Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 278 We Will Always Be Your Family

Luo Qingqing was almost laughed to death by the children.

They probably don't know exactly what it means to be married, they just want to simply not want her to leave them.

She is still very touched, after all, this is also a reward for her efforts.

Luo Qingqing stayed with the children all morning, and in the afternoon, Mai Yuzhe hurried back from the youth team to the orphanage.

He is now a new star in the sports world, a key training target in Tangcheng, so when he came out this time, he was surrounded by bodyguards and followers, and his posture was even bigger than Luo Qingqing's.

When Luo Qingqing saw him again, she felt that his stature had grown a lot, and his small body had become much stronger.

She smiled and applauded: "Warmly welcome the return of our little basketball prince!"

The children also clapped their hands.

Mai Yuzhe felt embarrassed, blushed, and smiled with his lips pursed.

"I come back every week," he said.

Luo Qingqing patted him on the shoulder: "Well, this is your home, no matter how far you go, don't forget, this will always be your harbor! We, will always be your family!"

Mai Yuzhe looked at Luo Qingqing, his eyes were shining, and the corners of his eyes were a little wet.

A family member made his chest swell.

He still vaguely remembers his mother, she is a very beautiful woman.Wearing beautiful clothes every day, I smear layers on my face, either sitting at the door of my house eating melon seeds, or playing mahjong with a group of aunts.

He also remembered Dad.

He remembered Dad as a strong man who could lift him up on one arm.

He was very dark, but his eyes were surprisingly bright.

He always said that he would earn a lot of money so that his mother and he could live a good life.

However, he didn't do what he said.

When he was about to go to primary school, his father was working on the construction site, and a landslide occurred on the construction site, and he and another worker fell down.

When people rescued them, both were dead.

Mai Yuzhe still remembers that his father closed his eyes tightly and couldn't open them anymore, his body was so stiff and cold.

However, he didn't cry.

He didn't know why he didn't cry.

His mother was crying like hell.

Then he lived with his mother.

That is to say, from then on, different men appeared in the family every day.

People laughed at him for having many dads.

He got angry, picked up a stick and beat those men, not allowing them to enter his house again.

However, his mother beat him.She said: "If it weren't for those men, the two of us would be drinking northwest wind!"

He said stubbornly at the time: "Drink the northwest wind, drink the northwest wind, and I don't want them to come again!"

However, he did drink Mistral before long.

Her mother threw him at the gate of the Spring Orphanage and said, "I can't afford you anymore, so you can stay here. If I have money in the future, I will come back to you. If I don't come to you, you Just treat me as dead!"

His mother, leaving him only five yuan, turned around and got into a man's car!
He stood in the wind, he didn't cry or make a fuss, there were no tears in his eyes, and there was only broken pain in his heart.

He was seven years old at that time, and he knew that he had no home, no family, and no warmth in his world.

Then, Dean Li Xuening led him into the orphanage and told him that from now on, the orphanage would be his home and the children here would be his brothers and sisters.

But his heart is repulsive.

He didn't know what it meant to be alive.

Until one day, a beautiful sister told him that he could have a dream and become a person like Yao Ming!
That sister also gave him a basketball, which made him feel like a magma that had been suppressed for many years, and it was unstoppable.

Then, that sister completely changed his life and brought him one step closer to his dream.

That sister, like a light, illuminates his whole world, letting him know that the world can be so wonderful.

Therefore, he fought hard, wanted the world to applaud him, and wanted that beautiful sister to smile for him.

He was going to a training camp in other provinces today, but when he called the dean, the dean told him that Luo Qingqing had come to the orphanage, so he immediately insisted on coming to see Luo Qingqing regardless of the leader's dissuasion and the urgency of time. Qingqing side.

Before, he knew that the orphanage was his shelter, but it was also the place where he wanted to break free.He never thought that this would be his home, and these younger brothers and sisters who had lived with him for several years would be his family.

Until, when Luo Qingqing patted him on the shoulder and said "We will always be your family".

The moment Mai Yuzhe was abandoned by his mother, he felt that life was dooming him to become a lone wolf, playing the world recklessly and brutally.

And he is also like this in the arena, showing his wolf nature, attacking fiercely, and never giving his opponent a chance.

But what the beautiful sister said made his icy heart feel as if soaked in warm water, the warmth was beyond words.

Luo Qingqing told him with bright eyes that she was also his family, and he was never alone!

Mai Yuzhe suddenly wanted to hug Luo Qingqing, this girl who was obviously not a few years older than him but had a mother's heart.

And he really didn't try to get her consent, he just hugged her in his arms and said with tears in his eyes, "Thank you sister!"

Luo Qingqing was stunned for a moment, but she also hugged him, patted his back with her hands, and said, "Come on, my little prince!"

"I will!"

Mai Yuzhe said with tears in his eyes.

At this time, one of his assistants stepped forward and said, "Mai Mai, we have to go to the airport."

Only then did Luo Qingqing know that Mai Yuzhe had come to see her specially.

She smiled and said: "Go, fight for your dream, I look forward to the miracle you bring us! You just go forward, and I will always be your backing!"

Mai Yuzhe bowed deeply to Luo Qingqing, waved his fist at her, and resolutely turned and left.

This meeting was the last meeting between Mai Yuzhe and Luo Qingqing in several years.

When we met again, it was many years later, and Mai Yuzhe had become a world-class basketball player.

It was not until evening that Luo Qingqing and Zhou Ruoyun left the orphanage.

On the way back, Luo Qingqing called Xiao Yu and asked if there was any company coming to her to speak for her.

Xiao Yu smiled: "Qingqing, you are the company's cash cow. You have all kinds of endorsements, and I'm suppressing them, so I dare not accept them. Why, do you want to accept them?"

Luo Qingqing asked, "Are there any youth sports brands? Clothing, shoes, or basketball."

Xiao Yu was taken aback: "Not yet, it doesn't match your image!"

"If you don't have one, help me find one. I want to endorse all products. The condition of my endorsement is that there is no endorsement fee, but the other party must provide a young athlete free of charge within five years, and all the clothing and equipment used within five years. If He has events and sponsorships."

Xiao Yu didn't understand what Luo Qingqing was going to do: "Are you going to take care of a young athlete?"


Xiao Yu chuckled: "I'll give you news tomorrow."

The next day, Luo Qingqing went to the company.

Both Mu Anan and Ma Kaida were there.

Luo Qingqing asked them about the company's recent situation.

Mu Anan smiled and said: "It's very good. Many companies have expressed their willingness to invest in our new drama. And there are other crews who have sent invitations to the company to cooperate. Because you are not here, and the company's artists are just me and Xiao Dazi, so , We have also accepted a few commercials and TV programs during this period. Qingqing, we can be regarded as generating income for the company, and we will no longer be idle."

Luo Qingqing smiled: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

As soon as they entered Luo Qingqing's office, there was a knock on the door.

A 30-year-old woman walked in with a folder in her arms and said, "Mr. Luo, I am Zheng Xin, the manager of the operations department. Mr. Xiao asked me to do a survey on the youth sports brand you want to endorse.

I have also communicated with the other party. There are only three companies that are willing to change their endorsements and accept your conditions. Please take a look. "

Luo Qingqing took it over and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work. You sit down first, and I'll take a look first."

Luo Qingqing flipped through the materials prepared by Zheng Xin and read them seriously.

It took 10 minutes for Luo Qingqing to read the information and said, "I think Yuekai is pretty good. This company has just been established for three years and has already established a firm foothold. It urgently needs a good endorsement to increase its popularity. And The style of its products is youthful and fashionable, and the color is bright, which is my favorite style. As for the other two companies, one is an old brand. If I endorse it, I am afraid it will not be better than the original one. The other is a new brand , the style is still uncertain, and it will be more troublesome in the future. What do you think?"

Zheng Xin smiled: "Boss Luo really has a discerning eye, and the research results of our department are also biased towards the Yuekai brand."

Luo Qingqing smiled slightly: "Then use it. You can negotiate with the other party now, the sooner the shooting time, the better."

Zheng Xin nodded in agreement, took the documents and walked out again.

Ma Kaida couldn't help clapping and said: "Yes, Qingqing, it turns out that you are more of a leader."

Mu Anan also smiled and said, "Qingqing, you looked so handsome when you made the decision just now! I believe that in a short while, you will become a female version of the domineering president! I want to hug my thighs all the time!"

Luo Qingqing said with a smile: "Promise! You two listen to me, act hard and hone your acting skills. If you still don't become popular in three years, don't blame me for kicking you out!"

Mu An pretended to be scared, and covered his chest: "It's so scary!"

Several people laughed.

After Luo Qingqing handled some company affairs, she dragged Mu Anan to go shopping.

Tang Chen specially provided Luo Qingqing with a car, a low-key black Porsche, and a driver.

The driver is a man in his thirties, he looks very simple and honest, he doesn't like to talk, but drives very calmly, his name is Xiang Rui.

The car was driving on the road, passing by a newly opened supermarket, which was doing promotional activities.

In front of the supermarket, there was a big stage, and some girls in hot clothes were dancing on the stage.

There was a woman in the middle, wearing a red leather jacket, with a black cat-head mask on her face. She was also twisting her waist to the music. She was extremely sexy and attracted applause from the audience.

The car was blocked, Luo Qingqing looked towards the stage.When she saw the woman, she was taken aback.

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