The appearance of Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing caused a commotion at the scene.

Those reporters even picked up the cameras and video recorders in their hands, pointed at the two people, and clicked and clicked.
"Tang Shen, Miss Luo, are you reconciled?"

"God Tang, aren't you going to marry Su Zixi?"

"Miss Luo, you climbed into Ji Shao's hospital bed two days ago, don't you want to be with Ji Shao?"

"Miss Luo, may I ask, do you really love Ji Shao or Tang Shen?"


All kinds of questions came crashing down, making Luo Qingqing a little dizzy.She also knew that today would definitely be considered the bloodiest day in the world.But, there is no other way, today is going to be desperate.

Tang Chen kept protecting her and came to the microphone.

His tall body, standing there, is like a mountain, making people feel a sense of coercion invisibly.

He only raised his hand, and the reporter in front immediately shut his mouth.

In just one second, the scene was completely silent, which shows how powerful Tang Chen is.

Tang Chen said loudly: "Qingqing and I are very grateful to everyone for your attention and concern. Today, we are here, so I will give you a solid foundation."

As he spoke, he held Luo Qingqing's hand tightly and said, "We're actually married!"


Everyone at the scene opened their mouths wide in shock at the explosive news.

Some time ago, Tang Chen proposed to Luo Qingqing, which was still fresh in everyone's memory, but not long after, Tang Chen announced that he broke up with Luo Qingqing and wanted to marry Su Zixi.

Now, only a few days later, he married Luo Qingqing!
People wanted to say something in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it: God Tang, you really know how to play!

Reporters have always been quick-witted, but this news also exceeded their predictions. For a while, no one asked questions.

Luo Qingqing said with a smile: "What? Are you so disrespectful to us? Don't you have anything to ask?"

The reporters just woke up from a dream and asked one after another: "Miss Luo, is this true?"

Luo Qingqing nodded: "There is a marriage certificate to prove it."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Yu who was standing not far away, and said, "Hurry up and bring our marriage certificate!"

The gazes of the reporters immediately turned to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu walked over with steady steps, holding two bright red marriage certificates in his hands, and said reluctantly: "Although your god Tang played cards very unreasonably and secretly married my family's Qingqing , and didn’t even let me eat a piece of wedding candy, and didn’t even let me drink a glass of wedding wine, but I have to admit that he really married my family, Qingqing!”

As he spoke, he opened the marriage certificate and showed the photos of the two of them.

In that photo, Luo Qingqing still had an expression of reluctance, but Tang Chen had a pretty smile on his face.

The reporters snapped at the marriage certificate.

"Miss Luo, why don't you look very happy in the photo?"

Luo Qingqing wanted to cover her face, if she knew today, she would smile like a flower.

She explained: "I was too nervous. After all, it was my first time. I have no experience and I can't control my expression well!"

"Haha, why, does Miss Luo want a second time?"

Luo Qingqing smiled, gave Tang Chen a sideways glance, and said, "Who knows? It all depends on your God Tang's performance, doesn't it?"

The reporter immediately turned to Tang Chen: "God Tang, you just announced your marriage to Ms. Su Zixi not long ago, but now you are marrying Ms. Luo so quickly. Can you tell me what you think?"

Tang Chen's handsome face was tense, because he was very worried that Luo Qingqing would suddenly experience something unusual.Therefore, he wants to make a quick decision.

He said loudly: "The last statement was not my intention. Su Zixi and I have never been in love. The person I love has always been Luo Qingqing. Therefore, the person I married was only Luo Qingqing.

The day after tomorrow is Qingqing and I's wedding, when the time comes, everyone is welcome to come! "

What?The day after tomorrow is the wedding?

Is God Tang serious?
Isn't the day after tomorrow the day he planned to marry Su Zixi?Could it be that Miss Luo cut off her beard, so the bride has changed but the date has not changed?

How can Luo Qingqing say, she is also a big star, does she really not mind?

"God Tang, does Su Zixi know that you are married to Miss Luo? What is your relationship with her now?"

Tang Chen said: "Qingqing and I are married, and she knew about it a long time ago. I have nothing to do with her before, neither now nor in the future!"

"What about Miss Luo and Ji Shao? Does Ji Shao know that you married Tang Shen?"

Luo Qingqing said: "Ji Shao and I are just good friends. We got engaged three years ago, and it was only by agreement. He wanted to help me get out of the incident three years ago. thank him.

As for the incident that happened in the hospital two days ago, when I was in the hospital, I explained clearly to the reporter that someone deliberately framed it.Someone pretending to be a nurse knocked me out, then stunned Ji Shao, and carried me to his hospital bed.If you don't believe me, you can ask Tang Ting's staff for a list.The people above were all those who witnessed the truth of the matter in the hospital ward that day. "

On the way here, Tang Chen told Luo Qingqing that if someone asked about her and Ji Dongchen, let her speak up boldly, because he had the list of reporters that day in his hand.

At that time, because someone manipulated the incident and hired a large number of sailors, the news posted by these people was quickly drowned out.

A few people in the reporter group stood up and said: "I was there at the time, and I can testify for Miss Luo that she was indeed knocked out, and Ji Shao also admitted that he was knocked out."

Luo Qingqing bowed to them: "Thank you for speaking out for me. I remember that I tricked you that day, saying that there was always someone in my heart, but I didn't tell you who he was. You understand now, right? ?He is Tang Chen, I took him home when he was nine years old, so he is destined to be my groom!"

"My God, God Tang, it turns out that you were ordered for life at the age of nine. I'm so envious!"

"This is the real childhood sweetheart, it's a myth of love, I wish you all well!"

Tang Chen smiled slightly: "Thank you! This is the end of today's press conference. Please spread the news of our marriage to the public so that we will no longer misunderstand the relationship between us, Su Zixi, and Ji Dongchen. See you at the wedding tomorrow!"

After he finished speaking, he was about to protect Luo Qingqing and leave.

But someone made a fuss: "God Tang, since you are going to get married, let's kiss each other!"

"Yes, kiss one!"

"Kiss one!"


Although Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing were very sure of what they said, and they had a marriage certificate as evidence, there were still many doubts that had not been resolved, so people always felt a little dissatisfied.

If two people kiss in public, it may explain everything.

Tang Chen's face darkened, he didn't want people to see him kissing Luo Qingqing.

He protected Luo Qingqing and wanted to leave, but Luo Qingqing smiled sweetly, stood on tiptoe, wrapped his arms around his neck, and kissed his lips.

Tang Chen was stunned, sighed quietly, bent down actively, clasped her slender waist in his arms, and kissed her deeply.

The moment he kissed her, every line on his face became tender.And Luo Qingqing's face was instantly stained with a thin layer of red, which was extraordinarily charming.Her eyes are closed, and her long eyelashes are trembling, like the wings of a butterfly, about to take off happily.

The winter sun shines on their tightly fitted lips, the moist color is shining with water, making people's heart beat faster than they can control!
The air is filled with a happy and sweet smell!

ooh ooh...

People were so excited that they howled wolves.

The camera is aimed at two people, one shot!
In the next second, Tang Chen bent down and picked up Luo Qingqing, and under the protection of bodyguards, he returned to the car and drove away.

The media that day was full of news that Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing were married and were about to hold a wedding.

And their affectionate kiss was also called the kiss of time by many netizens.

The media made a lot of publicity, and the two of them decided to spend their lives privately since they were a few years old, and they have always been infatuated.This kind of feeling, through time, will definitely remain unchanged for a lifetime!
Therefore, many netizens sent blessings, but some people still have doubts.In the relationship between Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing, what role did Su Zixi play?
People didn't want her to be with Tang Chen in the first place, but now they were so one-sided that they criticized Su Zixi enough.

Su Zixi was watching TV at home, and seeing Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing holding hands, looking so beautiful, she was so angry that she threw the remote control at the TV.

"Tang Chen, Luo Qingqing, haven't you played me enough? You announced your marriage, why did you still kick me? Why didn't you notify me when you held a press conference, and couldn't you give me some dignity in the end? ? I hate you, hate you!"

She crazily smashed everything on the coffee table, and still didn't let go of her hatred, scolding Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing while jumping around.

Tired of scolding, she collapsed on the sofa and cried.

During this period of time, her body has recovered a lot, and she wants to come back.She thought she could make a comeback under the guise of getting married with Tang Chen, but to her disappointment, no one still used her.

Besides acting, she doesn't know anything else.

She contacted the artists in her former studio. They treated her as the boss and coaxed her every day. Now she begged them lowly, but they would ignore her.

Su Zixi understood that her personality was completely down, even if she really married Tang Chen, it would not change her current situation.

She gave up on herself and started eating, drinking and having fun. She went to bars every day and went home only after getting drunk.

She no longer controls her figure, her weight has skyrocketed by ten kilograms, and her face is round like a ball. How can she still have the glory of the original actress?

But, she can't help it, this is the path she walked, and she can't get up by herself, so who can she blame?
If she can live a new life, she will never expect what she can't get, and live a life of herself!

But in this life, she is finished, she has nothing left!
She cried so hard that the sofa was wet with tears.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Her spirit was shaken, she didn't know who would remember her and who would call her at this time.

But when she saw the string of familiar numbers on the phone, she threw the phone away like a hot potato.

However, she inadvertently brushed the connect button, so a mocking voice came from the phone immediately: "Su Zixi, you fool, I made a good move for you, but you made a bad move! You It's really a pile of mud!"

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