Ying was so insane that he had a bomb strapped to his waist.

Because her red dress was really fat, neither Luo Qingqing nor Tang Chen noticed it just now.

She wants to die with everyone here!

Shadow, too ruthless!
Luo Qingqing's heart was cold for a while, but the next moment, she threw away the dagger in her hand, tightly pressed Ying's hand with both hands, and pressed her body tightly.

Her eyes flashed with madness and ruthlessness: "Ying, do you want to give me a back? Okay, I'll accompany you!"

She held her down and pressed against the wall tightly. Would this reduce the power of the explosion and save Tang Chen and those innocent people?
As long as Tang Chen is alive!

The corner of Luo Qingqing's mouth raised a touch, and she smiled sweetly.

She turned her head for the last time and took a look at Tang Chen who was still surrounded by those out of control people.

Tang Chen's eyes were red. He had already noticed that Luo Qingqing had gone to Ying's side. He was worried about her, so he leaned over there while beating her.

He shouted loudly to Luo Qingqing: "Qingqing..."

Luo Qingqing shouted to him eagerly: "Ah Chen, hurry up, stay away..."

Tang Chen was only a few meters away from her. Once the bomb exploded, he would definitely be injured.

But Tang Chen was too worried about her, not only didn't stay away, but he sped up his hands and feet, knocked out the people around him with a few punches and kicks, then jumped up, jumped out of the encirclement, and ran towards Luo Qingqing .

At this time, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

His face was pale, and his footsteps were a little vain, but he still ran towards Luo Qingqing resolutely.

Luo Qingqing became anxious, and shouted sharply: "Achen, hurry up, there is a bomb on Ying's body!"

Have a bomb?
Tang Chen's head froze.

So, Qingqing wanted him to stay away, and she and Ying died together?

No!He can't live without her!

If this is fate, he would rather die with her!
Not only did he not stay away, but he walked up to her in a few steps and said, "Qingqing, let go!"

As he spoke, he bent down and picked her up, trying to throw her away, so that Luo Qingqing's life might be saved.

He promised the two mothers that he would take Qingqing back home well.As long as she is fine!
"No, Ah Chen, don't worry about me, just go!"

Luo Qingqing cried out at the top of her lungs, her hands still holding Ying tightly, otherwise her body would leave her.

Seeing Tang Chen coming, Ying laughed even more maniacally: "Hahaha, well done, let's die together! On the road to Huangquan, we can still love and kill each other!"

She broke Luo Qingqing's hand vigorously, and touched the button on the bomb.

As long as you press it, with a bang, all the grievances and grievances will be dissipated.

But Luo Qingqing knew her intentions, and she would not let go of her hand, she held Ying's hand firmly.

At the same time, she almost cried and begged Tang Chen: "Ah Chen, go quickly, hurry up, hurry up..."

"I won't leave! Qingqing, I'm a man, I can't let you die for me! Let go!"

Luo Qingqing can't let go, once she lets go, it will be over!
At this moment, Tang Chen's eyes suddenly blurred, and a heavy object hit Luo Qingqing on the back of the head.

Luo Qingqing's body limply lay on Ying's body.

Tang Chen was startled, and then he heard a voice shouting in his ear: "Tang Chen, hold Qingqing and go!"

Tang Chen didn't look up, and immediately hugged Luo Qingqing, rolled on the spot, and rolled five or six meters in one breath.

He protected Luo Qingqing under his body, and when he looked back, he saw Su Zixi who woke up at some point, instead of Luo Qingqing, firmly pressing Ying under his body, and her hand was on the side of the bomb. button.

Ying looked at her ferociously, "Su Zixi, are you courting death?"

Su Zixi laughed wildly: "Do you think I'm still alive? You sucked my blood dry, do you think I'm still alive? Since we are all bad guys, we should walk together all the way!"

As she spoke, she decisively pressed the bomb button.

Boom, bang!

There was a loud noise, and gunpowder smoke everywhere!

A big hole was blasted into the wall of the hotel lobby, and sand and stones flew randomly.

Fortunately, Su Zixi and Ying were not near the load-bearing wall, and the hotel lobby swayed for a while, but it did not collapse.

None of the people in the hall was spared. They were all affected by the shock wave of the explosion and were seriously injured. They were all lying on the ground in a mess.

Tang Chen's back was also bloody, and now he also fainted.

Luo Qingqing, who was knocked out before, was awakened by the shock of the explosion instead.

Her head was still blurred, and when she saw Tang Chen pressing on her, she panicked instantly.

She struggled to push him: "Achen, how are you? Wake up, don't scare me! Achen..."

She shook him desperately, finally pushing him awake.

He opened his eyes, and asked Luo Qingqing in the first sentence: "Qingqing, how are you?"

Luo Qingqing wept with joy: "I'm fine, Ah Chen, we didn't die!"

There is nothing more ecstatic than escaping death.

Tang Chen struggled to sit up, and then pulled Luo Qingqing up as well.

He checked her up and down to make sure she wasn't hurt, so he let go of his worries.

"What happened just now?" Didn't she hug Ying the whole time?How did you wake up, and you were with Tang Chen?
Luo Qingqing looked at the people all over the ground, they were all bloody, and the ground was covered with blood, and her heart trembled.

She crawled over and tried their breath one by one.Fortunately, they were still breathing, so she was relieved.

Tang Chen stood up staggeringly, and walked towards the corner where the explosion occurred.

There, in the rubble, were two bodies.Their lower bodies were blown apart, while their upper bodies were still tightly pressed together.

Tang Chen walked over, pulled Su Zixi's broken body away, and looked at Ying.

Ying's eyes were wide open, and there was still a ferocious and crazy smile on his face, but the smile was completely stiff.

Below her waist, she was completely blown into limomo, and one of her arms was also separated from her body.

It has already become like this, no matter how tough she is, no matter how scheming she is, she will not survive.

Ying finally died, and Tang Chen finally let out a long breath.

At this time, Luo Qingqing also came over. Seeing such a miserable situation, she almost threw up.

But when she saw Su Zixi, her tears still flowed down.

No need to ask, she already knew the answer, it was Su Zixi who knocked her out and let Tang Chen take her away from the shadow!
Su Zixi was bombed until her legs were rotten, her arms were gone, and her stomach seemed to be hollowed out, forming a big hole.Only above her abdomen was intact.

No matter what Su Zixi did to Luo Qingqing before, at this moment, she paid back Luo Qingqing with her life.

She exchanged her own death for the happiness of Luo Qingqing and Tang Chen.Therefore, at this moment, Luo Qingqing let go of all the past.

She knelt beside Su Zixi and cried loudly: "Zixi..."

Su Zixi's closed eyes slowly opened, and she uttered a hoarse and weak call: "Qingqing..."

Luo Qingqing was so frightened that she almost jumped up from the ground, Su Zixi was like this, yet she was still alive.

However, she knelt and crawled to Su Zixi's side, crying, "Zixi, I'm here..."

In Su Zixi's gray and dim eyes, there was a glimmer of light.

It was worth it for Luo Qingqing to cry like this for her.


"Stop talking, Zixi, I have never really hated you, I am always reluctant to hate you!"

Su Zixi smiled, she knew it, otherwise, she wouldn't have pulled her back from the death line last time.

"Qingqing, in the next life, I will still be your good friend, okay?"

"Okay! Zixi, in my next life, I hope I can do better!" If we can understand her better and communicate with her better, maybe such a tragedy will never happen again!

"it is good……"

Su Zixi just looked at her like that, and left her last, purest smile to Luo Qingqing forever!


Two days later, Central Hospital.

In a spacious and bright ward, there are two beds side by side.

Luo Qingqing and Tang Chen occupied a table alone.

Although Luo Qingqing was only slightly injured on her neck in the accident, she was also strongly stimulated by it, and she remained in a coma for two days with a persistent high fever.

Tang Chen's back was seriously injured and he could only lie on the hospital bed.

He lay on his stomach, looking at Luo Qingqing on the hospital bed, eagerly hoping that she would wake up early.

Maybe it was his inner prayer that worked, Luo Qingqing slowly opened her eyes.

She was momentarily dazed, and then she turned her head and saw Tang Chen who was looking at her with his head tilted.

He was still alive, and she was still alive, and she couldn't help but burst into a sweet and pure smile.

"Achen..." She called him softly.

"Qingqing..." He responded gently.

"Mr. Tang..." She called him again.

"Mrs. Tang..." He responded to her again.

Then, she laughed and fell silent.

He also looked at her and smiled, but called her again: "My wife..."

She smiled even brighter, and whispered back to him: "My husband..."

The two looked at each other and smiled. The winter sun melted all the coldness in their eyes.

At this moment, the door of the ward opened, and Tang Jiji walked in with a suitcase.

Seeing Luo Qingqing woke up, he said happily: "Brave girl, you finally woke up."

Luo Qingqing sat up from the hospital bed, looked at his box, and asked, "Mr. Tang, are you leaving?"

Tang Jiji sat down on a chair and said, "Yes, I will come to see you and go directly to the airport."

Luo Qingqing said: "Is it in such a hurry? We haven't thanked you properly yet."

Tang Jiji smiled and said: "Miss Luo, you can live well, that is the greatest thanks to me!"

In fact, he was not very sure before that he could make Luo Qingqing overcome the psychological hints under the shadow.

But Luo Qingqing really succeeded and survived, so it can be regarded as Tang Jiji's success.

Luo Qingqing asked: "The psychological suggestion that Ying gave me has also been eliminated?"

Tang Jiji nodded: "Well, it disappeared. When you were in a coma, I gave you a psychological hint, and I also gave you a clear understanding. So, you should have no problem. And the medicine in your body has been completely cleared, No more worries. After you, "

He said, glanced at Tang Chen, and said with a smile: "You and Mr. Tang are having a happy time, I wish you all!"

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