Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 348 Are You Forced To Marry?

We ate and chatted.

Tang Jiji said excitedly: "I'm still a little thankful to Miss Luo this time."

Luo Qingqing was a little surprised: "Doctor Tang, you came to treat me, why are you still thanking me?"

Tang Jiji said: "Everyone knows that the environment is deteriorating, disasters are frequent, human food is becoming more and more unsafe, and there are often pesticide residues or chemical harmful ingredients that damage people's bodies.

The buffer I developed for Ms. Luo can wrap toxic substances and excrete them from the body. This will allow those who are poisoned to be treated in time, and at the same time reduce the damage of the drug to the body and save the patient's life faster. "

Luo Qingqing's eyes lit up: "What you said is very reasonable. If it is feasible, it will benefit mankind! This will be a great invention!"

Tang Chen nodded and said, "Jassiet, you can apply for a patent, but my family's Qingqing deserves the credit!"

Tang Jiji said with a smile: "You profiteer, you want to take advantage of everything!"

Luo Qingqing also laughed and said: "In other words, all my hardships are not in vain!"

In Tang Chen's eyes, there was a hint of cruelty: "It must not be in vain!"

After dinner, Tang Jiji wanted to continue researching his buffer, Xiao Yu wanted to go back to the city, and Luo Qingqing also wanted to go back.

Tang Chen didn't want her to go back, but wanted her to stay in Hefengyuan.It looks ordinary here, but in fact there are many agencies and many people secretly protecting it.

Therefore, Luo Qingqing is safer here.

But Tang Chen was going back to Tang City, and he still had a lot of things to deal with, so Luo Qingqing couldn't stay here any longer.

She didn't want to be separated from Tang Chen for a moment.

At this moment, Jin Qiu called Luo Qingqing.

After Luo Qingqing had a car accident that day, everyone in the crew called her to express condolences, so Luo Qingqing asked Jin Qiu for a few days off.

She thought that Jin Qiu called because of the crew, but she didn't expect him to say: "Qingqing, do you know someone named Zhang Xiaobei?"

Luo Qingqing was taken aback, and thought for a while, it should be the girl who claimed to be Ji Dongchen's girlfriend.

"What's up with her?"

"She came to the set to make trouble today, and insisted on you coming out to clarify the relationship with Ji Dongchen."

Luo Qingqing frowned: "What is there to clarify? I told her that I have nothing to do with Ji Dongchen."

Jin Qiu sighed: "Qingqing, don't you know the current news? It is said that you and Ji Dongchen are sharing the same bed in the hospital, that you and Tang Shen broke up, and you want to climb up to Ji Shao again."

"Ah? How did this happen? I clearly explained it to the reporter yesterday!"

"Qingqing, don't worry about the news, you should try to get Zhang Xiaobei away first. She is arrogant and unreasonable here, making it impossible for the filming crew to proceed."

"Is she with you? You put her on the phone."

"alright, please wait."

Luo Qingqing was on the phone and heard Jin Qiu tell Zhang Xiaobei to ask her to answer Luo Qingqing's call.

Soon, Zhang Xiaobei's sharp voice came from the phone: "Luo Qingqing, you despicable villain who says one thing and does another, I almost believed you! Pooh, what the hell are you talking about with him?" After we broke up, I climbed into his bed, are you deliberately playing me? Luo Qingqing, let me tell you, I'm not done with you, I want you to be ruined!"

Zhang Xiaobei cursed loudly on the phone, her voice was so loud that Luo Qingqing's eardrums hurt.

Luo Qingqing frowned, took the phone away from her ears, and waited for Zhang Xiaobei to finish her yelling before she sneered: "Zhang Xiaobei, it's reasonable not to speak loudly. Let me tell you, I broke up with Dongchen, that is, I can't afford to lie. And, Dongchen also admitted that day. It's fine if you don't believe me, but if you don't believe him, what right do you have to shout at me?
I give you 10 minutes to leave my crew, otherwise, you will never see Ji Dongchen again in your life! "

"Luo Qingqing, are you threatening me? What right do you have to threaten me?"

Luo Qingqing smiled coldly, "Just because you have no brains, you are not worthy of Ji Dongchen!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Only then did she have time to watch the news.

The photo of her and Ji Dongchen lying on the hospital bed became a trending search.The news also said that Luo Qingqing was abandoned by God Tang and wanted to get close to Ji Dongchen.The news also revealed that Luo Qingqing once abandoned Ji Dongchen because of Tang Chen.Now that Tang Chen abandoned her, she turned to Ji Dongchen, saying that she is a humble woman who loves vanity, covets glory and wealth, and will do anything for money and status!

The news also said that despite Ji Dongchen's serious injury, she shamelessly climbed onto Ji Dongchen's bed and notified the reporter herself, just to stir up the scandal with Ji Dongchen.

Luo Qingqing looked at such news, hehe for a while.

She forked off the news, and asked Tang Chen on the side: "You knew about this news yesterday?"

Tang Chen nodded and said, "I know it's not true."

Luo Qingqing smiled.

They went directly to the hospital to find her yesterday, so they must have known the whole story, so they didn't care at all.

If she really has something to do with Ji Dongchen, I don't believe he can still sit so securely.

She smiled and said, "Should I thank you for your trust?"

Tang Chen nodded: "Must!"

Luo Qingqing sneered: "God Tang, please show some face!"

Tang Chen said, "We're even."

Luo Qingqing understood that what he was talking about was about him and Su Zixi.

She smiled and said, "You have been cuckolded, don't you want to take it off?"

Tang Chen looked at her deeply: "Aren't you in a hurry to pick it?"

"That's different. I know your vision is not that bad, and I think you must have done that because of me. Look, how virtuous and reasonable I am? Mr. Tang, you shouldn't be Reward me?"

Tang Chen smiled lowly: "What reward do you want?"

Luo Qingqing looked at Tang Chen with piercing eyes: "Wedding!"

Tang Chen couldn't help laughing: "Mrs. Tang, are you forcing a marriage?"

In one sentence, Mrs. Tang, there is a feeling of long absence.

Luo Qingqing sighed: "Then what can I do? Who told me to marry a man who is so dishonest?"

Tang Chen's face sank, "Huh? Are you talking about me without sincerity?"

Luo Qingqing blinked her big eyes, and said with an aggrieved face: "That's what it is! Entering the Civil Affairs Bureau, you have to carry it, you get a marriage certificate, you use force, you don't have a marriage proposal, and I snatched the wedding ring myself. It's completely hidden, tell me, you keep calling me Mrs. Tang, what did you give me?"

Tang Chen rubbed his chin: "It turns out that our marriage still needs a lot of ceremony?"

"You just know?"

Tang Chen smiled: "It's okay, I'll make it up for you once! But, you have to wait until you catch Ying!"

"How do you catch her? I think my plan is good."

"Don't do that first. Be good, stay here and wait for me to pick you up."

Luo Qingqing pouted: "To put it bluntly, I still want me to stay."

Tang Chen rubbed the top of Luo Qingqing's head with his big hands: "Tomorrow at the latest, I will pick you up!"

As he spoke, he bent down and kissed Luo Qingqing's lips, then turned and left.

Luo Qingqing looked at Tang Chen's back, a little helpless.

She didn't know what he was going to do.

Yundu, Luoyun Villa.

Ling Xin's wedding was grand and beautiful.

Just like what Ling Tianlin said, when you marry someone, you should marry Yun Jiulang.

Yun Jiulang is Yundu, the ninth son of the Yun family, originally named Yun Jiuxi.

The married head of the Yun family is now over 80 years old and has married five wives in his life.These wives gave him six sons and five daughters.

Yun Jiulang is ranked ninth, so people call him Yun Jiulang.

Yun Jiulang is not only handsome, but also very talented.

He went abroad to study at the age of 15, got a master's degree in two years, and took another two years to get a double doctor's degree, and then returned to China without asking for a penny from his family. After two years, it was successfully listed.

Yun Jiulang and Ling Xin are children in the kindergarten, and he has never forgotten Ling Xin for so many years.

Finally, he didn't dare to come to propose marriage until he became famous.

These two people can be said to be talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven.

Tang Meng could tell that Ling Xin's eyelashes were full of happiness.

She was very happy for Ling Xin, but she still missed her wedding.

She didn't pay much attention to Ling Xin's wedding, but looked down at her phone from time to time.

With the help of the Tang family's relationship, mother secretly checked Xu Lianlian, and then sent it to Tang Meng's phone.

Looking at the list of people on the phone, Tang Meng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, in the past few years in Yundu, Xu Lianlian has made friends with quite a few people.

And among them, there was even Song Zhining!
Tang Meng didn't understand, Song Zhining was a girl of heaven, how could she have anything to do with a wealthy young woman?

Tang Meng felt a little uneasy.

She looked up at the wedding scene and saw Song Zhining.

She was holding a wine glass, joking with a group of rich and famous ladies.She seemed to feel Tang Meng's gaze, so she turned her head and raised her glass to them.

Tang Meng smiled slightly, and also raised the wine glass in her hand.It's just the basic etiquette, Tang Meng will never lose the battle.

After the wedding, a group of people from Tangcheng were arranged to return to Tangcheng on the same plane.

Tang Meng did not take the same plane back on the grounds that he was visiting Yundu.

Ling Xin generously arranged a car for Tang Meng and Lin Xuqing, allowing them to spend a few days in Yundu to their heart's content.

And Ling Xin went to the airport with Yun Jiulang for their honeymoon.

Lin Xuqing drove the car and asked Tang Meng, "Where are you going?"

Tang Meng said, "Let's go to Ye's house first."

She had already called Ye Bai before, so when Tang Meng's car arrived at Ye's house, Ye Bai was already waiting at home.At the same time, his parents were there.

As soon as Tang Meng entered the living room, she greeted the two old men and introduced Lin Xuqing to them.

The unexpected death of the eldest son hit the two elderly people hard. They were only in their sixties, and now they all have gray hair.

On one side of the living room, there was a baby cradle, in which lay a chubby little boy, with a servant beside him taking good care of him.

No need to ask, this child must be Yetian's posthumous son.

Tang Meng didn't see the so-called mistress who wanted to be in charge appear.

Of course, she didn't care about that woman, what she cared about was the Ye family's attitude towards Xu Lianlian and that child!

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