Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 344 What's wrong with your face?

At this moment, the assistant came over and said, "Young Master Xiao, Ms. Luo's car key."

Xiao Yu grabbed Luo Qingqing's bag, took out the car keys from inside, and threw it to the assistant.

Luo Qingqing looked at Xiao Yu's messed up bag and pouted: "Xiao Yu, it's impolite to go through a girl's bag."

Xiao Yu snorted: "Is it polite to pluck a boy's leg hair?"

Luo Qingqing chuckled, well, she is laughing at fifty steps!

She and Xiao Yu joked and joked without paying attention at all, and there was a great god sitting in the back seat of the car.

He was dressed in black, with sunglasses on his face, and it was getting late at this time, and the carriage was a little dark, so Luo Qingqing didn't look back.

Xiao Yu started the car, but Luo Qingqing saw that the direction of the car was not going back to Ning'an Lane, but heading out of the city.

Luo Qingqing was a little puzzled: "Xiao Yu, where are you going?"



Luo Qingqing remembered that the first time she and Tang Chen ate out was Hefengyuan.

She still remembered that the scenery there was beautiful, the dishes were delicious, and there was a mysterious proprietress there.

She remembered that Tang Chen said at the time that the restaurant was specially built for her, and she could go there to eat, drink and have fun at any time.

However, the second time she went, she went with Su Zixi.Su Zixi said that Tang Chen often took her there.

That was the day when Luo Qingqing and Su Zixi broke up.

Thinking of Su Zixi, her heart was still depressed.

"Why are you going there?"

Luo Qingqing didn't want to go to that place at all.

She turned her head and looked out the window with a gloomy expression on her face.

Xiao Yu noticed Luo Qingqing's depression, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Qingqing?"

Luo Qingqing didn't hide anything, and said directly: "That used to be a place where Tang Chen and Su Zixi often went, and I don't want to go."

As soon as Xiao Yu heard this, he said angrily: "I have to make an appointment how many days in advance to go to that place, but I didn't expect the two of them to go often. I won't go, let's go, go home!"

As he spoke, he turned the steering wheel to turn around.

Suddenly, his seat was kicked, Xiao Yu's body was pressed onto the steering wheel, and the car horn blared wildly.

"Hey, Xiao Yu, hold on tight!"

Luo Qingqing was frightened to death, she quickly stretched out her hand, stabilized the steering wheel with one hand, and pulled Xiao Yu's shoulder with the other.

At the same time, she looked back angrily, she wanted to see who was making trouble behind, this is a desperate rhythm!
However, she only saw a tall silhouette behind him, and that person was sitting sideways.

Although he couldn't see his face, the figure was too familiar.

Her anger just now had long since disappeared, and her tone was filled with joy: "Achen, is that you?"

She let go of the steering wheel, and Xiao Yu reached out to Tang Chen.

She wanted to truly feel his presence!

But Tang Chen pushed her hand away, still leaning sideways, not letting her see his face, but his voice was full of tenderness: "Qingqing, don't look at me, look at the front."

Luo Qingqing was stunned: "What happened to your face? It was fine in the morning."

Tang Chen: ...

How should he pick it up?Said that his face is fine, but he can't let her see it?If she sees it, she will lose control?
He himself felt sad!
He said: "My face is fine, you sit down first, it's dangerous for you to do this!"

"You know the danger, why did you kick Xiao Yu so vigorously just now?"

Luo Qingqing didn't understand what Tang Chen was doing!
Xiao Yu did it on purpose just now, to get angry with Tang Chen.Now that he has controlled the steering wheel, he continues to walk towards Hefengyuan.

He was happy when he heard Luo Qingqing's words, and smiled: "Yes, yes, almost broke my waist. Qingqing, if my waist is broken, you have to take care of me!"

Tang Chen wished he could kick him again.

He said coldly: "Why so much nonsense? Hurry up and drive!"

Xiao Yu chuckled, as long as Tang Chen could be deflated, he would be happy.He doesn't know himself, what kind of evil psychology is this.

Since Tang Chen was here, it was his idea to take her to Hefengyuan.

Therefore, she asked, "Are you taking me to Hefengyuan for dinner?"

Tang Chen just turned his body sideways and said: "Not only to eat, I will also take you to see a doctor."

"See a doctor? What kind of doctor? I'm not sick!"

Tang Chen's heart throbbed, the dream in her body had happened so many times, didn't she realize anything?

She has to be mentally prepared!

Therefore, Tang Chen said: "Qingqing, when you were videoing with me this morning, you felt very uncomfortable, didn't you?"

Luo Qingqing thought for a while, "Yes, my head hurts so much, I really want to pull you out of the phone and beat you up! But, I don't really want to beat you, and I don't know why, there will be That strong urge.

And oh, I was in the hospital today and almost strangled Ji Dongchen to death.Ah Chen, do you think I'm going crazy?I seem to have pinched Qiao Yuqi like this before.

But I don't want to pinch them, I just can't control myself!Ah Chen, is this a disease?Then let someone show it to me, I don't want to become a lunatic! "

Luo Qingqing thought that she was just too impulsive, and always felt that there was a devil in her body driving her to vent her hatred.

It turned out that this is a disease!
Fortunately, Tang Chen hired a doctor for her.

Tang Chen's heart hurts badly, he won't let Qingqing become a lunatic, absolutely not!

"No, Qingqing, but you must cooperate with the doctor's treatment, okay?"

Luo Qingqing nodded, "I will. It's just,"

She looked at him with piercing eyes: "Turn around and take a look at me, okay? Do you think I've become ugly?"

Tang Chen twitched his lips, he wanted to see her too, but...

He didn't want anything to happen in the car, it was too dangerous!
"No, you are always beautiful. Sit down first, and I will see you when you cooperate with the doctor and finish the treatment!"

Luo Qingqing pouted, with a disappointed expression: "Okay... But, you're sure you're not tired of my face, right?"

"Of course not! Don't think too much!" Tang Chen said.

He will never be able to see her face enough in his whole life, even if she becomes old and wrinkled, he is still his most beautiful Qingqing.

Growing old with her is his greatest wish in this life!

Luo Qingqing chuckled: "Then I can rest assured!"

Xiao Yu looked at the car and pouted.Luo Qingqing also has such low self-confidence sometimes?Where did her fierceness towards him go?
Soon the car arrived at Hefengyuan, and it was already dark at this time.

When Luo Qingqing got out of the car, she saw Tang Chen disappearing into the corridor without looking back.

Luo Qingqing looked at his back, feeling a little confused for no reason.

Why doesn't he want to look her in the face?

Xiao Yu came over and said: "Qingqing, I'll see him in a while, let's go, let's eat first."

Luo Qingqing was still very disappointed: "Why did he do this? You should be able to see that, he still has feelings for me. This morning, he was still in the video, telling me that he loves me! But Now……"

Xiao Yu walked over, took her hand, and said, "Don't think too much, just believe that he will never betray you!"

Luo Qingqing let out a long breath, walked along the corridor with Xiao Yu, and walked into a private room.

As soon as the two of them settled down, the waiter began to serve the dishes like a stream of water.

The dishes were still very tempting, but Luo Qingqing didn't have much appetite.

Xiao Yu tried his best to persuade her: "Qingqing, you must eat more and maintain a good condition so that the doctor can better determine your illness."

Luo Qingqing nodded, so she had to work hard to eat more.

After eating enough, Xiao Yu took Luo Qingqing to a spacious room on the ground floor.There are several strange instruments inside, and a medical bed, similar to those in a hospital.

There is also a big chair beside it, similar to that kind of massage chair.The massage chair is also attached, a square instrument.

A young doctor in a white coat is checking the instruments beside the medical bed.

On the display screen of the instrument, there are red, green and black distorted curves, and some numbers that look like ants.

Xiao Yu said: "Doctor Jassiet, Miss Luo is here."

The doctor turned around, and only then did Luo Qingqing see that his face was very white, his eye sockets were sunken, and his eyes were slightly blue.

He should be a very beautiful mixed race man, no more than 30 years old depending on his age.

He looked Luo Qingqing up and down, then smiled, extended his hand to Luo Qingqing in a friendly manner, and said, "Nice to meet you, Miss Luo, you are more beautiful than on TV."

Luo Qingqing was a little surprised that he could speak the language of Great Xia Kingdom fluently.

She hurriedly said politely, "Hello, Dr. Jassiet."

Jassiet smiled slightly: "Miss Luo, you can also call me another name, Tang Jiji."

Don Jiji?What the hell is this name?And why is the surname Tang?

Tang Jiji said: "Many years ago, I participated in the international medical rescue team and encountered robbers. It was Mr. Tang who rescued me and more than 30 people in our team. Therefore, I took this name for myself."

Luo Qingqing really wanted to laugh, in order to repay her life-saving grace, I just follow your surname, isn't that too casual?
However, she kind of likes this name, haha, the surname is Tang!
"Then I'll call you Doctor Tang."


After making the introduction, Tang Jiji asked Luo Qingqing to sit on the big massage chair first.

He put a clip on her fingertip, wrapped a bandage around her arm, and wore something like a shiny headband on her head.

Luo Qingqing couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and asked, "What is this for?"

Tang Jiji said: "Miss Luo, don't be nervous. You can close your eyes and listen to what I say, and you have to think about it. Think boldly, don't have any depression, understand?"

Luo Qingqing didn't seem to understand, so she could only nod her head first, and then listened to him.

Tang Jiji also wore a headband on his head, and held something like a small rubber ball in his hand.

He began to ask: "Miss Luo, what is the saddest thing you have encountered?"

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