Pier No. [-] outside Tang City.

Pier No. [-] is an old abandoned port.There is no one living here, only some old containers and ships are stored, and there is a mountain of garbage transported from the city.

Although it is autumn now, the garbage still stinks.

In a dilapidated shipping container that smelled of rust, Luo Qingqing slowly opened her eyes.

She struggled to sit up and found her hands and feet were tied with rope.

She struggled, but did not break free.

The door of the container was open, and the autumn sunshine, accompanied by gusts of autumn wind, made Luo Qingqing feel cool.

She struggled to get up, and jumped to the door of the container.

There were three or four men outside, smoking together, as if they couldn't see anyone else.

The sound of her bouncing startled the three men, and they walked towards Luo Qingqing together.

"Oh, this chick is really good-looking, I can't complain that I can fascinate a man like Tang Chen. This skin, hey, it's like tender tofu, slippery and slippery. Really exciting!"

A man reached out to touch Luo Qingqing's face.

Luo Qingqing moved away sideways, and said in a cold voice: "Are you subordinate to Ying? With your qualities, it seems that Ying is not a good thing."

"What? Miss Luo, do you seem to have misunderstood me?"

At this time, a car stopped in front of the container, and when the door opened, a thin man came out.

He was wearing a white shirt and a black overcoat.

The overcoat didn't seem to fit well, it reached to his ankles, and it was very fat, it could wrap two shadows.

A very delicate and fair face, wearing a mask of blue flames.

A pair of eyes shot out a sharp cold light from the two holes in the mask.

Luo Qingqing looked at the man in front of her who was about the same size as herself, and her surprise was clearly written on her face.

"You are the shadow?"

"Miss Luo is very disappointed in me."

Luo Qingqing nodded: "Yes, I'm very disappointed. The man who can make Tang Chen helpless, I thought he looked so fierce, with big arms and round waist, but he turned out to be a pretty face!"

"Are you looking for death? Don't be rude to the master!"

A man stepped forward and yelled at Luo Qingqing.

As soon as Ying waved his hand, the man backed away, he stepped forward a few steps, and arrived in front of Luo Qingqing, looked her up and down, and suddenly smiled: "Miss Luo really looks like a fairy!"

Luo Qingqing nodded: "Don't look like you're salivating at me, I'm not interested in you, a weakling!"

Ying smiled: "I am very interested in Miss Luo!"

Luo Qingqing raised her head arrogantly, and said, "Don't think about it, I only love one man in my life. Tell me, what are you going to do when you arrest me?"

The corner of Ying's mouth turned cold: "Luo Qingqing, I don't like your arrogant temperament at all!"

"I didn't even want to please you!"

"Sure enough, I have personality, but I really want to know, between your own death and your man's death, how would you choose?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is very clear. If you fall into my hands, there is only one way to die. Who told you to be Tang Chen's woman? Now, I will give you another way, which is to kill Tang Chen, and I will let you go Miss Luo, how would you choose?"

Luo Qingqing smiled: "I still have to thank you. But I don't want to take these two paths. I want to take the third one!"

"Article three?"

"Yes! That is to kill you, and Tang Chen and I will live in peace and stability!"

"Live in peace and stability? Tang Chen killed my whole family, and still wants to live in peace and stability, dream! I just want to play him to death!"

Luo Qingqing looked at him without fear: "I'll give you a word: If you don't play to die, you won't die! If you want to play, you will be the only one who will die in the end!"

"Really? I don't like you being so stubborn! I forgot to tell you that I can beat women!"

As he said, as soon as he waved his hands, the three men strode forward to Luo Qingqing's side, and punched her.

The bachelor Luo Qingqing didn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, she jumped back, avoiding those men, and shouted: "Ying, don't you want me to kill Tang Chen? You call him here, I'll let you open your eyes and watch , How can I kill him!"

Ying laughed loudly: "You are indeed an interesting woman, and you are very good! Then stop talking nonsense and prepare it for her!"

When Tang Chen arrived by car, Luo Shi and a few of his men were waiting outside Pier No. [-].

And in front of them, behind the garbage pile, were four or five men hiding, all holding fire crossbows in their hands.Therefore, if you rush in directly, there is only one dead end.

Luo Shi said: "A car came just now, it should be from Ying."

Tang Chen sneered: "He's here, it's even better!"

Tang Chen said in a low voice, "I'll go in first to attract their attention, and you guys try to get in from another place."

Luo Shi nodded: "Don't worry, we have found a breakthrough."

Tang Chen nodded: "That's good."

Tang Chen swaggered inside and said, "Ying, where is it? Hand over my woman!"

"Fuck, death is imminent, and you are still so arrogant!"

A very crisp voice came.

Tang Chen's ears are so sharp, he judged the sound, rolled on the spot, and avoided the marble.The marble fell to the ground and blew up a basketball-sized crater, which was filled with dust.

"Tell him to put down all the weapons on his body, and then let him in!" Ying said.

Tang Chen stood up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and said, "Ying, I don't need to use weapons to deal with you!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you can live a few more minutes!"

Two men walked towards Tang Chen, one pointed a dagger at Tang Chen's neck, and the other touched his body, but did not find any weapons on his body, so Tang Chen was allowed to go inside.

Tang Chen turned around the mountain of rubbish, and saw that Luo Qingqing had a bomb tied to her body, and was tied to a broken boat by a long iron chain.

And that long iron chain is only two or three meters long.

Ying stood not far away, playing with the detonator of the bomb in his hand, and beside him, there were three men, and the three fire crossbows were aimed at Tang Chen in unison.

And on the water behind them, a motorboat was approaching quickly.

In other words, Ying has already arranged a way out, and he only needs two or three minutes to get rid of Tang Chen and Luo Qingqing, and then he can board the boat and fly far away!
For only two or three minutes, Tang Chen was unarmed, and Luo Qingqing was still strapped with a bomb.

No matter how you look at it, it is also a dead end!

Ying smiled proudly: "Tang Chen, I originally wanted to have fun with you, but you are too impatient and broke the rules of the game again and again, so I can't blame me. Now, I really want to know, what do you want to say? What about your wife?"

Tang Chen looked at Luo Qingqing opposite, his face was extremely dark, and his brows were furrowed.

He asked, "Qingqing, are you okay?"

Luo Qingqing nodded: "I'm fine. Ying is still a bit of a gentleman, and he didn't rough me up!"

Ying tutted and said: "Hey, I thought you were going to cry bitterly and say goodbye to life and death? It turned out to be so ordinary. Are you bluffing me? Do you want me to press it down so that you can hear Luo You will be heartbroken when Qingqing blows up to the sky?"

Tang Chen roared at Ying: "I told you, you have the ability to come at me and let Qingqing go!"

Ying said: "Don't worry, you are doomed today, as for whether you let go of your woman, it also depends on her performance."

He turned to Luo Qingqing and said, "Miss Luo, your sweetheart is here, tell me, what is your choice?"

As he spoke, he shook the bomb detonator in his hand towards Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing's tears came down, the arrogance and strength just now were gone.She said to Tang Chen in pain: "Tang Chen, I don't want to die, and I don't want you to die either!"

Ying snorted coldly: "What nonsense, do you want you to die together? This is easy to handle. I can beat him into a sieve with one order, and blow you up to the sky with the push of a button. In this way , you're all done, but is this fun? Huh?"

As he spoke, he lifted Luo Qingqing's chin with his fingers, leaned in front of her with a masked face, and said with a sinister smile, "What do you think? Is this fun?"

"Bah! You lunatic!" Luo Qingqing spat at Ying.

"Oh, at this time, you are still playing with me. Then I will beat Tang Chen into a sieve first, and let you watch your beloved's blood drain little by little!"

As he said, with a wave of his hand, the three men beside him pointed the fire crossbow at Tang Chen and were about to pull the trigger!
Although Tang Chen was not afraid of death, it would be too useless to die like this and not be able to save Luo Qingqing.

Therefore, he clenched his hands into fists and fixed his eyes on those three men!
"Don't, don't! Tang Chen!" Luo Qingqing shouted heartbreakingly.

Tang Chen stared at her with fixed eyebrows, his whole face was distorted by pain and guilt.

"Qingqing, I'm sorry!"

He looked at Ying with pain in his eyes: "Ying, you killed me and avenged your family, so just let Qingqing go! She is innocent!"

Ying laughed and said, "It depends on my mood!"

There was clearly no sincerity in his words.

"I don't want to live alone! Since I'm going to die, Tang Chen, I can't let you die in the hands of such a group of Xiaoxiao. Ying, don't you want me to kill him? Come on, let me go, I will kill him for you !"

Tang Chen looked at Luo Qingqing, his eyes were a little moist: "That's fine, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely live up to you!"

Ying looked a little interesting, so he stuffed a fire crossbow into Luo Qingqing's hand, and said with a smile: "The explosive point has finally come, you just aim at the center of his eyebrows, slap, his head will be blown." Blown to pieces. As long as you do a good job, I'll let you go!"

With trembling hands, Luo Qingqing held the fire crossbow and aimed it between Tang Chen's eyebrows.

Tang Chen stared at her without the slightest fear, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It is the happiest thing for me to die under Qingqing's hands!
There is one thing that I have been forgetting to tell you, I love you, Qingqing, I love you! "

Luo Qingqing burst into tears, "Okay, I understand. You go ahead and wait for me by the bridge of Naihe! I will never live alone!"

Ying clapped loudly: "Hey, I'm so touched, I'm so moved that I want to show kindness and want to let you go. So, before I show kindness, Luo Qingqing, I'll count one, two, three, you have to do it!" !"

Luo Qingqing's fire crossbow aimed at Tang Chen and pulled the trigger!

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