Luo Qingqing stared at "I'm panting if you say I'm fat" with piercing eyes, and when she counted to one, his burly body crashed to the ground.

"Oh yeah, I won, Achen, you are awesome!"

Luo Qingqing finally raised her eyebrows and excitedly gave Tang Chen a high five.

This is their regular movement in the past. After many years, it is still smooth and natural.

The two of them were in a daze for a moment, as if the years of separation had never existed.

Especially Tang Chen, her inadvertently called Ah Chen caused a huge wave in his heart!
Miss you so much!

His eyes were so scorching hot that Luo Qingqing was almost melted by him.

At this moment, Tang Chen's mobile phone ding-dong, like a sharp sword, split the invisible stalemate between the two people.

Luo Qingqing turned her head in embarrassment, feeling sour in her heart.

He is still him, but no longer hers!
Tang Chen looked at the phone with some annoyance, he was very unconvinced when he said I was fat, and challenged him.

He curled his lips and looked at Luo Qingqing, "Qingqing, the fat man refuses to accept and wants to single out, what should I do?"

"Why, you are afraid, it was just a fluke?"

Tang Chen looked disdainful: "Going to heaven and earth, there is nothing I can't do, let alone a little game? I need luck?"

Luo Qingqing felt that his arrogance at this time was very cute, so she smiled and said: "Then hit him, and kill him a thousand times. But you have to bring me this time, and I have to slash him a few times myself to enjoy it. "

Tang Chen smiled, and the brilliance in his eyes instantly bloomed like starlight: "No problem, if a husband and wife are of the same mind, their benefits will cut through gold!"

Husband and wife are of the same mind, can their benefits break gold?
She seems to remember that this sentence is not said in this way, but somehow feels that this is a classic quatrain and should be used in this way.

When she was in a daze, Tang Chen made a 2V2 request to me if I was fat.

Fatty readily agreed and began to recruit partners to form a team.

Soon, four people entered the game.

As soon as she entered the game, Luo Qingqing complained endlessly, just because the fat man invited a strong player, ranked No.5.

She couldn't beat any of them, so another one came.And the new master's technique is not the best, but his hand speed is beyond imagination.

Before Luo Qingqing sent out her big move, he had already disappeared.Before she could react, his big move arrived.

Therefore, within a few moves, Luo Qingqing was already crispy.

At the critical moment, Tang Chen jumped over, blocked that person with his big move, took Luo Qingqing to the safe zone, and replenished her blood.

"From now on, you follow me and listen to my command." Tang Chen said quietly.

He was able to safely bring her out from the encirclement of the two masters, which was enough to see his strength.Strength really has nothing to do with age and seniority, so you can't accept it!

Luo Qingqing nodded obediently. Anyway, when she was a child, when she played games with the children, she would always win if she followed Tang Chen. If she didn't follow him, she would lose miserably.

Next, Tang Chen moved the military tactics into the game, such as luring the enemy deep, attacking the west, catching the turtle in the urn, guerrilla detour, etc. He completely led the two masters by the nose.

Luo Qingqing tried her best to cooperate with Tang Chen.Her skills and experience are good, but in comparison, her hand speed can't keep up, which directly leads to the ineffectiveness of her ultimate move.

After several mistakes, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.But the more anxious he was, the more mistakes he made, almost causing Tang Chen to be killed several times.

Tang Chen held his mobile phone in one hand, and passed Luo Qingqing's back with the other hand, holding her hand to help her move and attack effectively.

Luo Qingqing was wrapped in his arms, clinging to his body without gaps, her heart beat instantly out of rhythm.

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