Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 335 I Want to Tell You Something

When Tang Meng returned to her villa, the lights were still dark in the villa, and her heart sank involuntarily.

She raised her wrist and looked at her watch. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. At this time, Lin Xuqing would have already returned.

She opened the door and bent over to change her slippers.

She has been pregnant for three months. Although she has not yet shown her pregnancy, she also feels that her waist has become thicker, and she is a little awkward to bend over.

She sat on the sofa and looked at the coldness of the room, feeling a little desolate in her heart.

She took out her mobile phone and sent Lin Xuqing a message: When are you coming back?I'm craving cherries, bring me some when you come back.

She has never been a hypocritical woman, unless something really happened, she would never urge Lin Xuqing to go home.

She always felt that she gave Lin Xuqing enough freedom and trust, all she wanted was his honesty.

After sending the message, she went upstairs with her mobile phone, put it on the bedside table, changed into her pajamas, and went to take a shower.

She has always been meticulous in taking baths, taking milk and flower baths almost every day.

Lying in the warm water, she looked at her slightly protruding belly under the cover of the petals, and couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth.

She is looking forward to this child, looking forward to whether he looks like her or like him.No matter who he looks like, he will be his darling.

She suddenly remembered Luo Qingqing's words, that Xu Lianlian also gave birth to her son only after she was pregnant in October.Moreover, Tang Meng also knew that Xu Lianlian successfully married Ye Tian because of that child.

Even if there is no Ye Tian now, as long as Xu Lianlian has the custody of the child, she will make a condition to the Ye family.

Therefore, that child is very important to Xu Lianlian.

And there is another point, which is also quite strange, she is the wife that Ye Tian Mingmei is marrying, and that mistress has no name or status, why can Xu Lianlian not be able to do that mistress?And why did she leave Yundu in the first place?
Could it be that she came to Tang City not because she couldn't make it through Ye's house, but came to Tang City to find a way out?

Did she regard Lin Xuqing as a way out?

When Tang Meng thought of this possibility, she trembled and broke out in a cold sweat.

In fact, when Xu Lianlian appeared, she had such a premonition, but because she believed in Lin Xuqing, she didn't take Xu Lianlian seriously.

Now it seems that she is still cautious and delicate.

Thinking of this, Tang Meng slowly left the bathtub, rinsed off the milk and flower petals on her body, put on her pajamas, and walked out of the bathroom.

At this moment, the door rang, and a person walked in from the door, it was Lin Xuqing.

Tang Meng paused as she wiped her hair with a smile on her face: "Xuqing, you're back? Where are my cherries?"

Lin Xuqing raised a cardboard box in Yang's hand to Tang Meng, and said with a smile, "I went to several supermarkets, but I couldn't find it. Fortunately, I bought it in a bakery that was not closed yet."

As he spoke, he opened the box, revealing the attractive little red cherries inside.

Tang Meng didn't actually want to eat cherries, but she was looking for a reason to let Lin Xuqing go home.At the same time, I also wanted to make it difficult for him. After all, it is not the season for cherries, and it is difficult to buy them.

After she became pregnant, she had no taboos, and she didn't want to eat anything hypocritically.This was the first time she made a request to Lin Xuqing under the guise of being pregnant.

But when she saw that Lin Xuqing really bought her cherries, her heart was instantly filled with sweetness.At the same time, she also had an epiphany. It is better for women to be more hypocritical. They are too sensible, too cute, and not so cute.

Therefore, looking at those attractive red cherries, she was in a good mood, and the glutton was hooked.

She couldn't wait to reach out and take one, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Lin Xuqing snatched it away, and Tang Meng stared at him in shock: "Didn't you buy it for me?"

In that instant, Tang Meng's heart felt as if it had experienced an earthquake.

Lin Xuqing smiled, "Fool, of course I bought it for you, but I haven't washed it yet. Wait, I'll wash it for you, and you can eat it."

As he spoke, he put the briefcase in the other hand on the side cabinet, turned around, opened the door, and walked out again.

Tang Meng wanted to laugh, so why did he come up here?Just to take credit for her, did he buy her cherries?This man, there are times when he is so naive?

However, when she saw a big lipstick mark on Lin Xuqing's back, her smile instantly froze on her face.

Lin Xuqing's overcoat should have been taken off underneath, so he only wore a white shirt on his upper body.That big lipstick mark on the snow-white shirt is extraordinarily bright and dazzling!
Lin Xuqing had disappeared from the door, and Tang Meng was still standing there in a daze for a long time, she felt her heartbeat was about to freeze.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Xuqing used a crystal fruit plate, carrying the washed cherries, and walked back to the bedroom.

He saw that Tang Meng was still standing on the ground with a towel in her hand, and her wet hair had already wet the collar of her pajamas.

"Hey, little ancestor, why don't you dry your hair? You'll catch a cold if you do this."

Lin Xuqing pinched a cherry and stuffed it into Tang Meng's mouth, then pulled her to sit on the makeup stool, took off the hair dryer, and dried Tang Meng's hair herself.

From the mirror, Tang Meng could see Lin Xuqing's handsome face, his expression was focused, and there was a faint smile between his brows and eyes.

Tang Meng felt his warm fingertips touching her scalp gently and carefully.

Only then did she find her almost stagnant breathing, let out a long breath, and lightly chewed the cherry in her mouth.Most of the cherries in this season are stored in cold storage or transported over long distances from other places. Therefore, the taste is not very good, sweet and sour, too sour and too sweet.

However, Tang Meng smiled.

While patting the toner on her face, she asked casually, "Why are you late today?"

From the mirror, she saw his eyebrows and eyes hesitated for a moment, and her heart sank.

I heard Lin Xuqing say: "A new colleague joined the job today, and everyone went to a dinner party. Fortunately, your information was timely, so that I can get out, otherwise they would not let me go."

"Oh, what kind of new colleague, with such a big face, can invite you to attend the orientation meeting?"

Lin Xuqing is the vice president of the company, and he is also Tang Meng's husband. His social status is too high. Therefore, he is not invited to ordinary colleagues' gatherings.

Lin Xuqing said: "It's a former college classmate of mine. If I don't go, it will appear that I'm putting on airs."

"Male, female? Do I know you?"

Lin Xuqing laughed suddenly, and bent over to look at Tang Meng: "Mrs. Lin, why are you so concerned about my affairs today?"

Tang Meng turned her head, kissed his side cheek, and smiled charmingly: "I care about my husband, don't I?"

Lin Xu cleared the hair dryer, put it aside, picked her chin with his fingertips, bowed his head and kissed her.

Tang Meng twisted her arms around his neck and responded enthusiastically to him.

After a long time, he whispered in her ear, "That's right, I'm very happy."

Tang Meng laughed lowly, reached out and began to unbutton his shirt.

Her fingertips vaguely touched his skin, and she could feel his skin tightening a little bit under her touch.

"Then tell me, is your new colleague male or female? Do I know him?"

Lin Xuqing's face was a little hot, and his eyes were burning, a little bit free.

He held her troublesome little hand and said, "Man, you don't know him. Mrs. Lin, are you satisfied? Do you want to reward me for my honesty?"

Tang Meng smiled, but her heart gradually turned cold.

I'm afraid Lin Xuqing himself didn't know how timid his eyes were when he was lying.

Lin Xuqing has a high self-esteem. He is usually very honest, aboveboard, and likes to speak up. Therefore, he almost never lies to Tang Meng.

Therefore, once he lied, he would be caught by Tang Meng.

Tang Meng laughed, and changed into two small hands to unbutton his shirt, winking and flirting, full of provocation: "Mr. Lin, what kind of reward do you want?"

Lin Xuqing's body became hot from being teased by him.

He grabbed her hand and walked down: "Like this? Mrs. Lin, I've been vegetarian for too long!"

Ever since Tang Meng got pregnant, the inappropriate things between the two of them stopped.

Tang Meng has always been a big woman, and she never took the initiative to comfort Lin Xuqing, and Lin Xuqing never made such a request.

Today's atmosphere is just right, which gave Lin Xuqing a little courage.

Tang Meng giggled, and suddenly opened his shirt, revealing his tight muscles.

Lin Xuqing looks very thin, but his body is very material, with firm muscles, clear barriers, and no trace of fat.

Seeing his good figure, Tang Meng couldn't help blushing, and couldn't help reaching out to touch it.

Lin Xuqing's breathing tightened, he quickly grabbed her troubled little hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Mrs. Lin, don't play with fire!"

Tang Meng tore off his shirt and said with a smile, "I have good news for you, the baby is already three months old!"

Lin Xuqing was startled, but then understood, kissed Tang Meng's lips deeply, and said with high spirits, "I'll take a bath right away!"

Lin Xuqing has always been a steady person, nothing can make him lose his composure.

But at this moment, he went to the bathroom bouncing around like a young boy.

Looking at his figure, Tang Meng couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

However, when she looked down at the bright red lip print on the shirt in her hand, all her good mood disappeared.

She stuffed the shirt under the mattress and lay down under the quilt as if nothing had happened.

Lin Xuqing came out of the bathroom and couldn't wait to get into Tang Meng's bed.

Although he really wanted to be unrestrained, but caring about his children, he could only be gentle and gentle.

After it was over, he held Tang Meng in his arms.

Tang Meng leaned against his chest like a little woman, drawing circles with her fingertips on his chest.

She said, "Xuqing, I want to tell you something."

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