Tang Chen's face was pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, and he said to Zhou Ruoyun, "I'm fine, and Qingqing will be fine too, don't worry."

Zhou Ruoyun burst into tears: "What evil did our Tang family do? Qingqing is fine, why are you going crazy?"

Tang Chen said: "I didn't protect her well. She was injected with drugs. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to her."

Tang Meng was also stunned by such a tragic situation, but she was more sensible than Zhou Ruoyun.

She said: "Mom, don't cry, send them to the hospital first."

Only then did Zhou Ruoyun wake up: "Yes, yes, send him to the hospital first."

Tang Chen shook his head and said, "No need, let Gu Yu come over. Besides, Mom, call my brother-in-law and say that you left Qingqing to sleep here."

"Okay, okay, I'll call right away." Zhou Ruoyun said in a trembling voice.

Seeing her mother talking, Tang Meng's tone was unstable, and she said, "Let me call."

Zhou Ruoyun's hands were shaking, and he couldn't even dial the number, so he nodded and asked Tang Meng to call.

She has seen many battles in her life. She even went to the troops of Tang Tingjun and saw the wounded soldiers. But now, seeing her son and daughter-in-law covered in blood, she couldn't bear it anymore. !

She wished she could bear these hardships for them!
They are all good boys!

One is resolute and brave, devoted his youth and blood to the country; the other is beautiful, kind, generous, and has never done anything against his will. Why can't they be together well?
Tang Meng made a phone call, explained everything, looked at Tang Chen, and said worriedly: "Is it really okay if you don't go to the hospital?"

His blood stained the carpet under his feet red, but the fruit knife was still stuck in his waist, how painful he was!

Tang Chen said with a pale face, "It's okay, Qingqing's knife didn't hit a vital point, so it's okay."

"What about Qingqing? How is she?"

Tang Chen lowered his head and gently wiped the blood on Luo Qingqing's face with a tissue.

Her eyes and nose were no longer bleeding, her arms and body were less cold and stiff.It's just that her eyes were tightly closed, without a trace of anger.

Tang Chen's heart tightened for a while, and he said, "She's fine, she just exhausted too much energy, so she passed out. She will wake up!"

It was like this last time. He sent her to the hospital, but the doctor couldn't find anything.

However, it seems that her symptoms this time are more serious than last time. Could it be that the dream in her body can no longer be controlled?
Ying said that Luo Qingqing had to take the antidote three times to completely neutralize the dream in her body.

So now, is it time to give Qingqing an antidote?

He also called Jassiet today. He said that Luo Qingqing's blood sample sent by Tang Chen for the second time was somewhat different from the first one.

Jassiet told Tang Chen that this hallucinogen can cause people to hallucinate, and all consciousness is controlled by certain emotions.

Afterwards, Tang Chen asked the people around Luo Qingqing, but did not find that she had taken hallucinogens.

Tang Chen had some doubts. Was the potion Ying gave Luo Qingqing, his so-called antidote, a hallucinogen?

Luo Qingqing just lost her mind just now, she seemed to be trapped in a certain emotion, unable to get out, completely controlled by emotions.

In this way, Ying used drugs to control Luo Qingqing's emotions?

Tang Chen could not help but break out in a cold sweat.

If that's not the antidote, what should Qingqing do?
At this moment, Gu Yu, the Tang family's personal doctor, hurried over.

He was also taken aback when he saw the scene in front of him.

"What's going on here?"

Tang Chen said: "Don't ask, just check Qingqing first."

Seeing that Tang Chen still had a knife in his waist, Gu Yu said, "Let me draw the knife to stop the bleeding first. You lose too much blood, which will damage your health."

Tang Chen said, "I'm fine, you should see Qingqing first."

Gu Yu had no choice but to carry Luo Qingqing from Tang Chen's arms, put her on the carpet, and gave her a comprehensive examination.

He checked and said: "Heartbeat is normal, blood pressure is normal, eye bleeding and nose bleeding are mucous membrane bleeding and will not cause any harm. It's just that her pulse seems to be beating faster, but her blood pressure is normal, which is a bit strange." .Did she take some kind of stimulant?"

Tang Chen shook his head: "She didn't eat anything."

He looked up at Zhou Ruoyun, and said, "Mom, call two servants to send Qingqing to my room, give her a bath, and change her clothes."

Zhou Ruoyun nodded again and again: "Okay, I understand, let Gu Yu heal your injuries first."

He didn't dare to see his son covered in blood, so he hurried out, called Steward Tang and a servant, and carried Luo Qingqing upstairs.

Housekeeper Tang and his servants have both been in the Tang family for many years. Although they were frightened when they saw this situation, they didn't ask any questions, and only concentrated on doing what Madam ordered.

Gu Yu asked Tang Chen to lie on the carpet and said, "It hurts when you draw the knife, why don't you bite a towel."

Tang Chen waved his hand: "No, you can start."

He looked up at Tang Meng and his mother, afraid that they wouldn't be able to take it for a while, so he said, "Don't stay here, go and see Qingqing."

Tang Meng understood what he meant, so she had to drag her mother upstairs.

Gu Yu checked Tang Chen's wound and said, "Fortunately, this knife is not accurate. It only penetrated into the muscle and did not hurt the internal organs. Hold on!"

Tang Chen nodded, gritted his teeth, and closed his eyes.

Gu Yu pressed the wound with gauze in one hand, and grasped the handle of the knife with the other hand, pulled out the knife with force, and immediately pressed the wound with gauze tightly to stop the bleeding.

Tang Chen was in so much pain that he almost jumped off the carpet.

But he gritted his teeth and didn't even hum.

Gu Yu quickly stopped the bleeding with stitches and applied medicine, and finally bandaged the wound with gauze.

"To prevent infection, I'll give you two bottles of anti-inflammatory drugs, and I'll save some medicine for you to take internally. I'll come back to change your medicine the day after tomorrow."

Tang Chen nodded.

He struggled to get up from the ground and said, "I'll go upstairs to take a shower and change clothes."

"Young Master Tang, your wound cannot touch water."

"I will be careful."

He said, stepping upstairs.

He lost a lot of blood, and his feet were a little weak.

Gu Yu quickly stepped forward to support him, but Tang Chen pushed him away, and walked up the railing step by step by himself.

He went to see Luo Qingqing first.

Luo Qingqing had already been cleaned by the servants, put on clean pajamas, lay down under the quilt, and fell asleep peacefully.

It's just that her little face was pale under the light.

Seeing Tang Chen coming up, Zhou Ruoyun and Tang Meng quickly asked, "How is it?"

Tang Chen shook his head: "It's okay."

He turned and went into the bathroom.

He took off his clothes, threw the phone on the sink, and wiped his body with a towel.

He had just finished wiping and putting on his bathrobe when his cell phone rang.

He picked it up, and when he saw the shadow on it, the hatred in his heart rose eight feet high.

He connected, and before he could speak, he heard laughter from the microphone: "Haha, Tang Chen, are you still alive?"

Tang Chen was startled, he deliberately didn't go because he was injured today, how could Ying know the news so quickly?

It seems that his eyes are all around his house!
It seems that the inside and outside of the wall have to be turned over!

"I've let you down, I'm not dead yet!"

"Hahaha, how does it feel to be stabbed by the person you love the most?"

"I don't feel anything, just like scratching an itch!"

"Hey, it looks like it was tied lightly. But, from now on, you will enjoy this kind of tickling every day!"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean, don't you understand? Luo Qingqing will see you once and stab you once until you die!"

Tang Chen was startled again. Sure enough, just as he thought, Luo Qingqing was controlled by drugs and was full of hatred towards him, so she couldn't face him face to face!
Tang Chen clenched his fists violently, and said bitterly, "What did you do to her?"

Ying smiled triumphantly: "I told you, my dream is very powerful, and the antidote I gave her is also a kind of poison. And this kind of poison is usually undetectable, only when the dream occurs, it will come out." It will appear! However, I didn’t lie to you, this antidote can indeed neutralize the dream, but it has to wait for her to eat three antidote!”

"I will never believe your words again!"

"Haha, Tang Chen, you don't have to believe it, but I still want to tell you. The dream has already happened twice, and the antidote I gave her can no longer suppress it. From now on, she will lose control from time to time, like It’s like this today! Moreover, it’s no longer just for you, she will imagine anyone as you! I can give you a second antidote, of course, I have conditions.”

Tang Chen wanted to tear Ying into pieces, but he didn't dare to risk Qingqing.

If something like today happened to someone else, and Luo Qingqing hurt others because of it, she would be regarded as a lunatic.In that case, her acting career would be ruined!
However, after taking the antidote, I don't know what will happen to Luo Qingqing!

Tang Chen's heart was like cooking in a frying pan.

Ying went on to say: "Luo Qingqing takes the antidote, as long as she doesn't see you, she will be like a normal person. I can assure you of this!"

Tang Chen thought for a long time, but still wanted Luo Qingqing to remain a normal person, even if he could never see her again in the future!
"What do you want me to do?"

"Hahaha, Tang Chen, you still succumbed! Hahaha, the most heroic man in Great Xia Kingdom still succumbed to me, hahaha..." Ying couldn't stop laughing wildly on the phone.

"Stop talking nonsense and talk quickly!"

"I told you before, I want you to marry Su Zixi, and there will be a wedding ceremony. Hahaha, I just want you to marry a woman you don't love!"

Tang Chen had expected that he would say this a long time ago, even if he was absolutely unwilling, but for Luo Qingqing, he had to do it.

"Okay, I promise you. Where are you, I'll send someone to get the antidote!"

"Go post on Weibo now, half an hour later, I will naturally put the antidote at your door!"

Tang Chen hung up the phone, walked out of the bathroom, looked at Luo Qingqing who was sleeping soundly, and his heart felt like a knife was being twisted.

He bent down and gently kissed her forehead, "Qingqing, don't be afraid, for you, I will give it a go!"

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