Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 298 Stop Thinking About Those Messy Things

When Luo Qingqing returned to Tang City, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

The first thing she did when she landed was to call Peng Shaojun and ask if she had found Peng Siyu.

Peng Shaojun concealed what had happened to Peng Siyu, and simply told her that he had found Peng Siyu, and reassured her.

Luo Qingqing raised her heart all the way, and finally let go.

She said: "This time, I was the one who got Xiaoyu in trouble, you can say sorry to her for me."

Peng Shaojun said: "There is no danger, my sister should not blame herself too much."

But Luo Qingqing said: "Shao Jun, in order not to implicate you, we will keep in touch less in the future. If there is nothing to do, don't meet again until we wipe out Ying!"

Peng Shaojun was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay!"

He wasn't afraid of getting involved, but he was afraid that he and Xiao Yu would become Luo Qingqing's weakness again.

Luo Qingqing went back to Luo's house by car first.

At this time, it was already winter in Tang City.Although Tang City's winter is not as warm as spring in H City, it is not particularly cold.

In the garden of the Luo family villa, there are only cold-resistant green plants left. Those weak flowers and plants have decayed, and they were rested by Luo Xinyu, leaving only their roots. , it will be vigorous again, and a prosperous and gorgeous scene will grow.

But Luo Qingqing looked at the garden that was still a bit bleak, and her nose suddenly felt a little sore.

The light was on in the living room, so Luo Qingqing could still feel the warmth.

She gently opened the door, and the TV in the living room was on, with very little sound.

Luo Xinyu sat on the sofa, but instead of watching TV, she closed her eyes.

There was a bit of haggardness in her calm face.

Luo Qingqing changed her slippers, walked over gently, hugged her mother's shoulder from behind, pressed her head against her mother's head, and said softly, "Mom, I'm back!"

Only then did Luo Xinyu slowly open her eyes, a soft smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "You're back? Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Mom will make it for you!"

Luo Qingqing only felt that her eyes were swollen and she wanted to cry.

The mother must know that Tang Chen cheated again, and knew that her daughter was suffering, so she didn't ask anything, and only embraced her daughter with her mother's broad mind.

Luo Qingqing tried her best to smile, and said, "I'm very hungry, I was thinking about mom's egg noodles all the way!"

Luo Xinyu nodded: "Okay, you go to put your luggage and change clothes first, and mom will do it for you!"

Luo Qingqing kissed Luo Xinyu's cheek, "Mom, I love you!"

In the past, when she said such things coquettishly, Luo Xinyu would always smile and scold her for being immoral.

But today, Luo Qingqing felt that these words were full of vicissitudes, and Luo Xinyu just nodded slightly, got up and went to the kitchen.

Looking at her mother's thin back, Luo Qingqing's eyes were still uncontrollably wet.

She felt that she was unfilial, she could die for the man she loved, but she kept going against her mother's wishes and made her mother sad.

She is her mother's life, what can she do for her mother?

She silently carried her luggage, went upstairs, washed her face briefly, and changed her clothes.

She sat on the bed and took out her phone.

There were many messages and missed calls on the phone, none of which was from Tang Chen.

She silently found out his number and sent him a message: "Achen, I'm back!"

Then, she threw the phone aside, and no one's calls or messages were returned.

When she went downstairs, Luo Xinyu had already made noodles for her and was sitting at the dining table waiting for her.

Luo Qingqing sat down opposite her, and said with a smile: "Mom's craftsmanship is good, I can smell the fragrance when I'm upstairs."

Luo Xinyu smiled slightly: "Eat quickly, don't get cold."

Luo Qingqing agreed and picked up her chopsticks.

She wasn't really hungry, but to please her mother, she ate so heartily that there wasn't even a drop of soup left.

Luo Qingqing rubbed her belly and said, "Mom, I'm full!"

It looks like a three-year-old child who begs his mother to praise him every time he is full.

Luo Xinyu was amused by her, so she took her bowl and went to the kitchen to wash it.

Luo Qingqing followed her into the kitchen, hugged her behind her, rested her chin on her mother's shoulder, tilted her head and said, "Mom, have you seen the news? My movie is on fire! Haha, your daughter, I am very happy." Great, isn't it? Are you proud of raising such a great daughter?"

Luo Xinyu didn't have any smile or proud expression on her face, but asked her: "Then what do you do next?"

Luo Qingqing's heart sank. She knew that what her mother said was not just about her career, but also about her relationship with Tang Chen.

Luo Qingqing evaded the important point and said lightly: "I have too many job invitations now. However, I have already ordered to film Brother Jin Qiu's TV series "Life in a Fallen City". Everything is ready for this drama, and I only owe it to me." This is the East!"

Luo Xinyu was silent for a few seconds, nodded and said, "Well, that's fine, just focus on filming and stop thinking about those messy things!"

Tang Chen belongs to those messy things.

Luo Xinyu didn't want to mention him anymore, he let her down so much!

Luo Qingqing didn't want to mention Tang Chen either, so she nodded, "Well, listen to Mom!"

The next day, when Luo Qingqing woke up, the first thing she did was pick up her phone, but there was no news from Tang Chen on it.

Luo Qingqing curled her lips and didn't care.

She contacted Jin Qiu first.

Jin Qiu is like an ant on a hot pot now.

At the film's press conference, he and Luo Qingqing had agreed to go back to Tang City together, and "Life in a Fallen City" was about to start, but unexpectedly, something happened to Luo Qingqing again.

He felt sorry for Luo Qingqing, but also worried about this TV series.

He had a phone call with Peng Shaojun yesterday, knowing that Luo Qingqing had returned to Tang City, he felt a little relieved.

He was overjoyed when he received Luo Qingqing's call.

"Qingqing, are you okay?"

Luo Qingqing smiled and said, "Brother, I'm fine. I'll go to the company first today, and then join the team in the afternoon, right?"

Jin Qiu's heart dropped to the ground, and he said, "Then I'll go to the company too, and discuss about the opening ceremony."

"Okay, see you at our company then."

When Luo Qingqing went downstairs to have breakfast, she saw Pang Ying who didn't know when she came, talking with her mother.

"Morning sister Pang." Luo Qingqing greeted Pang Ying.

Pang Ying looked Luo Qingqing up and down, and said with a smile: "Qingqing looks very good today, it seems that she slept well last night."

She really admired Luo Qingqing a little bit. After such a big thing happened to her, she can still maintain a good state, which is really admirable.

Luo Qingqing said with a smile: "This is my home, of course I slept well."

Pang Ying smiled and said, "That's good. From now on, we will be on our own territory. I hope Qingqing can maintain a good mood every day."

Her words also wanted to tell Luo Qingqing not to affect her career because of Tang Chen.

Luo Qingqing smiled: "Must!"

Pang Ying said: "You go to eat first, and I will go to the company with you later."

Luo Qingqing nodded and went to have breakfast.

After breakfast, Luo Qingqing bid farewell to her mother, left the house with Pang Ying, and got into a nanny car outside the door.

This car is from Chestnut Tree Company, and it is equipped for Luo Qingqing. It is a caravan with everything inside.

Yesterday, when Luo Qingqing landed, it was this car that picked her up.

At the same time, the company provided Luo Qingqing with two assistants and a driver.

The driver's name is Gao Cheng. He is in his thirties. He is tall and burly, with dark skin and especially big eyes. When he looks at people, he feels fierce.But when he lowered his eyes, he felt that this person was very simple and honest.

Two assistants, a man and a woman, the man named Leng Jiang, 25 or [-] years old, well-proportioned, with a handsome face, a pair of eyes, sparkling, seems very shrewd, but there is no expression on his face.If someone talks to him, he will smile very briefly, and then be concise.

The woman, named Yao Lan, is also 25 or [-] years old. She is dressed very simply, with neat short hair, a small fair face, and no make-up.Her eyes are lively, her lips are thin and beautiful, and she looks smart and eloquent.

These three people were also picked up by Luo Qingqing in the same car yesterday, so they knew each other.

At this moment, the three of them were standing in front of the car, only Yao Lan was talking a little bit, and the two big men didn't talk to her at all, the atmosphere was very awkward.

Yao Lan couldn't help staring at them, it's enough, how can I get along with these two woods when I work together in the future?Will she be suffocated to death?

When they saw Luo Qingqing and Pang Ying walking out, they moved together.

Gao Cheng immediately opened the driver's door to get into the car, and started the car first.

Leng Jiang stretched out his hand to open the car door, and then stood by the car door, waiting for Luo Qingqing to get in the car.

Yao Lan walked towards Luo Qingqing and said, "Qingqing is so beautiful today."

Luo Qingqing actually dressed very casually today, a white embroidered sweater with piled collar, a pair of black wide-leg pants underneath, a camel cashmere coat, and white shoes on her feet.

Fresh and stylish.

Luo Qingqing smiled, bowed her head and got into the car without saying anything.

In the car, Pang Ying reported the movie's box office situation to Luo Qingqing, saying: "Yesterday's box office has declined, but it is still not bad, with a total of more than 6000 million. On yesterday's sales list, it accounted for No. 3, compared with No. .2 is more than 1000 million short, 1 million short of No.2000.

However, on Aidou.com, our film’s rating is still 8.9, while the other two are around 8.2.

At the same time, the stock of Shining Star rose by 5% because of the promotion of the movie, and Chestnut Tree's official Weibo has more than 2000 million followers.Generally speaking, the situation is very good.Your new drama is officially launched, and it is estimated that it will also stimulate the sales of the movie. "

Luo Qingqing nodded: "It's not bad."

Yao Lan looked at Luo Qingqing's plain performance, and said, "Qingqing, aren't you excited at all? Such a result is quite good. You don't even know that the people in our company are like beating chickens." It's like blood, and I'm so excited every day. It has become our daily routine to check the box office records every day."

Luo Qingqing smiled: "This is expected, nothing to be excited about."

Yao Lan gave a thumbs up: "Qingqing, Niu!"

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