Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 300 She Doesn't Understand His Youth

Luo Qingqing still remembered that the last time she came to the ancient city was in the late summer and early autumn of the year after she met Su Zixi.

Because school was about to start, and Tang Chen was going back to university, he would be separated from Luo Qingqing for a long time. Luo Qingqing was a little bit reluctant, so she suggested going out to play and have a picnic.

Of course Tang Chen had no objection. He had been free for a few days to accompany Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing was very excited, so she ran to tell Xiao Yu and Su Zixi.The two of them also agreed, so Luo Qingqing begged her mother to prepare many delicious snacks for them.

Those snacks were all made by Luo Qingqing and Tang Chen under the guidance of their mother.

At that time, Luo Qingqing was still too innocent, she kneaded the dough and played with it like a child, but Tang Chen did it very seriously, except when she always secretly looked at her.

After only seeing her for a summer vacation, he felt that Luo Qingqing seemed to have grown taller again, that already pretty little face opened up a bit, and her appearance improved a lot.

These are not the point, the point is that the protruding bulge on her chest seems to have grown bigger, which has always attracted his attention and made him unable to stop.

When he felt a fever in his ears, he quickly looked away.

Luo Qingqing knew how to play, but didn't notice Tang Chen's strangeness, while Luo Xinyu noticed it, but didn't say anything.

That day they baked the snacks for a whole day, and then brought those snacks and the fruit drinks prepared by Luo Xinyu the next day, met Xiao Yu and Su Zixi, and rode to the ancient city by bike.

They talked and laughed along the way, in high spirits.

Tang Chen was worried that Luo Qingqing was too tired, so he controlled his own handlebar with one hand, and then controlled the handlebar for Luo Qingqing with the other hand, so that as long as he was pedaling the bicycle, he could take Luo Qingqing to the go forward.

Luo Qingqing immediately freed her hands and feet, and cheered excitedly: "Oh, Chen, you're so good, I feel like I'm flying!"

She waved her arms, making the appearance of flying.

Tang Chen looked at her softly, with a smug gleam at the corner of his mouth.

It's just that none of them noticed Su Zixi's jealous eyes behind them.

When they arrived at the ancient city, they found that the ancient city was surrounded by barbed wire.

At that time, it was reported that Tang City was going to rebuild the ancient city, so in order to protect the ruins, people were forbidden to enter at will.

Luo Qingqing was a little disappointed: "What should I do?"

Tang Chen said, "Small meaning."

He didn't have a tool at hand, so he picked up two thumb-thick branches, and then twisted the two adjacent wires together with the branches.

He kept turning the branch, and the two wires became tighter and tighter until they finally broke.

He did the same thing, twisted four more wires, and made a hole in the wire mesh, enough for them to climb in.

Luo Qingqing clapped her hands excitedly: "Ah Chen is awesome."

Following him to do bad things, she felt that she was doing good things, so she was inexplicably excited.

Tang Chen looked at her excited look and smiled softly.

Although this is not a skill, but when Luo Qingqing is happy, he is happy.

So, he first got into that hole, and then supported Luo Qingqing to get in too.Then came Su Zixi, and finally Xiao Yu.

Because it was a sabotage to get in, several people felt a little exciting, and felt that this trip was very commemorative.

Both Tang Chen and Xiao Yu brought cameras, so the four of them took a lot of photos.

Group photos, single photos, everything.

And Tang Chen only took a photo with Luo Qingqing.

Of course Luo Qingqing was also happy. Although it was really in dilapidated ruins, with Tang Chen by her side, she felt like she was in front of a magnificent palace.

The four of them rode for too long, and they were a little tired and a little hungry, so they took out the food they had brought.

Xiao Yu also prepared a lot, Su Zixi only took a few biscuits and ham sausage.

And Tang Chen even took out a small stove and a small pot from his backpack.

He re-boiled the cold water he had brought, and cooked a few packs of noodles.

In the desolate ruins, being able to eat hot noodles, Luo Qingqing felt extremely happy, her eyes shone brightly, she adored Tang Chen immensely.

After dinner, the weather was still early, and there was nothing interesting on the ruins.

Luo Qingqing suggested that everyone play hide and seek.

Although the game was naive, it was strangely unanimous.

Xiao Yu said with a smirk: "This place is too big, and it's hard to find if it's hidden. Therefore, we set 10 minutes as a round, and those who are found will be punished."

Tang Chen said, "It's safe to be in a group of two."

Both Luo Qingqing and Su Zixi had no objection and nodded in agreement.

When it was time to group, Su Zixi said to Luo Qingqing timidly: "I don't know Xiao Yu well, can I be in a group with Tang Chen?"

Luo Qingqing objected in her heart, but when Su Zixi brought it up, she was too embarrassed to refute, so she nodded, and was about to say yes, but she heard Tang Chen say: "We group rock-paper-scissors into groups with the same gestures, and then The other two form a group."

"But, Ah Chen, Zi Xi..."

Tang Chen glanced at her coldly: "What's wrong with her? Can't play rock-paper-scissors, such a simple game?"

Su Zixi quickly said, "Yes, I can play."

"Then start!" Tang Chen said, squeezing Luo Qingqing's wrist forcefully.

Luo Qingqing was so nervous that she didn't care at all.

From her point of view, it was Tang Chen who couldn't stop loving her, and she would never argue with him.

So, four people rock paper scissors.

For the first time, Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing were both rocks, Xiao Yu was scissors, and Su Zixi was cloth.

Therefore, Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing were in a group.

Xiao Yu said: "One time doesn't count, two wins out of three games."

So for the second time, Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing produced the scissors together, while Xiao Yu was the stone and Su Zixi was the cloth.

Xiao Yu refused to accept it, and said, "Do you dare to come a few more times?"

Tang Chen said: "No matter how many times I come here, Qingqing and I are always in the same group."

"I don't believe in that evil!" Xiao Yu said unconvinced.

As a result, after playing several times in a row, Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing were the same, and Xiao Yu and Su Zixi were the same a few times.

Xiao Yu said: "Did you two do it on purpose, by agreement?"

Luo Qingqing smiled and said: "That's not true, we have a tacit understanding."

She didn't notice it, because her words had a heart-to-heart connection, and Tang Chen's dark face just now showed a slight smile again.

He said: "That's it, Qingqing and I will be in a team, and you two will be in a team. Let's go to hide first, you guys look for it!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled Luo Qingqing away without waiting for Xiao Yu's rebuttal.

Xiao Yu looked at the backs of those two people and sighed.He will never be able to compete with Tang Chen!
Luo Qingqing observed while walking: "Where should I hide it? Where can they hide it? They can't find it?"

There are some ruins on the ruins where you can hide behind, but it's too easy to find.

Luo Qingqing wanted to find a place that was not easy to find.

However, Tang Chen remained silent.

"Achen, where do you think we are hiding?"

Tang Chen looked up and said, "Come with me."

They came to a slope, Tang Chen stretched out his hand to feel the direction of the wind, and then pulled Luo Qingqing down the slope.

There is a small depression at the bottom of the slope, and a large short wall across the top, forming a hidden mountain nest.And there was wind above, which blew their footprints on the floating soil, and no one could have imagined that they would be in the mountain nest below.

It's just that the mountain nest is a bit small, and only one person can sit.

So Tang Chen sat in first, then hugged Luo Qingqing and sat on his lap.

The two of them often had physical contact, so Luo Qingqing didn't feel anything special, she just felt that nestling in his arms sounded solid and could hide well.

But Tang Chen was different.That year, he had already moved Fanxin a long time ago, so her soft little body nestled in his arms activated all the cells in his body and made him want to do something bad.

But she was still too young to understand anything, so he didn't dare to move.

His whole body was tense to the extreme, his breathing was a little tight, the suffering was indescribable.

However, Luo Qingqing whispered in his ear incomprehensibly: "Achen, they must not be able to find it here. Tell me, how will we punish them later?"

Tang Chen wanted to say, he didn't know how to punish them, he only knew that he was being punished right now!

He wanted to punish her!She even foolishly wanted Su Zixi to be with her!
He couldn't bear it anymore, and bit the tip of her ear lightly.

She trembled all over, and asked him inexplicably, "Why did you bite me?"

Tang Chen asked her in her ear: "Luo Qingqing, do you know that you are stupid?"


Thinking of the situation at that time, Luo Qingqing suddenly felt a little hot in her ears, as if she could vaguely feel his breath.

The tip of her heart trembled uncontrollably, and her cheeks felt a little hot.

He said she was stupid at that time, but she really didn't understand him.Now, she understood, understood his youthful impulse.

Could it be because she didn't understand him at the time that he chose Su Zixi a year later?

Thinking of this possibility, Luo Qingqing couldn't help feeling a little chilly in her heart.

"Qingqing, what are you thinking, so obsessed with thinking?"

Yao Lan noticed that Luo Qingqing had been looking out the car window, with an unpredictable expression on her face, so she couldn't help asking.

Luo Qingqing smiled and said, "I remember coming here when I was a child. At that time, this place was still in ruins. We also took a lot of photos. Taking them out now may be of great commemorative significance."

Yao Lan smiled and said, "Really? So what does this place look like?"

"A ruin, broken walls, desolate and dilapidated..."

Before Luo Qingqing finished speaking, the car stopped suddenly.

"Why don't you leave?" Yao Lan scratched her neck and asked Gao Cheng who was driving.

"There is a car in front, blocking the road, so I can't get through." Gao Cheng said.

The stone roads in the ancient city are very narrow, only big enough for one car to pass.There are drainage ditches on both sides of the road, so it is not easy to miss the car.

As he was talking, a young man walked up ahead, knocked on the window of Gao Cheng's car, and said, "I'm sorry, our car may be broken down, and we won't be able to fix it for a while. Look, are you going to take another road?" ?”

Gao Cheng nodded: "Yes, I see."

Through the car window, Luo Qingqing saw a woman standing beside the car in front, she looked familiar, so she asked, "Whose car is that?"

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