been indifferent to Tang Chen's affairs.

She hung up on her mother, got up from the toilet, and walked out of the stall to the sink.

Her bag is still there.

She washed her hands, carried the bag up and down, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She made a phone call.

A few minutes later, Mu Anan and Ma Kaida ran back from the restaurant and asked, "Qingqing, what's the matter? What happened?"

Luo Qingqing smiled mysteriously: "I'll take the two of you to catch the thief!"

"Catch the thief? Where did the thief come from?" Both of them were at a loss.

Luo Qingqing waved her hand to tell them not to speak loudly, so she walked towards the locker room.

When they reached the door of the dressing room, Luo Qingqing stretched out her hand to push the door, but the door was locked.

"I'll go, who's okay to lock the door?" Ma Kaida muttered.

"Can you kick it away?" Luo Qingqing asked.

"Isn't it? Wouldn't it be enough to let the people inside open the door?"

"I'll kick you if I tell you to, and I'll take care of it!" Luo Qingqing said.

"Okay, I kick!"

Ma Kaida has practiced Taekwondo for a while, showing off his leg skills to his classmates all day long, and now it finally comes in handy.

He kicked up and kicked open the door of the locker room.


In the locker room, there was a scream.

The three of them rushed into the door and saw Shen Jing, holding a pair of scissors, about to cut a costume in his hand.

The three of them took a closer look and found that it was the bright red palace gown that Luo Qingqing was going to wear.

As for the cabinet that Luo Qingqing had locked just now, the door was open.

Mu An'an and Ma Kaida immediately understood.

Two people rushed up, one snatched the scissors, and the other snatched the costume.

Mu Anan grabbed the costume, checked it carefully, and said to Shen Jing angrily: "Who are you? Why did you cut Qingqing's costume? You should know how expensive this costume is, right? No, you cut the costume Convincing, how did Qingqing come to power? You are trying to destroy Qingqing! Why are you so bad?"

Ma Kaida was fiddling with scissors in his hand, leaned closer to Shen Jing, and looked her up and down: "I didn't expect that when I was about to graduate, there was a spy in my class. Tell me, why did you do this? What enmity do you have with my boss? I But remember, the boss has helped you a lot, has your conscience been eaten by dogs?"

Shen Jing's eyes were red, his face was pale, his body was trembling, his head was lowered, and he didn't say a word.

Luo Qingqing leaned against the door with a playful smile on her face.

"Shen Jing, I really didn't expect that it was really you! You are the white-eyed wolf beside me!"

Shen Jing's body trembled violently, facing Luo Qingqing, she bowed deeply: "Qingqing, I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry, what's the point? Why do you say you did this? Fortunately, you haven't started cutting it yet. If it breaks, you'll be fired!" Mu Anan said harshly.

Shen Jing pursed her lips tightly and did not speak again.

Luo Qingqing kept looking at Shen Jing with a slight smile: "Shen Jing, tell me, who ordered you to secretly take pictures of me, discredit me, and want to destroy me?"

Shen Jing opened her mouth wide.She did it so secretly, how did she know?

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