Xiao Yu shook off Qi Liya's arm in annoyance, and said, "Let go!"

He had no patience for Qilia.

Qi Liya was thrown away by him, but immediately hugged her up again, her eyes were determined: "Brother Yu, if you promise to dance with me, I will let you go!"

Xiao Yu didn't know, he was already the focus of the audience.

At today's dinner, Tang Chen and Xiao Yu were the two focal points.

When Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing got married, the girls didn't dare to think about it, but Xiao Yu was still single, so people locked their eyes on him.

Just now, Qi Liya had overheard that several girls were urged by their parents to do everything possible to get close to Xiao Yu, and it would be best if they could try to dance with him.

As long as they can dance with Xiao Yu, people will naturally think that their relationship is extraordinary, and they will defeat a large group of admirers invisibly.

Therefore, Qi Liya couldn't bear her temper, and she had to act first.

She has been chasing Xiao Yu for so long, she must not let him be snatched away by another woman!
Xiao Yu was about to go crazy, he was crazy to dance with Qi Liya.

Luo Qingqing saw that Xiao Yu was about to go berserk, she hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Miss Qi, let go first, I'll have a few words with you."

Qi Liya looked at Luo Qingqing vigilantly: "What are you going to say? You are already married to God Tang, so you can't miss Brother Yu anymore!"

Luo Qingqing: ...Wh, can you talk nonsense like that?Since when did she miss Xiao Yu?

If this is heard by others, I don't know what to think!Especially on such an occasion, not everyone is willing to call her Young Madam!
Xiao Yu said to Qi Liya coldly: "You have no brains, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Qi Liya flattened her mouth and looked aggrieved: "Did I say something wrong?"

Xiao Yu was so angry that he really wanted to kick this girl out of the hall.

Luo Qingqing smiled, took Qi Liya's hand, and said: "Miss Qi, Xiao Yu is just like my own brother. It is understandable that I miss his happiness. If you can give him happiness, I will also wish for it!"

Qi Liya was startled, what did she mean by saying that she wanted her to be with Xiao Yu?

Xiao Yu also frowned, and just about to say something, he saw Luo Qingqing winking at him, so he stopped talking, and wanted to see what Luo Qingqing wanted to do with Qi Liya.

Qi Liya asked: "Luo Qingqing, do you want me to..."

Luo Qingqing interrupted her, and said with a smile: "It's not what I wish, it's what people do."

"It's human effort?" Qi Liya didn't understand Luo Qingqing's words.

Luo Qingqing leaned into her ear and said in a low voice: "If you love him, you have to work hard to be the way he likes, instead of just pestering him and annoying him. In that way, you will only make him get farther and farther away from you." Farther and farther away! Think about it, is this the truth?"

Trying to be what he likes?

Zilia seemed to have an epiphany.

All along, she only knew that she liked him, but she never thought about what kind of woman he liked.

He seems to like people like Luo Qingqing. Could it be that she is going to become the second Luo Qingqing?
It seems a bit difficult!

When she was in a daze, Luo Qingqing had already walked away from Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu asked Luo Qingqing in a low voice: "What did you say to her just now?"

Luo Qingqing smiled lowly: "I poured some ecstasy soup on her, in the future, maybe she won't pester you like this anymore!"

Xiao Yu smiled lowly: "I want you to pour some amnesia soup on her, so that she will completely forget about me!"

"Don't push yourself too hard! It's not easy for me to confuse her!"

Luo Qingqing glared at him. She did that because she didn't want to make Xiao Yu and Qi Liya stiff, and let the people present see the joke.

As for what Qi Liya kept listening to, I don't know yet.

"Thank you." Xiao Yu was very happy even if he was only temporarily freed from Qi Liya's entanglement.

At this time, Tang Chen came over, took Luo Qingqing's hand and said, "Qingqing, come with me, the annual meeting has officially started, let's go up front and say a few words."

"Ah? I want to talk? What am I talking about? I don't know anything about your company!"

Tang Chen smiled lowly, leaned into her ear, and said, "All you need to say is that you love me, and that's enough!"

Luo Qingqing stared at Tang Chen, did this guy do it on purpose?How could you say such a thing on such an occasion?
She'd better be a vase quietly!
She followed Tang Chen to the front, where Tang Tingjun, Zhou Ruoyun, Tang Meng, and Lin Xuqing were already there, and there were only two of them left.

They stand over, and the whole family is complete.

Microphones were placed in front of them, and the guests gathered together, waiting for the Tang family to speak.

Tang Chen held Luo Qingqing's hand, stepped forward a few steps, reached the microphone, and said loudly, "Hi everyone, I'm Tang Chen, and the person next to me is my wife, Luo Qingqing."

A young man in front shouted, "God Tang, are you going to spread dog food?"

Everyone laughed.

A gentle smile appeared on Tang Chen's handsome face.However, that smile was even more dazzling than the bright glazed lamp above his head.

Song Zhining, who was standing in the crowd, frowned slightly with her beautiful eyebrows.

That decisive, cold-blooded Yan Luo with a cold face can laugh!
It's a pity that his smile belongs exclusively to the little woman beside him.

What kind of ability does that woman have that makes him favor her so much?

She took out her phone from her handbag and sent a message.

In front, Tang Chen said loudly: "I don't know what it means to spread dog food. I only know that I can walk hand in hand with Qingqing in this life. I wish enough!"

There was another uproar at the scene.

Someone said: "You don't know what is called dog food? You are a master of dog food!"

Someone asked Luo Qingqing: "Miss Luo, God Tang has already shown his love in a high-profile manner, what do you want to say?"

Luo Qingqing looked up at Tang Chen. Although she didn't know why Tang Chen emphasized their relationship and marriage in front of everyone, she was still happy.

Therefore, she said: "It is enough for me to walk hand in hand with Tang Chen in this life!"

"Fuck, today is indeed a dog food feast!"


After disclosing Luo Qingqing's identity, Tang Chen entered today's topic. He briefly talked about Tang Ting's performance this year, then expressed his gratitude to people from all walks of life, and expressed his good wishes to work hand in hand with business partners. Finally, Announce the start of the dinner party and let everyone have fun.

When the music started, Tang Chen held Luo Qingqing's hand and slid onto the dance floor, starting tonight's dance.

Everyone also danced.

Tang Chen held Luo Qingqing's waist, and the two of them danced to the music.They only have each other in their eyes and forget everything around them.

Their dance steps were taught by Luo Xinyu himself.That was when they were teenagers, and they still remember how clumsy and youthful they were back then.

They stared at each other, and in their eyes was the time of youth that never faded.

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